View Full Version : Sizes of differant miniature lines

12-01-2009, 10:07 PM
A simple enough question, how does the scale of Hasslefree's line of mini's compare to GW's? I know they are both ostensibly 28mm figures, but GW's model size tends to be a little bigger than that. I found a few that I think could make good additions to my Inquisition army, but I can't tell if they would look too small when next to my GW minis.

And while we are on the subject, what other miniature lines have some of you found that mesh well with 40k in terms of size and style?

12-01-2009, 11:31 PM
40K is in Heroic 28mm scale, while many others are in True 28mm scale.

12-02-2009, 01:53 AM
Void (aka Urban Warfare now I think.) are very much in line with 40K. Some of their stuff is very in keeping with some Imperium Armies.

John M>

12-02-2009, 06:26 AM
I just got some models from a line called Madpuppet minis. They are actually a little taller than my GW humans, I'm using them for Goliaths in my Necro gang.

12-02-2009, 01:26 PM
Hasslefree scales very well to GW - Kev White used to work for them even. The issue is that a number of the HFree minis are 'slighter' of build than GW or bulkier - they're character models rather than army builders so have a much bigger range.

As for other lines Urban War/Metropalis works well (and fit the style rather closely too), as do the Privateer Press figures. Heresy, Red Box, Dark Sword, Eolith and the old Rackham metals are all compatible.
Reaper can be a little hit or miss, I've been suprised with some humas a head taller than Marines, but it is rare outside of evil knights or barbarians. I've found the European sculptors tend to be going for a 35mm heroic scaling. I bought some Anima Tactics guys to use but they're almost 40mm tall! Rather annoying when they were described as 28mm...

I can put some scale comparison pics up tomorrow if you want (what HFree minis were you looking at? I'll take their pics if I have them).

12-02-2009, 06:22 PM
I can put some scale comparison pics up tomorrow if you want (what HFree minis were you looking at? I'll take their pics if I have them).

Specifically her: http://www.frpgames.com/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=55148

I with a little very minor converting (i.e. weapons) she would be great as a female acolyte in my Inquisition force, I have been looking for a while to add some good female models but it's hard to find them....

12-02-2009, 10:26 PM
Got her - painted up too - using her as an acolyte in my inquisitor's retinue as it happens ;) I'll have pics tonight.

12-02-2009, 10:55 PM
Got her - painted up too - using her as an acolyte in my inquisitor's retinue as it happens ;) I'll have pics tonight.

Great minds think alike? ;)

I also found this gal:


Maybe I can just add both, along with the Necromunda Cal Jerico model I have it would round out to a full three acolytes...

12-02-2009, 11:32 PM
I use Pig Iron Productions Near-Future Kolony miliita as my Inquisitorial storm troopers. I did some conversions for meltaguns, but other than that they're great, perhaps a little slight, but once you pop them on a round base they mesh pretty well.

12-03-2009, 12:14 PM
Here you go:


L-R: Privateer Press (as Rogue Trader), Urban War Viridian Sniper (as Acolyte), Dione, GW dude, GW =I=

Not the greatest photo, but it is 5 in the morning :p

12-03-2009, 01:47 PM
Interesting, all of those are models I had found and considered. The Hasslefree stuff fits in just fine, she just looks like a slightly built woman, and the viridian sniper (ironically another model I was looking at as a potential Vindicare "counts-as") is from the same range as the second model I was considering, so she should be the same scale. And it seems that Privateer Press models are nearly the exact same scale as GW's range.

Thanks for the pics, I suppose it speaks to the paucity of good female models out there that both of us found the same handful of them in the effort to add some gender balance to our forces :p.

12-03-2009, 02:11 PM
Funnily Kev White of Hasslefree worked for i-Kore (some sculpts used for Urban War/Metropolis), and does work currently for Privateer Press (and may have sculpted the figure above, but I don't know for certain). I'm seeing a common thread here...

Also as I mentioned earlier the Hasslefree stuff has a wide range of builds, fo Dionne is a slighter figure, while some of the modern adventurers and such are more to GW styling. I've got a few Viridians and they're all around the same scale, being designed for army-building rather than as character pieces.
Infinity is another range that's pretty compatible, though all the figures tend to be taller and lankier than GW stuff.