View Full Version : I am Considering Adding Centurions to my Unforgiven

Chris Copeland
11-24-2013, 03:50 PM
I played a fantastic game with a buddy yesterday at the GW store. He taught me first hand how wonderful the Space Marine Centurions are. Those guys can lay down some smack! He had a neat little trick: he brought along an allied Dark Angel contingent so that he could have a DA Librarian follow the Centurions around with a Power Field Generator, conferring a 4+ Invul save to the Centurions (the Power Field Generator is a nifty piece of Special Issue Wargear only available to the Unforgiven).

I am really impressed by this idea. I am considering doing the inverse: adding Space Marine allies to my Unforgiven to get access to the Centurions and then having a DA HQ follow the Centurions around with said Power Field Generator.

What do y'all think of this plan? It costs about 495 points to implement: 65 pts for a SM Librarian (cheap HQ), 60 pts for a bare bones squad of Scout Snipers (cheap troops), 280 pts for a unit of Centurions kitted out with Grav Cannons and Missile Launchers, and 90 pts for a Dark Angel Techmarine who follows the Cents around with the Power Field Generator.

Of course, in an 1850 pt game (pretty standard around here), that's just over a quarter of my points for one (really good) unit. I'm undecided... what do y'all think? Cheers. Cope

11-24-2013, 05:31 PM
But they look so silly.

It is a lot of points for one tactic, but it might work till your opponents discover a counter.

11-24-2013, 07:08 PM
The real power of Centurions is their ability to create a "Zone of Nope" There's a 30" bubble around the Centurions where any unit that steps into it is fair game to be removed from the board.

Most people will tell you that you need a land raider to use them right, or that Centurions need protection from a psyker to grant invulns; but in reality all you need to do is deploy them 12"–18" into your deployment zone behind something that block LoS and your opponent will find himself having to make some very difficult decisions about how to approach.