View Full Version : The army you'd like to start but...

12-01-2009, 02:34 AM
for me it's a Word Bearers host. I've got about half the models, forgeworld doors, legion shouldpads, blood slaughterer, daemon prince etc sat on a shelf at home so I'm totally ready to go. The problem I have is that I've made it too perfect in my head and I know that it'll play far too much like my imperial marines, my paint scheme won't be up to my standards (which vastly exceed my skills :p) and that'll I'll end up with a Dark Apostle that looks more like a chaplain in red armour than an evil chaos lunatic.

What's your "army you'd love to do but"?

12-01-2009, 02:45 AM
I'd love an all-veterans-in-power-armor army but I just can't get a list together that works. I love Sternguard but they're not troops and an all wolf guard army pays a 270 point premium in the form of logan grimnar. Still the IG keep me happy, marines would just be a plus.

12-01-2009, 03:00 AM
Ive got 2000pts of Marines sat here ready for painting but Ive promised myself I will not start them until my Guard are finished. Also after seeing a recent Blood Ravens thread I'm torn between a red or a blue color scheme......

12-01-2009, 04:21 AM
I'm bad in this regard as every week seems to be a different army I want to start so I'll go over all my problems :P

1> I would love to start a Fire Lords Space Marine army but money is tight and I got a necron army I want to really expand yet. Not to mention that space marines are everywhere (even through there are hardly any vanilla space marines around my area). This is at the top of my list right now through, I really like having additional armies to play as.

2> I would love to start a Brotherhood of Nod Imperial Guard army but the expensive of IG and having to paint that many models is a bit of a burn as I don't really enjoy the painting part of the hobby. Plus I know I'm not good at making custom models so I wouldn't really do a true Nod theme justice, just a paint job and list theme.

3> I would love to start a Sisters of Battle army but I hate metal models as it is, let alone an entire army of metal.

4> I would love to start an Emperor's Children army, but there are enough Chaos Marine players as it is in my area already. Granted none of them play Emperor's Children but still. Plus I don't want to listen to chaos marine players complain about how great their codex is any more and starting up such an army would only invite more of that (Flame Shield on!).

5> I would love to start an Iron Hands or Sons of Medusa army but after I got really interested someone else started doing heavy dreadnought armies so I kinda stopped that concept.

12-01-2009, 04:53 AM
I've learned something about myself over the past couple of years with this hobby: interest in armies, even specific builds of armies, waxes and wanes. Right now I'm finishing up a months-long marine project and I have to be honest...I don't want to touch a paintbrush to anything in marine power armor for a good long while.

...but I have those assault termies to do to bring my Ultras back up to 100% painted. So...yeah, I'm gonaa have to do that sooner rather than later.

As for starting other armies, I have sitting in arms reach: a complete and playable CSM, Tomb Kings, and Warriors of Chaos armies. Though none of them would be in anything resembling a build that satifies anything other than minimum FOC requirements. :)

The army I really want to do is my WH/SoB. I have all the troops acquired as well as HQ, and one heavy support. There's still much to acquire for it, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to at least start on it next....while I also work on finishing my first Epic: Armageddon army of 3K points (built, just not painted, I've been switching over to painting a stand/unit or two in between painting marines lately -- it breaks things up). I also purchase the occasional Reaper mini just to have something different to work on and try out/practice new/different techniques. I'm far, far from being "good", but I'm learning and practicing and that does help a lot in terms of getting better with painting.

But I also really want to paint up either the WoC or touch-up/re-paint my TK army (which will also require some purchases, additions and tweaking) because I feel the urge to learn WFB pretty strongly lately...

I've also discovered that I'm happiest when I've got 2 or 3 projects going on at the same time, because it keeps me from getting burned out and giving up completely (this is, unfortunately, a very recent lesson...as in, within the last couple of months or so). I'm very fortunate to be able to have the luxury of at least being able to start collecting an army piece by piece, albeit sometimes slowly. But hey, sometimes the acquisition is half the fun. :)

12-01-2009, 07:36 AM
I'd love to try a ~3000-3500 point footslogging Sisters army.with 232 models, but I am NOT going to be able to buy that many expensive metal models, nevermind paint them. Ugh, I can't stand painting metal anymore.

12-01-2009, 07:40 AM
In my heart of hearts, I'd dearly love to start Dark Eldar. Painting what I do have has stalled that, plus how I want to merge the DE stuff with fantasy Dark Elves to truly make it look good. But I've got the new larger Terminators to paint for my Death/Ravenwing army, and six Leman Russes to paint for the guard, so it's not gonna happen in 2010.

12-01-2009, 07:45 AM
Ive got 2000pts of Marines sat here ready for painting but Ive promised myself I will not start them until my Guard are finished. Also after seeing a recent Blood Ravens thread I'm torn between a red or a blue color scheme......

That Blood Ravens thread really makes me want to use red and white.

I want to start marines and always have. The problems is that I want Elysians or Kreig and neither of those are in plastic - yet.

12-01-2009, 08:12 AM
I would love to start Tau, but the army is just in a bad spot at the moment.

Lord Azaghul
12-01-2009, 08:26 AM
Spacemarines: but my guard seem to have a hard time dying to SM players already out there, and killing SM is really, really easy.

12-01-2009, 10:44 AM
Pre hersey EC ive already got a chaplin and fulgrim but buying in blocks never is affordable (for a kid on pocket money)

12-01-2009, 11:59 AM
That Blood Ravens thread really makes me want to use red and white.

