View Full Version : Assaulting from vehicles

11-19-2013, 10:46 AM
So in 6th ed it would appear that to disembark from vehicles they cannot have moved further than 6" in the movement phase.
Is this all vehicles including skimmers, fast skimmers, open topped, assault vehicles or even fliers?

11-19-2013, 10:48 AM
So in 6th ed it would appear that to disembark from vehicles they cannot have moved further than 6" in the movement phase.
Is this all vehicles including skimmers, fast skimmers, open topped, assault vehicles or even fliers?


11-19-2013, 10:51 AM


Makes assaulting out of the flying landraider rather hard unless you doing it from your deployment zone.

What if they have red paint? Would it be 7"?

11-19-2013, 10:53 AM
Hmm. Certain assault vehicles really got nerfed in 6th ed (looking at you DE, orks and Ceastus). For flyers to have to reduce speed to 6" is kinda drastic, probably sensible tho.

11-19-2013, 11:05 AM
Hmm. Certain assault vehicles really got nerfed in 6th ed (looking at you DE, orks and Ceastus). For flyers to have to reduce speed to 6" is kinda drastic, probably sensible tho.

No it means you move as far as possible 1 turn and then move and assault the next turn. However it screws you a lot if you don't have an assault vehicle which means it can take 3 turns to get into an assault.

Honestly if you think about it you potentially assaulting farther.

Last edition
12", 2", 6" for 20" assault range with assault vehicles

This edition
6", 6", 2d6", 1"-2" 15"-26" assault range with vehicles

Funny thing on average rolling a model with a 1" base is assaulting as far as it did last edition. The bigger base models actually get more distance since them model comes out and than you measure, gives centurians a reach advantage.

Also the fact you can move an extra 6" in the shooting really helps vehicles get it crew across the board.

The only draw back is smoke is worst and can't be done if you move 6" in the shooting phase.

11-19-2013, 11:20 AM
How do bigger base models gain an advantage? In this edition, when you Disembark, you must be WHOLLY within 6" of the access point. In fact, it's the only rule that we could come up with where the entire model has to be within range of something, as opposed to any part of the model (or its base).

11-19-2013, 11:31 AM
Cheers Chicop, handy info.

11-19-2013, 11:54 AM
How do bigger base models gain an advantage? In this edition, when you Disembark, you must be WHOLLY within 6" of the access point. In fact, it's the only rule that we could come up with where the entire model has to be within range of something, as opposed to any part of the model (or its base).

Lol. Stand corrected. So subtract base size. Anyway that means 1" less than last edition on average.

11-19-2013, 11:56 AM
Lol. Stand corrected. So subtract base size. Anyway that means 1" less than last edition on average.

Which means 14-24" threat range.

11-19-2013, 02:07 PM
however, if you have fleet, or a Jump Pack move during assault, you are much more likely to hit that long range.

11-19-2013, 02:11 PM
however, if you have fleet, or a Jump Pack move during assault, you are much more likely to hit that long range.

Yup re rolling helps. Didn't really want to mention it since in the old dex you had d6 extra movement due to fleet.

Thinking about it jumppack troops can only move 6" instead of 12" which would negate using a transport for them besides protection.

11-19-2013, 02:16 PM
that's the point of the vehicle aka stormraven.

You can move the stormraven 6", disembark 6", then charge 2D6" w/re-roll and get hammer of wrath!

another note: the original post is about all vehicles. Only open-topped or vehicles with assault ramps can be charged out of.

11-19-2013, 02:43 PM
that's the point of the vehicle aka stormraven.

You can move the stormraven 6", disembark 6", then charge 2D6" w/re-roll and get hammer of wrath!

another note: the original post is about all vehicles. Only open-topped or vehicles with assault ramps can be charged out of.

I figured that was understood that you simply can't assault from all vehicles.

Thinking about it more you have seen a decline in assault vehicles. I really wonder why it's the case with dark eldar. The 6th edition rule easily give their skimmers 5 plus cover saves which can easily be a 4 plus cover save, which null and void out the invulnerable save upgrade. The range reduction upgrade should still be usable.

Anyway turn one you move up 18 on the flat out for 30" movement in on turn, not including taking sails. Next turn add what I said which means a threat range of 44-52" away which means you should have turn two assaults rather easy.

However such a play means you will have to take vect to increase the chance of you going first.

Although wytches are not really all that scarry with blood brides being somewhat of a threat. The incubi and archon is what is scarry, which is why you may have to take the dias.

With Orcs they get a shorter range and dont have the nice four plus cover save. In that case they probably will have to rely on the wagons which can cover 18" in one turn which means in turn two they can cover 32-40" in two turns. Oh add 2" if the vehicle is painted red lol.

11-19-2013, 03:07 PM
Ive only played 4 games of 6th, (lost the lot bar 1 tie) still learning the rules, so didnt know you move 6" out of vehicles.

On an aside, due to the caestus unique transport capacity, could 10 jump pack troops move 12" out of the front?

