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View Full Version : Sulanthwe Craftworld Eldar WIP

12-06-2013, 02:03 PM
Hi guys,

I started this under the general forum looking for help with a colour scheme but now that I have the general scheme sorted out I thought that this would be a better place to post details of the work in progress on my new Eldar army for my Homebrew craftworld Sulanthwe.

I'm going for a dark, sinister colour scheme and trying to make them feel quite organic by avoiding metallics. I have tried a glowing look for the shuriken catapult barrels to help with the super advanced tech feeling of the Eldar but have not yet gone the whole hog of adding 'light spillage'. My blending skills aren't great and I'm a little worried I'd screw it up and would have to add the full effect to the whole army for consistency which would take ages and I'm a very slow painter.

I'm also not sure about the white witchblade for the warlock. I think it might be a bit too sharp a contrast and I'm considering trying for a crystalline blade using similar tones as the turquoise barrels of the shuriken weapons.

What do you think?

Heres the first finished squad, a unit of Guardians, weapon platform and attached Warlock.

I'll update with other units as I work on them.

As always, any comments, critique or suggestions are welcome.

12-06-2013, 02:10 PM
Heres some WIP shots of my farseer and Vyper conversions.

I was never happy with the standard Vyper mini. It just looked odd, badly balanced and too slow so I stripped it down to a single crewed, sleeker fast attack jetbike with overhead mounted weapons. I've fixed the underslung shuriken cannon but magnetised the other weapons so I can pick and choose the armament.

Again, comments and critique would be appreciated.




12-06-2013, 02:24 PM
How'd you attach the scannon? Mine are upside down :(

12-06-2013, 04:05 PM
It was a while ago that i put it together but i think i took the scannon on the Vyper chassis frame, cut the scatapults off the plate they're attached to and just trimmed the scannon down to fit. I'm working at the moment but i'll check the mini when i get home and post the final verdict when i can.

12-07-2013, 07:31 PM
Had a look tonight, I trimmed the scannon behind the feeder hose on the bottom. Trimmed the top edge and glued it to the plate the scatapults are on after cutting the barrels off.