View Full Version : Scaled "badass" terminator force

Juan-Carlos Lander
12-02-2013, 06:38 PM
So my plan is to create a five man team of true scale terminators(chapter undecided) using bits and green-stuff.
here is what iv come up with already.

As we all know the body is wrong regarding the position of the arms and the size of it and where the head is in relation. to correct this i have taken one standard terminator chest and one gk terminator back plate.

Back-plate has had the hood removed and filed down as well as the rims
chest-plate has had the loop taken off.

theses two pieces don't fit together properly(but thats okay) what you want is the chest to be leaning out from the top once they are together remove arm joint/face by filing it away.....more coming soon/when i can be arsed.

Cpt Codpiece
12-03-2013, 05:52 AM

this is a WIP of my scaled termies.

plasticard foot booster, hips raised with 2 strips of plasticard then GS to extend chest to scale (not shown on pic), arm joints trimmed down 3mm so arms are lower and more natural.

thats the process i use :) (ill see if i have better pics on my comp)

Juan-Carlos Lander
12-03-2013, 06:39 AM
what i mean by scaled is that a bigger version to look imposing in a game

Juan-Carlos Lander
12-03-2013, 01:52 PM
Sorry more pressing things have come up so this project is scratched.