View Full Version : Storm eagle need help

11-23-2013, 08:32 AM
We'll I got my storm eagle a few weeks ago, I now have built and tried playing it last nite at a local tournament, when a guy from out of town ask to see my book I also got IA aeronautica, he said that there where more current rules in IA vol. 12 as I don't play necrons or minotaurs I don't have it, so I got disqualified is there any difference in the two books?

Maciej Kaminski
11-23-2013, 04:26 PM
Only difference is that it was moved from FA into HS slot.


BTW: you may find this: http://maciejkaminski.pl/ialist_en.html useful.

11-23-2013, 06:50 PM
Ok thank you that's not much of a difference, what is a roc pattern? Yes very helpful

11-23-2013, 07:06 PM
not sure how that was a disqualifiable reason.... you have it in fast and are using rules for it that are reasonable current. so as long as your playing with it by those rules then what is the problem? i know i have my badab characters but if i use cullen from an older book weather as a sgt or as a captain do i have to use him as he is now represented as a chapter master? no i think not. in fact they say you can only have one of him but your able to play through his career so why flip a lid on a version? i hope you demanded your money back? i know me id get my money back from that tourne organizer and if not.. well hulk smash :)

11-23-2013, 07:43 PM
Sounds like you got burned on that one. I feel bad for you. In the future, I'd do what Romulous above said: demand your money back.

11-25-2013, 09:46 AM
Actually I agree with the t.o. Cause we have only a few players in our store that runs a lot of f w models I being one of the worst, so we keep a tight rein on having correct books and models, to keep every player content it works for us, plus after seeing there was no real change the t. O. Gave me a refund and free entry for this Friday's. Thank for all the help