View Full Version : Eldar 10 day 2000 point personal challenge, and an introduction

12-07-2013, 04:46 AM
Hi BoLS loungers let me start by introducing myself:

THE INTRO: (if you just want to read about my hairbrained hobby challenge skip to THE CHALLENGE.)

My name is Hogleg I play in Austin and sometimes show up on the mainsite. I was finally shamed into making an account and participating in the lounge by Larry (Big Red). You may have seen me on a battle report or two with my Rust Crons, losing probably. If you want to beat me in 40k turn on a camera. (Or don't your odds are pretty good you're facing a dumb list I made cause I want to see Tomb Blades on the table top).

I feel like I should talk a little about my playstyle and list building style before I describe my project. First off I'm a tournament player most of my beer and pretzels games are tournament training. Second off, I'm not a WAAC gamer. I will loudly shame players who can't have fun if they lose. My lists all adhere to fluff appropriate rules, and I love finding success in events with little used units. If my opponent isn't having fun, I'm not. Get your 5 daemons or three heldrakes out of my dominion!

I just started an Eldar Army two days ago with the goal of having a 2000 point list painted and ready for our local year end tournament of Champions (our local store has quarterly winners and invites those winners to participate in a year end tourney). I've played the Necrons for a year, I bought the Holiday bundle last year and built from there; which is what I'm doing this year with Eldar. I'm retiring Crons for two reasons: I won my way into the local champions bracket and placed 12th at Wargames Con last year with Necrons, so I've mastered them to the best of my ability. And in the last two months the army has been knocked onto the ground and broken pretty badly. They've earned a protected spot in a closet I think. This leaves me with a problem: I need an army for the year end tourney on Dec 15th.

I'm not an out of sight painter, but I also strive to paint each model to the best of my ability. I reject three colors! If you're still with me after all that let's look at the project!

I have two Ghost Warriors holiday bundles as the basis for the army, and an Eldar Battle Force I won in a tourney. From that I bought a Wave Serpent a Farseer and a Spirit Seer. With those models I know I should be painting Craftworld Iyanden, especially since I'll sometimes run their ruleset, but I hate their color scheme. Deviating from that fluff bugs me but I'm over it. I'll be painting Craftworld Iybraesil.

Here is the list (keep in mind it's a tournament of champions list for Austin. I may see Goatboy on the table or some dudes like that, so I realize two wraith knights go against what I said up there about not being a dick). Also feel free to say what you wanna about the list, but because of the deadline I've got to stick with what's below.



10x Wraithblades (axes and shields)
10x Wraithguard
5x Wraithguard (D-Scythes, Wave Serpent w/ holofields and scatter lasers)
5x Wraithguard (Wave Serpent w/ holofields and scatter lasers)

Heavy Support:

Wraithknight (Suncannon Shield and Scatterlaser)
Wraithknight (Wraithcannons)

Pause while I thank you guys for sticking with me, here are the photos so far:

THE CHALLENGE (Photos are wonky initially, the new ones will be better.)

Paint and base 2k points of Eldar (36 models) in 10 days to a high tabletop standard. I'm also trying to avoid metallic paints and too many hard edge highlights.

The Test Model:


The model is primed black then based with Kantor Blue, the primary color is sotek green/blue. The shoulders will designate squads this one is obviously orange.

I'm not happy with the tabard, but as you can see paint got a little thick on this model as I settled into a paint scheme. My hope is that the Iybraesil decal will enhance that (decals to be added post challenge).

I haven's settled on basing yet, I'm either doing spring or fall (flowers or leaves basically).

Here is the wave serpent for the orange guards:


The weather turned in Texas and dropped from 85 degrees to 30 degrees and rain, so priming may slow me down. Because I couldn't prime tonight I started building:

First Wraithknight, the goal is to make him look like he's landing. I'm not totally happy with the pose, but I like it.


12-07-2013, 07:03 AM
I'll keep an eye on this challenge. I did something similar during the summer with my Tau in 10 days... even though it wasn't in preparation for a tournament.

The orange/blue work pretty well together IMO.

Dave Fothergill
12-07-2013, 07:19 AM
Hi and welcome.

Being an avid blood angels fan I've never painted eldar but I have to say I like your colour scheme keep posting your work I'd like to see the army all painted and ready for battle.