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View Full Version : 1500 Chaos Marine Army

12-05-2013, 06:30 AM
I previously posted a 1500 point list which I played a game with against a friend this weekend who was using Tau-Eldar. The list seemed to have some holes in it, some things that didn't feel like they carried their weight and then some that felt awesome but I just prioritised targets wrongly.

My new list is below, changes from old list, dropped a Predator, 3 vanilla havocs and unit of 10 cultists, changed Oblits from Mark of Tzeentch to Nurgle, added 1 extra thousand son and split them into two units and added an extra heldrake. The list is meant to be competitive but still be fun to play against with that in mind I would greatly appreciate any advise people have on what they think about what will work, wont work, changes they would make or if you think I'm just going completely wrong.


Aegis Defense Line (100pts)
Gun emplacement with quad-gun


Ahriman (230pts)


10 Chaos Space Marines (195pts)
2 Meltagun, Melta Bombs
Chaos Rhino (35pts)

5 Thousand Sons (Troops) (155pts)

5 Thousand Sons (Troops) (190pts)
Melta Bombs
Chaos Rhino

Fast Attack

Heldrake (170pts)

Heldrake (170pts)

Heavy Support

6 Havocs (128pts)
4x Autocannon

2 Obliterators (158pts)
Mark of Nurgle, Veteran of The Long War