View Full Version : FW: Castellum Strongholds

11-25-2013, 03:57 AM
New from Forgeworld:

When the situation calls for a prolonged deployment, Space Marines can rapidly construct modular fortified structures, known as Castellum Strongholds, to use as forward operating bases on a planet’s surface.

Designed by Blake Spence, the Realm of Battle Space Marine Castellum Stronghold is a 24" x 24" (609 mm x 609 mm) tile which can fit the Citadel Realm of Battle board. The model features areas that can accommodate Tarantula Sentry turrets, and its design allows several boards to be put together, expanding the size of the base. The Castellum Stronghold will be available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Saturday 30th November.

Castellum Strongholds were used in our Isstvan V display boards at Games Day UK which you can see here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tk45lsPTG0&feature=share&list=UUl4yV_tNEKZ4MkUVhiaMVXw)


Battle Ready Castellum
Bundle includes:
Castellum Stronghold x1,
Space Marine Air Defense Missile Launcher x1,
Space Marine Air Defense Command Platform x1,
Space Marine Tarantula with Lascannon x1,
Space Marine Tarantula with Heavy Bolters and
Space Marine Tarantula with Multi-Melta.


Castellum Citadel

Bundle includes:
Castellum Stronghold x4,
Space Marine Air Defense Missile Launcher x4,
Space Marine Air Defense Command Platform x1,
Space Marine Tarantula with Lascannon x4,
Space Marine Tarantula with Heavy Bolters x4 and
Space Marine Tarantula with Multi-Melta x4.


Our enemies employ their forts as sanctuaries, trembling inside in vain hope of deliverance. We too have our forts, yet ours we utilise not simply in the defence but, according to the founding dictates of the Codex Astartes, in the attack. We land our forts from orbit wherever we choose. With his front lines rendered meaningless, what foe can possibly mount a defence against us?

11-25-2013, 11:27 AM
With a little work, these would make a fantastic Arbites Precinct Fortress!

11-25-2013, 12:43 PM
nice piece of terrain but hmm 150 GBP to much if my monthly sallary is 250...
FW is for sure not for me. but i would like to have something like that :)

11-26-2013, 06:43 AM
nice piece of terrain but hmm 150 GBP to much if my monthly sallary is 250...
FW is for sure not for me.
That goes without saying, 250 PCM doesn't even cover rent in a flatshare let alone a hobby on top of that (unless you're into piracy).

Regarding the actual stronghold, it looks Ok but not brilliant. The crashed thunderhawk tile they do is dripping with detail and character. This one is about generic as you can get (unless there's iconography that i'm missing). It doesn't have to be covered with skulls or aquillas, but something that looks like it fits in the 40k world. Also from a gameplay standpoint it's a bit strange in that it doesn't actually provide that many good firing positions for your models.

11-26-2013, 12:00 PM
Experimental Rules for this fortress have been posted up by Forge World. Very nice they are too!

Castellum Stronghold Rules (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads/Product/PDF/C/Castellum_Stronghold.pdf)

11-27-2013, 12:30 PM
With a little work, these would make a fantastic Arbites Precinct Fortress!

Was thinking the same myself....

11-27-2013, 03:40 PM
While these are very nicely crafted pieces of terrain, I would guess that they are quite heavy and not easily transportable. One of the things I rather like about GW's plastic boards is that they're light, and one person can easily manage a whole set.

Does anyone have experience with the Forgeworld stuff who can give a personal account?

11-27-2013, 04:52 PM
Remember they can cost as little as 90 euros as well. you don't have to buy all of the forge world add on weapons you are able to take other miniature companies sentry guns or make your own :)