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View Full Version : Labyrinths: Customized Modular Dungeon Terrain Kickstarter

Kudag Firefist
11-20-2013, 05:11 PM
Full disclosure: I am directly related to the founder of Iron Ring Games, although I do not profit in any way through the success of this kickstarter.

Anyway, just launched yesterday evening, has already met funding requirements. Still plenty of pledges left to be made and stretch goals to unlock.

If you're looking for high quality, durable, easy to set up and easy to store dungeon terrain for your tabletop RPG or skirmish game sessions, do yourself a favor and check out this kickstarter:


Available fully painted, or not for the budget conscious or do-it- yourselfer


If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, there is contact information and a comments section at the kickstarter site.

Kudag Firefist
11-22-2013, 01:11 PM
Labyrinths kickstarter just unlocked their 2nd stretch goal, and are well on their way to the third.
With every stretch goal unlocked they:
1) Make a new Add-On kit available.
2) Add FREE stretch goal pieces to every Kit and Add-On.
3) Release a new tile option that can be swapped for those in a dungeon or cavern kit.
4) Release one or more paint scheme options for those having their kits professionally painted.
5) Release one or more free detailing options for those having their kits professionally painted

So the more pledges that come in, the more everyone benefits.

Additional sample images can be found in these two galleries:

12-02-2013, 10:17 PM
Those look great!

Kudag Firefist
12-15-2013, 07:00 PM
Labyrinths kickstarter ends in just 4 days. If you were thinking of backing, now is probably the time to do it.

All initial stretch goals have been unlocked, including the completely customizable addon kits, and more added.

Lots of new shots of paint schemes, detailing options and special pieces in the updates and galleries.

Attached is a shot of the available paint schemes, including the 2 new backer chosen paint schemes.

Andrew Head
12-18-2013, 06:13 PM
Gee, I think Dwarven Forge will have something to say about this. Some of these tiles look like direct knockoffs.

12-18-2013, 06:58 PM
Gee, I think Dwarven Forge will have something to say about this. Some of these tiles look like direct knockoffs.
They'd have to take it up with Hirst Arts first, the base tiles are copies of his used with licencing and permission.

Kudag Firefist
12-19-2013, 01:57 AM
They'd have to take it up with Hirst Arts first, the base tiles are copies of his used with licencing and permission.

Exactly. Many of the basic pieces are constructed of components licensed through Hirst.

IRG also made a limited, Kickstarter only deal, announced yesterday, with Cicada Crafts (http://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/169953975/bearskin-rug-large-bear-rug-for-game?ref=shop_home_feat) to include reproductions of their "Bear Skin Rug" item in the kickstarter (see attached image). They plan to "give one to each backer who is pledging for one or more Core Kits or Add-On packs (One per backer)" and also make it available in the custom add-on kit.


They also shared images of something they've created using the recently available transparent resin crystal formations (unlocked when they hit 30k). See attached image.


Less than a day left before the kickstarter ends, and so very close to the final 50k stretch goal!