View Full Version : Belakor is coming!

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 09:20 AM
Just received an email from Black Library, and Belakor is making a return in a digital supplement.





The first Daemon Prince of Warhammer is now part of 40k.

Supplement to contain rules and new background.

As a Daemon Player, I r excite!

12-01-2013, 09:28 AM
I think fo 40k he's for chaos marines.

Edit, just downloaded the 40k version, can be used in both Daemons and Chaos Marines.

350pts, armourbane, fleshbane. Eternal warrior, knows all the telepathy spells plus quite a bit more. But 350pts wow.

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 09:43 AM
Just downloaded it meself!

Oh my he is pokey!

Did one of your units fail a morale check? Then I'll have an additional D3 warp charges...

And all morale checks from Fear at -1 Ld? That's awesomely cool for Daemons!

12-01-2013, 10:09 AM
How much is it?

And someone want to post fuller rules to give the rest of us an idea if its worth it?

12-01-2013, 10:23 AM
£2.99 for either the 40k one or Fantasy and £4.99 for a combined one. Expensive ? Not really. Is it worth the money ? No this easily should have been a White Dwarf addition. It's a couple pages of fluff and a data sheet.
I think myself and Mystery have covered his rules more or less tbh.

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 11:38 AM
Background is pretty cool, but I suspect there will be people who don't like it. And blame it on Mat Ward.

Blood Shadow
12-01-2013, 11:42 AM
Sounds to me like 40k finally found a worthy super villain

Archon Charybdis
12-01-2013, 12:10 PM
Background is pretty cool, but I suspect there will be people who don't like it. And blame it on Mat Ward.

Mind giving a quick rundown of his 40K fluff? I find it interesting being as he's a new addition to the 40K background.

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 12:17 PM
Potted version....

First Daemon Prince. Elevated by all four Gods.

Played them off against each other.

Not as subject to free will as he thinks.

Appears to be watching over Abaddon, seemingly helping, but subtly hindering, fanning flames that might otherwise have gone out.

Archon Charybdis
12-01-2013, 12:54 PM
So still kind of similar to his Fantasy fluff, but sans his being thrown down and forced to be the Everchosen (or in this case Warmaster)'s *****?

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 01:00 PM

Also suggests that as the big four have no intention of colluding on an acscension ever again (Be'Lakor was quite the handful), and Abaddon doesn't seem interested in pledging to a single power, Daemonhood is off the table.

Doesn't say that specifically, or even suggest it. Just my take!

12-01-2013, 01:13 PM
350 pts is about right for a kitted out Daemon Prince. A kitted out DP of Tzeentch is 355 pts.

12-01-2013, 01:25 PM
I hope we see a lot more of these in the future, really cool idea

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 01:28 PM
This one is from the first 'door' on their advent calendar, so 24 more to go!

12-01-2013, 01:52 PM
£2.99 for either the 40k one or Fantasy and £4.99 for a combined one. Expensive ? Not really. Is it worth the money ? No this easily should have been a White Dwarf addition. It's a couple pages of fluff and a data sheet.
I think myself and Mystery have covered his rules more or less tbh.

When was the last time they actually published new rules in WD? Those days are long gone, the magazine is just an art gallery now.

12-01-2013, 02:01 PM
When was the last time they actually published new rules in WD? Those days are long gone, the magazine is just an art gallery now.

I have to agree WD has suffered because of all these digital releases. I think GW could easily add 50 % of these releases to WD and still have enough digital content to sell online. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge GW making profits where and when it sees fit, but not by diluting other products like White Dwarf.

Back on topic though, I did enjoy the fluff written in the 40k part of this release. The Relictors short story was especially enjoyable.

Arkhan Land
12-01-2013, 02:07 PM
Back on topic though, I did enjoy the fluff written in the 40k part of this release. The Relictors short story was especially enjoyable.

man now I have to buy this cursed thing

White Tiger88
12-01-2013, 02:20 PM
Anyone buy it.....how op is here?

