View Full Version : Community-Made Black Templars Supplement

12-06-2013, 03:50 PM
I set out to create, with the help of the 40K community, a fun and balanced codex supplement. My gaming experience is very limited. I think if you do the math on some of these rules, fully-manned Crusader Squads can potentially deal out something like 100+ hits! So to all 'Grim-Dark' hobbyists, your contributions of experience are welcome!

I kept hearing about how expensive Helbrecht, Grimaldus, and the Emperor's Champion had become in relation to their function. So I knocked off a few points and made them (at least in my inexperienced mind) stronger.

I gave Helbrecht an additional Toughness point due to his bionics. Bionics is not a rule anymore, so this seemed a good way to reflect this.

Grimaldus is the Chaplain of Chaplains, so he is now Toughness 6 with a special Crozius Arcanum.

The Emperor's Champion is also now T5 and Monster Hunter to help him out with Challenges, since the now-AP3 power sword is less likely to cut higher-end armors.

Another change I made was to the army selection over all. Since Sword Brethren Squads were removed all-together (thank goodness some say) I gave Black Templars Elite selections a Sword Brethren rule. I think it's safe to assume that is the Black Templars consider these knights as 'elite' they are probably Sword Brethren.

12-07-2013, 07:28 AM
First thing I noticed was that you have a Relic that gives the whole army +1 Leadership for 20 points, I'm afraid thats far too powerful, more like 30 points and only for the squad joined.

12-07-2013, 09:45 AM
Too strong? Ok. I used Codex: Black Templars as a reference and this seemed the best way to both reflect its original function and restore the Marshal's ability to boost Leadership across the whole army. I'll get on that fix. Any other concerns or comments?

12-07-2013, 12:33 PM
a couple things.

A warlord trait that affects the whole army, giving relentless. That seems wrong. It's warlord trait, not a chapter tactic. Change that one to unit at best. WLT 6 seems like too much bookkeeping to me.

Your High Marshall is WS 5? Isn't he 6 in the SM book. What makes Grimaldus T6? He's not Cassius, who is more machine than man in the current dex.

If you really want Sword Breathren, couldn't you just use Vanguard or Sternguard, depending on what role you wanted. I seem to recall them just being veteran BT marines.

I don't see how the new BT rules make them worse than before, I see them better, with more options. This is 6th ed, not whatever edition the old book came out.

12-07-2013, 12:41 PM
a couple things.

A warlord trait that affects the whole army, giving relentless. That seems wrong. It's warlord trait, not a chapter tactic. Change that one to unit at best. WLT 6 seems like too much bookkeeping to me.

Your High Marshall is WS 5? Isn't he 6 in the SM book. What makes Grimaldus T6? He's not Cassius, who is more machine than man in the current dex.

If you really want Sword Breathren, couldn't you just use Vanguard or Sternguard, depending on what role you wanted. I seem to recall them just being veteran BT marines.

I don't see how the new BT rules make them worse than before, I see them better, with more options. This is 6th ed, not whatever edition the old book came out.

Oh they're much better and you can get all the same flavour as before, its just people moaning really

12-07-2013, 01:12 PM
Oh, I know this. I sorta still moan about certain things in the Eldar codex and the SoB book. I'm generally not a fan of "fan made" codex, and would never play someone using one.

12-11-2013, 05:53 PM
After getting a lot of good from feedback from many sources, changes have been made, some small, other dramatic.

Thank you to all and please keep commenting!