View Full Version : Looking for a 28mm head / model similar to Infinity's 1st Highlanders SAS

12-05-2013, 11:14 PM
I'm putting together a 40k inquisitorial retinue and ever since I saw the opening art on the Thorian Inquisition stuff i've wanted to make a squad based around the same gear look. The problem i'm having is I can't find anything that has worked out so far (the closest thing i've ran across is the infinity 1st highlander SAS stuff) .... looking to put together a 10 man psyker team (since it's inquisition I want to have a good kill team feel instead of weak and decrepit sanctioned psykers) one thing with the psykers is wargear wise they are stuck with laspistols which isn't too much of a problem but messes with some model poses.

I want to try to find something similar to the SAS mask look, anyone know of anything that fits close with 40k scale and is similar?


12-05-2013, 11:35 PM
Pig-Iron are probably your best bet (http://www.pig-iron-productions.com/hd26-masked-heads-p-91.html):


12-05-2013, 11:54 PM
awesome man, how does pig-iron scale with 40k?

12-06-2013, 12:11 AM
I've not used them myself, but from everything I've seen they are basically designed to be compatible:

(not mine)

12-06-2013, 01:56 AM
You might also look at these (http://maxmini.eu/conversion-bits/head-swaps/boonie-heads-bits) and these (http://maxmini.eu/conversion-bits/head-swaps/Commando-Heads-bits).

12-06-2013, 01:57 AM
cool, guess my only probelm now is getting my hands on enough cadian torsos / laspistols to make them work ...

Should pull together well

pig-iron masked head
cadian torso
cadian laspistol - maybe a chainsword even though their weapon option says only a laspistol, really not sure what to do about the other arm
pig-iron near future infantry leg bits
and add in inquisition bits for flavor

guess the hardest part is finding arms that won't look awkward on the psykers (and I want to try to use the cadian arms / torso to keep a imperium feel to it .... thanks for the help man.

12-06-2013, 07:21 AM
I would recomend Victoria Miniatures http://victoriaminiatures.highwire.com/

She has lots of great and characterful heads and other guard compatible bits.

As for what to do with the arms the Cadian kits are very versatile if you don't mind a bit of cutting and pinning. For left arms the heavy weapon team have two arms with open hands with a bent arms for holding binoculars/lasgun, the command squad has some good options, particularly the vox caster right arm and the arms with the standards. The special weapons left arms give some good options and there are pointing left and right arms (HWS and CMD respectively) which both look great holding a laspistol.

I have found you can get dynamic and and naturalistic poses just by swaping and rotating hands and a bit of greenstuff to adjust the angle of the arms. The Cadian legs also lend themselves really well to having one foot up on something, if you play around you can get anything from trudging "poor bloody infantry" to heroic poster boy, you can get the professional and dangerous look you are after fairly easily.

I also second Gotthammer that pig iron productions are a good option, I've used them and they fit well. The Cadian kits can do a lot once you start swapping the Spaceballs heads for something else.

Also for Inquisition stuff sparing use of bits from the WHFB Empire range work well.

Hope this has been of some help.