View Full Version : There springing up everywhere!

11-22-2013, 04:54 PM
So Games Workshop UK today posted two news stories on It's site one about a new GW store opening in Uxbridge and news of one soon to be opening in Twickenham, I'm not sure of the situation where it is you live, but here In Wales and the UK in general I can say I know of more GW stores than I do independant stores.

So what gives?

How come GW are so succesful in this market? where as independent gaming stores seem to be going out of business, left right an centre GW seems to be flourishing even though it only supports three (possibly soon to be 2 systems) does the market for other systems really pale so much in comparison?

Many of my local model shops support historical gaming, but for anything else I cam only think of a single store in Cardiff that stock Privateer Press and beyond.

If this keeps up will we ever see a day when 40k fantasy and the hobbit are the only Sci-fi and fantasy systems available on the high street?

Would this be such a bad thing If we were all one big happy family!

Hand of the King
11-23-2013, 03:06 AM
If this keeps up will we ever see a day when 40k fantasy and the hobbit are the only Sci-fi and fantasy systems available on the high street?

I hope not. Nothing against GW but I prefer Warmachine

11-23-2013, 05:14 AM
Many shopping centres are offering deals on shop letting prices (first 12 to 18 months free etc) which are very appealing to business'.
GW generally make a loss on their stores from what ive heard, however the shops are seen as a neccessary evil to keep their products in the public eye. With less independents around, it makes sense to open stores to fill voids in their sales coverage.
Also with many landlords looking to sell up due to the slump GW can pick up stores for sale at cut prices, and thus cut future overheads almost totally. Look to see GW open stores wherever the opportunity arises. And why not?

11-23-2013, 01:41 PM
They're springing up...