View Full Version : Necrons: Popping tanks

11-19-2013, 12:34 PM
What are fellow necron players popping tanks (AV13/14) with? Are people relying on Tesla for this, scarabs, spyders, or what? I have yet to run up against a heavy AV army with my newly minted crons, but I know its going to happen.

11-19-2013, 01:54 PM
I'm gonna pop some tanks, only got twenty gauss guns in my pocket...

11-19-2013, 01:59 PM
Overlords to be honest can kill or destroy anything. Stick them on a barge and they have mobility to do the job quickly too.

11-19-2013, 02:02 PM
... this is freakin awesome! Lol.
To the OP, youve the best AT army goin, ive lost 2 landraiders, 1 vindicator and an iron clad dread to gauss fire in a single turn 2 weeks ago.
In all honesty the crons are a bit over powered in the AT department at the mo.
6's to glance any tank, with bucket loads of shots coming from a av13 transport is downright nasty.
It actually penalises heavy armour armies like my seige vanguard, as we pay loads of points for av13 and 14 equivalent to av10 versus gauss.

11-19-2013, 02:27 PM
Necrons have very little problem with high-AV armies. Their Gauss weapons are efficient at melting them, they can take Harbingers of the Storm for excellent anti-tank firepower that ignores AV, Scarabs and Overlords eat high-AV units in CC, and they even have a Walker with two MM shots and AV13. The only things that they run that doesn't do well are the Annihilation Barges and Night Scythes, and the Wraiths against Land Raiders/Monoliths. But the Codex has so many tools available to kill Land Raiders, that it's one of the best at it, perhaps even the very best.

11-19-2013, 03:32 PM
I concur with @Sly.

For AV 11-14
10 Warriors in an AV13 Ghost Ark can put out 20 shots at 24" = 2-3 glances
10 Warriors in an AV13 Ghost Ark can put out 40 shots at 12" = 5-6 glances

Twin link them all to get 30% more hits with an AV13 Triarch Stalker, which sports it's own 2-shot Mutli-Melta

4 Scarab bases will easily take AV 14 down to AV8 in 1 turn - at which point they will blow it up and kill half of their own bases! Every player with armor on the table will do everything in their power to focus fire the scarabs off the table.

With Rending, Wraiths can punk transports with ease.

With Warscythes, Overlords and Lords can punk any vehicle

Tomb Spyders (Monstrous Creatures) can destroy vehicles at will

Lightning Crypteks get Haywire attacks against vehicles

Destroyers get Preferred Enemy "Everything" and get to reroll hits against vehicles

Nemesor Zhandrek (sp) can give Tank hunters to any Necron unit on the table - While taking all USR's away from an enemy unit.

For Flyers and AV11
1 Annihilation Barge can make up to 18 hits per turn.
3 Annihilation Barges together can make up to 54 hits per turn!

I regularly punk AV11 and AV12 flyers with Annihilation Barges.

That's off the top of my head without the codex in-hand...

For anti-vehicle fun:

2x Triarch Stalker (twin-links every weapon in your army when they hit a target)
6x 5-Warrior units
6x Ghost Arks
3x Annihilation Barges

That's 11x AV13 vehicles with every weapon in your list Twin Linked - no more armor across the table.

11-19-2013, 06:33 PM
As some great posts have already been made, I want to just say that I've found Necrons struggle with hordes more than anything else. Seeing a wall of vehicles opposite my Necron army brings a tear of pity to my eye.

11-19-2013, 07:40 PM
Thanks for the great responses! Sorry Popsical, I just started the game a few months ago so I am still reading and learning. 1st army that I have actually built outside of Vassal.

11-19-2013, 08:45 PM
No one mentioned the ctan...

The ctan can take out a lot of things.

Necrons can run 12 mcs in a game which is the most in an 1850 game.

Daemons can run 5.

Tau 3.

Grey knights 3

Dark Eldar 3

Eldar 4, illyladen may run more I don't know.

Nids can run 17, but point issues only allow about 8 in a game.

Allying with Damons or Eldar can give some armies 2 extra MCs.

11-19-2013, 09:51 PM
I am looking through the Necron book and forgot how good spyders are. For example if you take 3 of them that's only 150 points for 3 MCs. That is 9 wounds with similar stats to tyranid mcs that can spawn 3 scarabs.

Actually let me compare them to a tervigon. Minus the psychic powers you are getting more attacks, wounds, and you will not go last in combat.

Also the spyders on average generate 45 points of models that equal to 9 wounds while the tervigon on average produce 50 points of models with an average of 10 wounds.

Heck that is pretty much the same as a tervigon. For 900 points you can run 9 MCs and 30 scrabs which you can generate 9 more scrabs a turn. Keeping in mind scarabs are beast and have entropic strike that is really good, even though that is half your army for 40 models, possibly 50 models turn one. Another way of saying that is 18 t6 wounds and 90t3 wounds. Thats 11) wounds for 900 points.

Heck if you take CSM allies you can field a hell turkey and another prince mc and run cultist. Thinking about it plague zombies would be more fun. Plague Zombies and Scrabs would be fun to deal with.

For some reason I thought the Ctan Shard had 5 wounds. That being said when compared to other 6 edition MCs it is rather cheap. Although the 4 plus invulnerable is ok. I just would like to see ctans again lol.

I played against Crypteks and would say the Harbingers of Storm is rather nasty. First the Cryptec have a staff that can fire 4 times with the haywire effect. Also if you try to assault the squad you take d6 str ength 8 hammer of wrath attacks. The fact you can beam down out of flyers you can take out vehicles rather easy.

Personally I prefer the Harbingers of Dispair for the staff and for veil.

11-19-2013, 10:03 PM
I always tell people that CSM/Necron and Necron/CSM are two of the best builds that utilize the CSM Codex. Necrons fry vehicles as well as anyone, and CSM fry infantry as well as anyone short of IG. Necrons cover the AA hole that CSM has without using its Heldrakes for AA, and CSM provide some CC ability for Necrons. Oh, and while CSM can put out decent CC on the table, they do struggle with Challenge monsters and MCs that can challenge, while Necron Overlords eat those up in Assault. It's a match made in Heaven, or at least the Eye of Terror version of Heaven ;)