View Full Version : 2000 points of Eldar - Iyanden flavored

12-03-2013, 12:19 PM
Total Roster Cost: 1985

HQ: Spiritseer (1#, 85 pts)
1 Spiritseer, 70 pts
1 Spear of Teuthlas, 15 pts

HQ: Spiritseer (1#, 85 pts)
1 Spiritseer, 70 pts
1 Guardian Helm of Xellethon, 15 pts

HQ: Spiritseer (1#, 100 pts)
1 Spiritseer, 70 pts
1 The Wraithforge Stone, 30 pts

Heavy Support: Wraithknight (1#, 320 pts)
1 Wraithknight, 320 pts = (base cost 240 + Suncannon 40) + Scatter Laser x2 40

Troops: Wraithblades (6#, 330 pts)
5 Wraithblades, 160 pts = 5 * 32
1 Wave Serpent, 170 pts = (base cost 115 + Ghostwalk Matrix 10 + Star Engines 15 + Vectored Engines 15) + TL Bright Lances 5 + Shuriken Cannon 10

Troops: Wraithguard (6#, 380 pts)
5 Wraithguard, 210 pts = 5 * 42 (base cost 32 + D-Scythe 10)
1 Wave Serpent, 170 pts = (base cost 115 + Ghostwalk Matrix 10 + Star Engines 15 + Vectored Engines 15) + TL Bright Lances 5 + Shuriken Cannon 10

Troops: Wraithguard (5#, 160 pts)
5 Wraithguard, 160 pts = 5 * 32

Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 165 pts)
1 Wraithlord, 165 pts = (base cost 120 + Ghostglaive 5) + Bright Lance x1 20 + Starcannon x1 20

Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 165 pts)
1 Wraithlord, 165 pts = (base cost 120 + Ghostglaive 5) + Bright Lance x1 20 + Scatter Laser x1 20

Fast Attack: Crimson Hunter Exarch (1#, 195 pts)
1 Crimson Hunter Exarch, 195 pts = (base cost 160 + Exarch 20 + Night Vision 5 + Marksman's Eye 10)

12-03-2013, 02:21 PM
Drop -

Spear of Teuthlas - 15 points to make give it 6" and Rending in an army of S10 . . . not needed

2nd Scatter Laser on Wraithknight - it can only fire 2 guns per turn, all it needs is a SL and Suncannon

Wave Serpents - Ghostwalk Matrix, Star Engines, Vectored Engines (pick up Holofields). They are already fast and the rest is so situationally useful that it doesn't justify the points.

Crimson Hunter Night Vision - Night Fighting is a first turn thing usually and you won't be on the board for the first turn, by the time Night Vision comes into play late in the game you'll already be close enough that it won't benefit what you're shooting at much.

That frees up 90 points for you!

Another suggestion - change the TL bright lances on your Wave Serpents to TL Scatter Lasers. Your army has plenty of antitank weapons, it could use some more anti-infantry and the Scatter Lasers will make the bow wave and shurikannon shooting more effective, too.

12-03-2013, 02:40 PM
So, I made the suggested changes, as well as dropping the exarch on the crimson hunter. I am keepin GWM and VE on the wave serpents, also picking up holo fields. VE so I can park them *** first to disgorge my wraiths and then flip the serpent around.

I switched the spear for the Spirit stone to make the 'battle focus' spell one WC for my foot bound wraithguard so they can close faster

Total Roster Cost: 2000

HQ: Spiritseer (1#, 85 pts)
1 Spiritseer, 70 pts
1 The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan, 15 pts

HQ: Spiritseer (1#, 85 pts)
1 Spiritseer, 70 pts
1 Guardian Helm of Xellethon, 15 pts

HQ: Spiritseer (1#, 100 pts)
1 Spiritseer, 70 pts
1 The Wraithforge Stone, 30 pts

Heavy Support: Wraithknight (1#, 300 pts)
1 Wraithknight, 300 pts = (base cost 240 + Suncannon 40) + Scatter Laser x1 20

Troops: Wraithblades (6#, 355 pts)
5 Wraithblades, 160 pts = 5 * 32
1 Wave Serpent, 195 pts = (base cost 115 + Ghostwalk Matrix 10 + Holo-Fields 15 + Vectored Engines 15 + Crystal Targeting Matrix 25) + TL Scatter Lasers 5 + Shuriken Cannon 10

Troops: Wraithguard (6#, 405 pts)
5 Wraithguard, 210 pts = 5 * 42 (base cost 32 + D-Scythe 10)
1 Wave Serpent, 195 pts = (base cost 115 + Ghostwalk Matrix 10 + Holo-Fields 15 + Vectored Engines 15 + Crystal Targeting Matrix 25) + TL Scatter Lasers 5 + Shuriken Cannon 10

Troops: Wraithguard (5#, 160 pts)
5 Wraithguard, 160 pts = 5 * 32

Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 165 pts)
1 Wraithlord, 165 pts = (base cost 120 + Ghostglaive 5) + Bright Lance x1 20 + Starcannon x1 20

Heavy Support: Wraithlord (1#, 165 pts)
1 Wraithlord, 165 pts = (base cost 120 + Ghostglaive 5) + Bright Lance x1 20 + Scatter Laser x1 20

Fast Attack: Crimson Hunter Exarch (1#, 180 pts)
1 Crimson Hunter Exarch, 180 pts = (base cost 160 + Exarch 20)

12-03-2013, 04:00 PM
Lose the Spiritseer with the Guardian Helm, he's just a liability taking up points.

Also lose the Crystal Targeting Matrices, they're over-priced and not worthwhile on a Wave Serpent. Maybe handy on a Fire Prism or Night Spinner, but probably still not worth it.