View Full Version : What size of game?

Mr Mystery
11-21-2013, 03:24 AM
Morning, just a quick one off me keyboard for you before work starts in earnest....

So, Warhammer. What points value is your favourite, and why?

For me, it's 3,000. Opens up Grand Armies, and access to all the ming in your list (like Lords on Dragons or similar big gribblies), and ensures a great deal of core on the board.

Horde armies can seriously horde (and not necessarily in formation), allowing them to do what they do best.

Elite armies can really get the toys out to smash through units in a single combat round.

The big super spells matter a lot less, as there's so much left once they've gone off.

But best of all, you can still wrap the game up to a satisfying, blood soaked conclusion in an afternoon.

How about you?

11-21-2013, 04:42 AM
I haev two favourite game sizes really - 2,500 and 1,500.

2,500 feels big enough to field some fancy toys and have a biggish battle - but for my group this usually means only one game when we get together.

1,500 allows us to field a decent sized band, but also allows us to get a couple of games in each.

I'd like to have a crack at larger point games, but I don't think it'd get much pick up in my gaming group!

11-21-2013, 08:17 AM
I haven't played a lot of different game sizes in Fantasy yet.

1k was too small. It felt like we weren't using enough of the board, and my list felt very bare-bones. 1k seems like a good points level for teaching and learning the game, but not a good one for actually playing.

The game started to come alive a bit at 1.5k. I'd say this is the practical minimum.

2k and 2.5k were a lot more fun. I felt like I had enough points to bring all the cool toys to the table while still having to make some strategic decisions

I can't do 3k yet. I'll let you know what it's like when I get there :D.

11-21-2013, 02:56 PM
I haev two favourite game sizes really - 2,500 and 1,500.

2,500 feels big enough to field some fancy toys and have a biggish battle - but for my group this usually means only one game when we get together.

1,500 allows us to field a decent sized band, but also allows us to get a couple of games in each.

I'd like to have a crack at larger point games, but I don't think it'd get much pick up in my gaming group!

You won't know until you ask. :p

11-21-2013, 02:58 PM
You won't know until you ask. :p

No, never! I expect it to come to me! :p

11-21-2013, 05:20 PM
2500 is our standard club game. We rarely play bigger, but the occasional megabattle is pretty awesome.

11-21-2013, 08:14 PM
Typical games for me are around 2500 points and that's where I prefer the majority of them to stay. I do enjoy games of pretty much all sizes as I love whipping out the Storm of Magic stuff or playing small 500 point skirmishes.

So preferred points? 2500 for the reasons stated above.
Typical games? 2000-2500 points
Range that I enjoy playing? 500-3500 Any smaller and it's hard to fit anything meaningful into the list while anything larger gets cumbersome and slow to play.

11-21-2013, 09:13 PM
2000 is the sweet spot at the moment, but as everyone in my store - including me - expands their primary Fantasy army, I'm going to try and push 2500.

11-23-2013, 04:33 PM
I like 2500 as it lets you have all the fun stuff. However I still have a soft spot for the occasional 1000 pointer ,quick to play plus you tend to think more as losing a unit in a large game isnt game breaking(most the time lol) losing a unit in 1000 is a right kick in the nuts.