View Full Version : Allocating wounds in assault

12-01-2013, 05:18 AM
Models A and B are part of a squad. Model A is in base contact with 5 enemy models. Model B is in base contact with 2 enemy models that are not in contact with Model A. All 7 enemy models strike at initiative step 3.

EXAMPLE 1 - Are to hits rolls, to wound rolls done seperately - 5 on model A and 2 on model B.


EXAMPLE 2 - Are to hits rolls, to wound rolls done collectively - all 7 - allowing me to then allocate potentially 7 wounds onto model A before having to allocate them to model B should model A perish.

My reading of the rules is the second version.....Some guys at my games club feel it is the first version. We cant seem to figure it out between us....

Any help would be great - especially pointing in the direction of any official FAQ.

12-01-2013, 06:05 AM
If models A and B are not Independent Characters, then all attacks and wounds are rolled for collectively. If models A and B are Independent Characters, then you separate the attacks and wound rolls -- with the separate enemy models devoted to attacking only those ICs they are in contact with.

12-01-2013, 06:47 AM
If models A and B are not Independent Characters, then all attacks and wounds are rolled for collectively. If models A and B are Independent Characters, then you separate the attacks and wound rolls -- with the separate enemy models devoted to attacking only those ICs they are in contact with.

That was last edition, and was pretty much replaced by challenges.

on page 25 of BRB.

Wounds are allocated and resolved starting with the closest model.

To resolve casualty removal allocate each wound to an enemy model in base contact with a model attacking at that initiative step. If there is more than one eligible candidate the player controlling the models being attacked chooses which model it is allocated to. Roll the model's saving throw and remove the casualty as needed.

So I think its pretty clear that the correct example is 2.

12-01-2013, 09:43 AM
Example 2 is correct as long as all 7 enemy models are part of the same unit. Otherwise, each enemy unit attacks separately and will separately decide which is the "closest" enemy model (which could still result in the same situation, if all enemy units are in b2b contact with both friendly models, A and B).

12-01-2013, 02:04 PM
It works exactly like allocating wounds with shooting weapons, just broken up by Initiative step.