11-19-2013, 03:20 PM
Ive only played 4 games of 6th, (lost the lot bar 1 tie) still learning the rules, so didnt know you move 6" out of vehicles.

On an aside, due to the caestus unique transport capacity, could 10 jump pack troops move 12" out of the front?

No. Disembark is 6". Pg.79 main book. Unless a Faq says other wise. If you use the packs you can re roll for assault.

11-19-2013, 03:22 PM
I will state that as i do not have a flier yet that has assault ramps i was curious. from wht i have read what you can do is before the flier moves you can have your infantry models disembark then the flier can move so once the flier arrives you can move 18 or you can move more then 18 and on the 3rd turn at the earliest you can have your assault unit launch an assault with out having the flier switch to hover mode? correct or incorrect rules interpertation? last time i checked you can disembark before you move a transport

11-19-2013, 03:23 PM
Interesting idea tho. May try that next time.

11-19-2013, 03:33 PM
well i keep looking at getting raven then storm eagle then getting an assault ram but alot of those purchases are going to be based on my interpertations/assumptions of those rules. If so you would weather at most one round of shooting before you would have the oppertunity to deploy troops. because if their marines i dont want them sitting in the back of a transport. that whole str10 ap1 death shot when the flier explodes always makes my terminators cringe at the idea of being stuck inside their flying coffin for more turns then necessary.

11-19-2013, 03:40 PM
You can disembark and than move, but you wanting to move on the table, disembark, and than move again. I'll double check on the legality of that.

You can assault out of a flyer two ways

When it comes in move it 6" and assault or move how you gonna move turn two and in the next turn move 6 and than assault.

Needless to say you are looking at a possible turn 3 assault the earliest in most cases and leaving your flyer open to attack.

Which means you have a few choices to make with flying transports.

Do I unload the transport to get the embarked troops to do what they do leaving said flyer vulnerable?


Do I deep strike the models from the transport and safely keep my flyer safe? Which could kill some of your troops or they can mishap.

Oh Necron Flyers break the rules. They can stay as a flyer and safely beam down troops with no problems.

11-19-2013, 03:58 PM
My bad. I forgot you can't assault out of reserves, so you will have to wait till turn 3 to do so.

To answer if you can move, deploy, and move with the flying transport the answer is no.

11-19-2013, 04:01 PM
but you can move 18 shoot the turn you arrive then next turn disembark the squad moves and ddoes what it wants you then move the flier it shoots and at the end of that shooitng phase the unit would be able to assault turn 3 at the earliest as you've gotten out moved 6 from an assault transport and are now legally allowed to assault

11-19-2013, 04:25 PM
A flyer on turn two can move 18-36" and go flat out between 12-24". Which would put you pretty much where you want to be.

Turn 3 you can disembark and assault, than move. The question here is if you can Zoom since you can't disembark while Zooming., it's probably in a FaQ. Anyway the question of the day is if your flying land raider can zoom after disembarking.

Normally if you move prior you won't be able to zoom after a disembark.

Rereading everything you have to declare if you are going to zoom or hover. Since you can't disembark while Zooming than you will only be able to hover if you disembark and than move which is regular movement for a fast skimmer.

11-19-2013, 06:18 PM
Sadly this makes me not want to spend the money to get any of the actual transport fliers. its just well insane that something you want to transport infantry has to be so difficult to use. why spend 90 pounds to buy the damn thing then spend the time to build and paint it. then have to known that you have to switch over to hover to disembark your troops from it which makes them super fragile. the only thing i could think to do would be to switch to hover mode drop your troops move your full speed pick a good facing and then get ready for round of shooting in the next phase :)

11-19-2013, 06:33 PM
Necrons don't have that problem.

Anyway I use my Vendetta and have my guys deep strike out with melta and demo charges.

Now with marines your units are more costly and not easily thrown away for suicide missions. If you have something that prevents you from scattering you can rapid fire some one to death.

However I am strongly looking at getting the flying raider for deep striking centurians with bolters and grav cannons. I can easily get within grav cannon range and stay far enough away to not mishap, unless I mishap on the flyer itself.

On the plus side you do have armour 12 and can get a plus four jink save, with telepathy it will be a two plus.

11-20-2013, 03:56 AM
Stormravens can have Locator Beacons for precision drop-off. Good stuff that.

Dark Eldar don't worry too much about all of this really as they're Fleet, so the only real difference is that the Raider/Venom ends up further away from the enemy, which is always good.

11-20-2013, 07:46 AM
Stormravens can have Locator Beacons for precision drop-off. Good stuff that.

Dark Eldar don't worry too much about all of this really as they're Fleet, so the only real difference is that the Raider/Venom ends up further away from the enemy, which is always good.

Coool. Never thought about that. That makes it much better knowing I can drop my centurians in rapid fire range. If I run 4 that is 24 bolter shots that is twin linked with 20 grav cannon shots. That package is the best of both worlds unless they are shllting at something like a great unclean one :(.