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View Full Version : Legion Of The Damned Advance Order

Brass Scorpion
11-30-2009, 02:14 PM
The new metal Legion Of The Damned models are now available for Advance Order (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/armySubUnitCats.jsp?catId=cat1430057&rootCatGameStyle=wh40k). It looks like the studio dropped the "zombies in armor" look shown in that work in progress model last year and went back to the more mysterious and forboding look. I like how some of the helmets imply skull forms with sunken cheek areas, even a Mark VI beak helmet.

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m710099a_99110101432_DamnedLegionSquad1_873x627.jp g
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m710083a_99060101439_DamnedLegionnaires2_873x627.j pg

Brass Scorpion
11-30-2009, 02:18 PM
Last picture of unique new models in the set:
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m710078a_99060101438_DamnedLegionnaires1_873x627.j pg

Brother Tibirius
11-30-2009, 03:03 PM
what ca i say ....wow, these guys are getting better evry time

11-30-2009, 03:06 PM
Let me be the first to say I'm buying so many of these..:D

They are probably some of the best models GW have put out since the Space Hulk marines..

11-30-2009, 03:18 PM
Just need to say that the beakie marine in the 4th row down is very impressive.

11-30-2009, 03:21 PM
I'm not one to field these guys, but they are nice looking. I'd consider them for Death Company figures though.

Edit: Just saw the prices. I think I'll pass for now. $13+ for one flamer model is outrageous.

Brass Scorpion
11-30-2009, 03:31 PM
The price has gone from bad to worse on metal models this past year and to even worse in some countries. If the price is bad in the US it's generally much worse in Australia.

Special weapon troopers at $13.25 US each for the new Legion Of The Damned plus some older models like the Grey Knights Psycannon Trooper is pretty outrageous. I love these new Legion of the Damned sculpts, but I'm really moving away from metal minis these days as much as possible because the price has just gotten out of hand and keeping the paint on them with no chips is always more challenging than plastic. For about 18 years I liked metal better than plastic but the past couple years I've really changed preferences with the better detail, more parts per sprue, often better pricing and ease of assembly for plastic.

I recently painted 10 metal Sternguard and it reminded me why I like plastic so much better these days. I may add some plastic bones here and there to some plastic Marines and hand paint most of my bones and flames on flat surfaces. But I wouldn't knock anyone else for buying the new LotD models, they look terrific.

11-30-2009, 03:54 PM
These are some pretty sexy models, I love that they have given them the sunken cheeks and skull-like faces even on the helmets, it goes well with their motif. I only wish their basic bolters got a buff (they are described as being supernaturally powerful) and that they were an option for other Imperial armies (can't you just imagine these guys arriving just in time to pull the Guard's butts out of the fire?). I will have to seriously consider getting a few eventually, too bad about the price tags though...

11-30-2009, 03:55 PM
Just need to say that the beakie marine in the 4th row down is very impressive.

the most heavy metal beakie ever created

he prolly has judas priest playin over the voxcaster

11-30-2009, 05:32 PM
These could actually interest me in starting a Marine-Type army... when I have A LOT more disposable income.
Very Cool though.

@Scout A little "Painkiller" blaring I bet... heh heh...

11-30-2009, 11:37 PM
...and keeping the paint on them with no chips is always more challenging than plastic.

I don't even bother trying to stop chipping on my Grey Knights anymore, except for my BC Stern model, who's painted up all fancy. Everything just chips again.

Luckily, Grey Knights are, ya know, grey. Or to be more precise in my case, a dark silver. And what color is pewter:rolleyes:? So at least it doesn't look too bad.

But yeah, those Legion models look pretty awesome. If only their rules were better.

Mike X
12-01-2009, 12:11 AM
Ehhh, they're alright. They seem too much like regular marines to me, or Sternguard. I'd have preferred the zombie look.

I love the sergeant/chaplain model in the group shot though.

12-01-2009, 01:45 AM
Wow. Quite good looking models, alhtough too expensive for that many models. But that chaplain/sarge could definitely fit in well with my marines...

12-01-2009, 07:45 AM
love these mini's...but there is no GW in switzerland and my local shop that sells them rips of everyone so i don't know if i'll get any....=(

12-01-2009, 08:08 AM
WD 99. These boyos are the remains of the Fire Hawks. So for my tuppence:

1. Should all be Mk VI armour.
2. Should not have latest godwyn pattern bolters - should have gone for crusade or heresy pattern (pay attention all you pre-heresy modellers its your most common mistake)
3. Individually patterned armour? I think not. They wouldn't have sufficient artificer support to do this - should just be black plain armour with painted designs.
4. GW should stop with flame effects in braziers etc - they almost always look rubbish.

So, overall, I think these are good looking minis, can see chaplains or some mad Chaos conversions here. But not very Legion of Damned.