12-01-2013, 02:28 PM
Anyone buy it.....how op is here?

He's good, and its wonderful that chaos got some love, but hes no 55pt div buff.

basically if you we're running a prince before then he's something to think about, but there's no need to run out and include him in every list.

White Tiger88
12-01-2013, 02:29 PM
He's good, and its wonderful that chaos got some love, but hes no 55pt div buff.

basically if you we're running a prince before then he's something to think about, but there's no need to run out and include him in every list.

Ah iv been running a Bloodthrister........just wondering if he is worth switching him for :P

12-01-2013, 02:33 PM
could be tempting, less combat potential but guaranteed all telepathy powers is pretty nice. not sure what his initial ML level is though.

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 02:35 PM
Level 3....

12-01-2013, 02:35 PM
I like the fact he's got Eternal warrior and 4+ inv, his weapons pretty bad *** too. He's what a Daemon prince should be.

White Tiger88
12-01-2013, 02:36 PM
What are his stats though......i want to compare them to a Thirster for kicks...and can he take Demonic Rewards?

12-01-2013, 02:44 PM
What are his stats though......i want to compare them to a Thirster for kicks...and can he take Demonic Rewards?

then buy the book

12-01-2013, 02:45 PM
What are his stats though......i want to compare them to a Thirster for kicks...and can he take Demonic Rewards?

he's a daemon prince

White Tiger88
12-01-2013, 02:50 PM
he's a daemon prince

Oh god......special character that can take demonic rewards.....thats........Both evil and amazing!

12-01-2013, 03:20 PM
no he cant do that, I was talking about his stats

White Tiger88
12-01-2013, 03:22 PM
no he cant do that, I was talking about his stats

Ya just noticed that lol! Still he is pretty damn good and really is hard to pick him or a Bloodthirster both are killy.....but one gets spells....

Mr Mystery
12-01-2013, 03:55 PM
Don't underestimate the -1 Ld on fear tests. Makes Marines WS1 (or am I thinking Warhammer?) far more often, saving your dudes from a hoofing.

Plus, he's a much, much betterer model than a Bloodthirster!

12-01-2013, 04:18 PM
its fear dude, marines are immune. infact its mostly only CSM's that care.

12-01-2013, 04:20 PM
Anyone buy it.....how op is here?

He compares very closely to the Black Legion Daemon Prince of Nurgle (maxed out) with the Ark of the Coven... I mean, with the Last Memory. All Telepathy (automatic Invisibility) powers is a great situation, but 3 rolls on Biomancy plus the Last Memory is really good also. I'd give the Memory Prince the nod on Psychic abilities even though Bel is Ld10, but having Eternal Warrior, Fleshbane, and 4++ makes up for not having a chance at Iron Arm. Overall, a really good balance of points and abilities, I like that they put in a cool character and seem to have balanced him well.

Archon Charybdis
12-01-2013, 04:45 PM
Don't underestimate the -1 Ld on fear tests. Makes Marines WS1 (or am I thinking Warhammer?) far more often, saving your dudes from a hoofing.

And They Shall Follow No Rules. Half the armies in the game are immune to it, cuz reasons.

12-01-2013, 05:07 PM
nah its because terror was too OP.

Lord Lorne Walkier
12-01-2013, 07:42 PM
Am I the only one to think that having a named Character in both 40k and WHFB means the link between them is back? Are the backgrounds for both the same? What differences are there if any?

12-01-2013, 07:49 PM
the daemons have always been the exception to that rule, tehy all exist in both universes.

though I did wish valkia had a 40k rendition, either a straight daemon port or a fluff mod for CSM.

12-02-2013, 03:45 AM
the daemons have always been the exception to that rule, tehy all exist in both universes.

though I did wish valkia had a 40k rendition, either a straight daemon port or a fluff mod for CSM.

Well we could well get a dataslate for her this month