I want to start marines and always have. The problems is that I want Elysians or Kreig and neither of those are in plastic - yet.

And with that "Army Painter" red spray, nice and easy too :)

12-01-2009, 12:27 PM
I upped and did it last year - having played SM, IG, CSM (and sold off Orks, Squats and witchhunters in the past) I fancied a total change, and went for Eldar.

And now I have sold my soul, have a few painted pointy ears, and have fished out those 2ed space wolves...

aaaaarggghh for a lottery win so I have time to paint everything......

12-01-2009, 12:37 PM
My first army was 500 points of Chaos Daemons. I want to make it a proper size army, but I'm waiting for plastic Horrors of Tzeentch and Plaguebearers to come out.

In the meantime, I picked up Chaos Tau so that I can scratch my Chaos itch.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-01-2009, 01:08 PM
Imperial guard and Tyranids.

so why NOT ?

I just cant "do" horde armies. I'm a *very* slow painter (not to mention average in skill-level) and combined with my other hobbies (music and film-making) I'd just lose the enthusiasm after a while. Also the guard I like are death korps, and those are just too expensive for me.

12-01-2009, 01:17 PM
A Salamanders sucessor chapter. Loads of dreads and fancy guns.

I haven't finished painting some of the models I got last year. HEy, I could make painting my new years resoloution. Doubt it will help but could be fun.

12-01-2009, 01:34 PM
A battlesuit heavy Tau army and a forgeworld Death Korps of Krieg army...but I have bills to pay.

12-01-2009, 01:38 PM
A japanese themed Eldar army and a legion of the damned space marine army.

12-01-2009, 03:00 PM
That Blood Ravens thread really makes me want to use red and white.


so im not the only one who wants to start one cos of that thread.

12-01-2009, 03:04 PM
I would love to do a Death Korps army as well... then again a Battlesuit tau army would be fun as well. If only I have an unlimited budget!


12-01-2009, 03:20 PM
I still need to flesh out my Praetorians. But, that will be a long term goal. I've painted over 2800pts since last December. So, I'm a bit burnt out there.

I recently started a Pre-Heresy Space Wolves army and I hope to have it completed before Adepticon.

What next? I'm waiting for the new Dark Eldar, that gives me plenty of time to work on IG and SWs. If the new models look good I'm in. If not, I may do Orks

12-01-2009, 04:00 PM
I had a couple of friends that were thinking of starting I was talking to them about me painting there armies and giving them some3 minis to start them off and do a 2000 point list for each. I came up with 3 armies

Crimson Fists
- Sniper army
- Sternguard, scouts snipers , Pedro, small honour guard
List was something like
5 honour guard
MOF w/conversion beamer
30 Scout snipers including tellion
20 stern guard
5 terminators
dread w/ Twin linked Las cannon, Twin linked Auto Cannon

- Jungle Warfare, unconventional warfare
- based loosely on America in Vietnam
- Big on heavy bolters, assault cannons, flamers, melta bombs

Mentor Legion
- Love the look and fluff of this army. If I was to start over on marines I would pick them
- Heavy on the high tech - Terminators, Plasma, Stern Guard, Las, Melta, dreads

12-01-2009, 08:54 PM
I fluctuate with mood.

When I'm in a sculpty mood, I want to do odd things with my DE and do some work on an allied kroot mercenary force (although I should really add some more effective units first, like a ravanger).

When I'm in a 'I want to play something different' mood, I want to work on a small Alpha Legion force.

When I'm in a painty mood, I want to do some exotic looking lizardmen. They'd be a display army, I have little interest in the WFB rules.

12-01-2009, 09:10 PM
:rolleyes: I have always been a true Imperial with Sisters, Black Templars, IG & Daemonhunters BUT after reading Legion I do have a hankering to do a Alpha Legion Army.
Who knows maybe ??????:cool:

Commissar Lewis
12-01-2009, 10:00 PM
I want to make a heavily Slaneeshi-based Chaos army. Using both Chaos Marines and converted sisters, with the army led by Fabius Bile (or my own version of him that is slightly different) . The fluff of my army will be that Bile has found a way to create Marines that still have all their drives and aren't chemically castrated and of course, female chaos marines (hence the sisters). Slaneesh - sex, drugs, and rock and roll incarnate.

Also I'm gonna have the Noise Marines wield guitars with amps on their backpacks for laughs, and I'm going to use other company's models for daemonettes/ an awesome Demon Princess, etc. If I only had the cash...

12-02-2009, 02:01 AM
I have wanted to start SM for a while and particularly IMP fists but yellow sucks to paint lol

12-02-2009, 02:20 AM
Pre-Heresy Word Bearers using the new Legion of the Damned models.

No, I'm not a masochist, why do you ask? My wallet, however...

12-02-2009, 07:35 AM
Traitor Guard with rogue psykers, mutants, etc. and pre-heresy Night Lords

12-02-2009, 01:54 PM
I like the models and I think I could make them work but:
-BS3 base is blahh....relying on pathfinders ain't fun in my opinion.
-I'm trying to stay with 2 armies, 1 shooty, 1 CC

Pre Heresy Zerker World Eaters:
Would love to be Black Templars on Crack but:
-To do em right I'd have to model em correctly and conversions and/or buying pre-heresy parts is prohibitively expensive
-I'm not a fan of Rhinos or Pods and Land Raider Crusaders aren't available...