View Full Version : Stealth Suits with Vespid Support.

11-30-2013, 02:36 PM
Well for starters I for one rarely play with my stealth suits since they die to Tau due to losing cover saves and being wounded on 2s. However against everything else they seem to do pretty well. The new codex gave them more fire power although they did lose out on drones an extra bs, 2 drones compared to 12 drones is losing out on wounds.

Anyway the unit can infiltrate and deep strike which gives you options. You can take two fusion guns in the squad, but thanx to the Tau Faq you can take 3 crisis suits with 6 fusion guns which makes it difficult to choose between these guys and stealth suits for fire power.

The fact that stealth suits can infiltrate can easily put them in a position to do turn 1 damage which Crisis Suits can't do unless armed with plasma or missile pods. However you can get early fusion hits and pour out 4 shots a model and 2 extra per drone. This unit is still a good anti infantry unit. If fusion is taken it wouldn't be a bad ideal to use target locks to shoot seperately at different targets.

Now with one slot available the suits can take gear which allows for acurate deep strike insertion. Which is good since you can infiltrate in terrain for 2 plus cover saves and than have what you want deep strike 6" of the unit on point like a Riptide or Crisis Suit. However vespids is an overlooked option.

Deep Striking Vespids in cover is ideal due to move through cover. Also in ruins they have a 3plus cover save. Ruins is one of the most playee terrain pices in 40k so gettin a 3plus cover should be easy to pull off. Their guns are perfect for mowing down bikes, marines, sisters, veteran carapace armoured guard, etc. They have decent toughness which makes them as durable as the stealth suits.

What I think is great is if you assault them the stealth suits can fire back. Now thinking about it having a gun drone squad is perfect to run with these two squads as well since the gun drones have twin linked shots. 10 gun drones can dish out 20 twin linked overwatched shots with the stealth suits. If they assaulting the vespid. Of course they will get their fire out put as well. Roughly 60 possible over watch shots have to do some damage right.

Anyway this would be great for objective denial since both units can shoot within 18" and stay out of assault range relatively easily. Bikes would be hard to avoid, but not to many things in the game can keep pace with them.