12-01-2009, 10:08 AM
WD 99. These boyos are the remains of the Fire Hawks. So for my tuppence:

1. Should all be Mk VI armour.
2. Should not have latest godwyn pattern bolters - should have gone for crusade or heresy pattern (pay attention all you pre-heresy modellers its your most common mistake)
3. Individually patterned armour? I think not. They wouldn't have sufficient artificer support to do this - should just be black plain armour with painted designs.
4. GW should stop with flame effects in braziers etc - they almost always look rubbish.

So, overall, I think these are good looking minis, can see chaplains or some mad Chaos conversions here. But not very Legion of Damned.

1 & 2 - MK VII armour was introduced at the very end of the heresey, so would have easily been available to a 26th founding Chapter (M36), as would the current issue bolters.

3 - I think this is to tie in with the "are they the Fire Hawks or are they Ghoooost Maaarines (oooooo)".

4 - Agreed.

Lord Azaghul
12-01-2009, 10:17 AM
The price has gone from bad to worse on metal models this past year and to even worse in some countries. If the price is bad in the US it's generally much worse in Australia.


I was at my local stores (non-gw) 'blackest friday' sale this weekend. I was a little disapointed because they only played 'items that's aren't selling well' on discount...needless to say there wasn't much to find in the blister box. However I did pick up a couple of metal catachan special weapons. Two random dudes a blister.
When I got home I peeled off the acrude price stickers -I noticed that the blister was a 2007 release, and saw the following price scale: 9.99$, 11.99, 14.99.

That price increase, over a year and half is absolutely bogus!

They had store had clearanced it down to 5$ - which to be was more reasonable. I'm not paying 7$ per random metal special weapon.

Those new models look fantastic. But I like to keep my price point between 2-3.50 a model (for metal)

12-04-2009, 08:25 PM
I don't even know how I didn't notice the model with the Heavy flamer! This is going to make converting Sternguard so much easier


Bard of Twilight
12-05-2009, 01:20 AM
WD 99. These boyos are the remains of the Fire Hawks. So for my tuppence:

1. Should all be Mk VI armour.
2. Should not have latest godwyn pattern bolters - should have gone for crusade or heresy pattern (pay attention all you pre-heresy modellers its your most common mistake)
3. Individually patterned armour? I think not. They wouldn't have sufficient artificer support to do this - should just be black plain armour with painted designs.
4. GW should stop with flame effects in braziers etc - they almost always look rubbish.

So, overall, I think these are good looking minis, can see chaplains or some mad Chaos conversions here. But not very Legion of Damned.

3.GW never clearly stated that they were the Fire Hawks (it was a rumor or sth like that)
4.I agree (they look like Sisters to me)

12-05-2009, 11:02 AM
today some staffer in my local GW said those were to be followed up in around february with all the other heavy weapon options.

I'm really looking forward to an "underlung" lascanon :D

12-05-2009, 12:10 PM
WD 99. These boyos are the remains of the Fire Hawks. So for my tuppence:

1. Should all be Mk VI armour.
2. Should not have latest godwyn pattern bolters - should have gone for crusade or heresy pattern (pay attention all you pre-heresy modellers its your most common mistake)
3. Individually patterned armour? I think not. They wouldn't have sufficient artificer support to do this - should just be black plain armour with painted designs.
4. GW should stop with flame effects in braziers etc - they almost always look rubbish.

So, overall, I think these are good looking minis, can see chaplains or some mad Chaos conversions here. But not very Legion of Damned.

I don't think they are to opposed to scavenge a battle feild for new gear or replacement parts. So if I model a LofD trooper with a updated hand held HV bolter and not the old over the sholder one thats my fluff.
The brazier dosen't excite me either.

12-06-2009, 03:19 PM
Possible Salamanders Sternguard for me.

12-23-2009, 11:19 AM
Wow! Those guys are killer!

I'll play with LOTD just to use the models.!

That sgt is awesome!

12-23-2009, 11:30 AM
Possible Salamanders Sternguard for me.

My thoughts exactley


Lord Azaghul
01-04-2010, 11:28 AM
Alright so I've got a question on these dudes.

GW just put them up on the 'what's new today' section of their website. In the article they say that you can use them with 'any' army.
Am I missing something, not being a SM player, I'm just wondering if there is a way to get a nice little 10man squad with a drop pod in my IG army (without using the inquisition!)

01-05-2010, 05:51 AM
They aren't allowed drop pods but as IG you should be able to use them as allies as they appear to save the day where ever they feel like.
(also they reroll scatter anyway)
I find it a bit hard to see them join chaos anytime soon though

01-09-2010, 07:06 PM
all i can say is 2004 chapter approved they had an army list that was the bomb.. why cant they simply make that but tweak it somewhat to fit in with 5th

it was stellar....

the new models are cool but the rules for the legion in marine armies sucks badly