View Full Version : Competitive collection for a Tyranids army?

Markus Lindlahr
11-28-2013, 02:52 AM
Hey everyone,

Just curious what a good competitive Tyranid collection should entail. I've been out of 40K for 2 editions now and was considering coming back but have lost touch with what a solid competitive collection would entail. Basically what models and how many should I have in my repertoire to choose from?

For example:
15 swarms
10 gene stealers
40 gaunts
15 Warriors
3 Brood Lord
3 Tyrant Guards
2 Carnifex's
1 Tyrant

or something like that.

Thanks in advance!

11-28-2013, 10:49 PM
Alas, you'll have to wait 60 days for the new codex (January release). No telling which ones will be buffed and which ones will be "balanced" (nerfed).

Aspire to Glory
11-28-2013, 11:34 PM
Alas, you'll have to wait 60 days for the new codex (January release). No telling which ones will be buffed and which ones will be "balanced" (nerfed).

Yeah, I'm fiending to start my Nids collection, but need to see what they've screwed with before I commit.

11-29-2013, 10:06 PM
Yeah, I'm fiending to start my Nids collection, but need to see what they've screwed with before I commit.

I'm in the exact same boat - I recently picked up the Tyranid Battleforce for almost nothing and I can't wait to get my hands on the new edition!