View Full Version : Rules change? CSM

11-25-2013, 07:19 PM
I keep hearing how bad the chaos space marines have it with the new codex...

What rules would you change to make the army more playable?

(Excluding the drake and any daemon type models or allies).

11-25-2013, 08:05 PM
Legion rules.

Either drop must challenge OR allow access to wargear that lets them have better than mutual destruction odds against anything more than a guard sergeant.

Figure out why the frak atsknf is worth the same a votlw or cheaper.

11-25-2013, 09:14 PM
I would make a set of changes all related to deployment:

1: Allow Chosen, Possessed, and basic CSM to buy Scout for 3 pts/model
2: Allow Cultists to buy Infiltrate for 1 pt/model
3: Allow Helbrutes to buy Possessed for 30 pts, gives Daemon and Deep Strike
and, most of all,
4: Add Warp Assault: any unit with both the Daemon and Deep Strike rules may automatically come in from Reserve on either Turn 1 or Turn 2. All such units must come in on the same turn (basically, Deathwing assault for Daemon units).

This would give reasons to use Mutilators, Warp Talons, and Helbrutes, plus improve the usually ignored Possessed, Chosen, and CSM. It would fit with the CSM theme of "charge" rather than make them differently shooty Marines with Spikes.

11-26-2013, 11:14 PM
Introduce 'Legion Tactics'. Make them as good as Chapter Tactics.

Problem solved.

Right now Codex Chaos Space Marines is Codex: Typhus, Heldrakes, Flying Daemon Prince and shambling hordes of meatshield cultists.

11-27-2013, 01:47 AM
@Alex: Agree! The current chaos codex are not as interesting as the 3.5 ed csm codexes :(

11-27-2013, 01:59 AM
I personally don't think it's that bad a codex. I think people just lack imagination in list building and that they haven't fully explore the potential of the codex within 6th edition yet. Doesn't help that people over-reacted to Overwatch and claimed that "Assault is Dead!" instead of learning how to move models across the board in a tactical manner.

However I do believe that Cultists should have had Infiltrate, that Legion attributes (like SM Chapter Tactics) should have been added, and that more flyer options should have been made available.

11-27-2013, 04:41 AM
I personally don't think it's that bad a codex. I think people just lack imagination in list building and that they haven't fully explore the potential of the codex within 6th edition yet. Doesn't help that people over-reacted to Overwatch and claimed that "Assault is Dead!" instead of learning how to move models across the board in a tactical manner.

However I do believe that Cultists should have had Infiltrate, that Legion attributes (like SM Chapter Tactics) should have been added, and that more flyer options should have been made available.

then drop down to the thread bellow and tell us what you think in the chaos codex is like facing, serpents, tau, grav bikes, FMC's.....