View Full Version : Turning Cypher into a Chaos Lord

11-18-2013, 09:19 PM
I have a bunch of armies that I am collecting and painting right now, two of which are Chaos and Dark Angels from the Dark Vengeance box set. I am slowly adding to what I got from that box. One thing I have always wanted to do after reading a WD from almost ten years ago was build my own Cypher model. I love the background and everything from him. After I start with the DV box set I starting thinking about building him again. But to play him in games is another thing. Having the gunslinger rule in 6th Ed helps but to add the sword to him as well may be more of a problem.

My plan was to build him as a chaos lord with a bolt pistol and plasma pistol. Then add in a aura of dark glory, to show the chaos gods are helping him out escaping the Dark Angels all the time. Throw in VotLW because he is freaking ancient. Then the sword problem comes up. I want to equip him with the murder sword, but that gives him three weapons.

I was wondering what the communities take is on it.

11-18-2013, 11:46 PM
not really up to date on Cypher - but does he really use that sword? isn't it just carried on his back and never drawn? or am I thinking of someone else here?

11-19-2013, 12:00 AM
Tyrendian's right, Cypher only carries the sword.

11-19-2013, 12:08 AM
Tyrendian's right, Cypher only carries the sword.

Pretty sure he also used to have a power weapon as well.....

regardless the best way to make do is in my opinion tzeentch mark him and give him a sigil to represent his old save. that way he can still join unmarked units such as his "fallen" chosen.

11-19-2013, 12:21 AM
The reason I was thinking of using the murder sword as his sword is because he isnt drawing the sword in battle ever. BUt I could have it as the one time he does draw it is to kill whatever character I name at the beginning of the battle.

Mr Mystery
11-19-2013, 03:29 AM
He used to have a C'Tan phase knife, until he tried stabbing up The Deceiver, who promptly absorbed it into his Necrodermis.

Exactly how full Cypher's pants were after that incident sadly remains unknown.

11-19-2013, 06:28 AM
As Mr. Mystery says, Cypher had a C'Tan Phase Knife when first introduced. But in one story he fought the Deceiver, and the Deceiver absorbed his phase knife.

11-19-2013, 09:41 AM
He used to have a C'Tan phase knife, until he tried stabbing up The Deceiver, who promptly absorbed it into his Necrodermis.

Exactly how full Cypher's pants were after that incident sadly remains unknown.

Really, what story was that?

I know that happened to an Assassin, who's drugs made her especially flavorful to said Shard...