View Full Version : 1850 slaanech rush

11-18-2013, 07:37 PM
85 Herald of Slaanesh: Seeker Chariot, lesser
95 Herald of Slaanesh: Seeker Chariot, greater
95 Herald of Slaanesh: Seeker Chariot, greater,
95 Herald of Slaanesh: Seeker Chariot, greater
95 Herald of Slaanesh: Seeker Chariot, greater
170 Slaanech Grinder: Baleful
170 Slaanech Grinder: Baleful
180 Slaanech Grinder: Phelgm
60 Hellflayer
60 Hellflayer
60 Hellflayer
225 20x daemonettes: slaanesh banner alluress, greater
225 20x daemonettes: s banner, alluress, greater
225 20x daemonettes: s banner, allurss, greater

The list is designed to run ul the middle and rend the crap out of the other side. Honestly I think 120 damonettes with 3 grinders may be better, but 60 daemonettes with 11 vehicles may give some armies some problems. I did think about dropping the grinders and adding 9 seeker chariots. This will give me 160 extra points. I can than field 18 vehicles and almost 80 daemonettes. If I drop the gear on my heralds and troop squads I can get about 100 daemonettes with 18 vehicles.

11-22-2013, 06:58 PM
How would you deal with gunline lists? or lists that can drop alot of templates or that have alot of bodies as well? I would wonder how it would fair against tyranids or horde orks? there is alot of lists that can dish out alot of attacks. i know the plan is to clog the middle of the board as quickly as possible but your looking at turn 2-3 for assaults that baring you get some good run rolls and are able to move with out going through or around to much terrain. i know their are alot of chariots and 60 demonettes but i just wonder how they would fair against a list that can take damage as well as they dish it out. i could even see this list having trouble against crons. they would have enough shooting to result in a serious headache and they can put down enough tricky units to take away your av quickly.

11-23-2013, 02:58 PM
Well the question of the day would be how well can you put down chariots. You can shoot the nets, but the chariots are actually better than nets.

Well against horde I think the fact they go before whatever horde they are fighting and can dish out a decent amount of attacks answer that question.

From experience I can say daemonettes do rather well against a lot of things in combat. Only issue I have seen is wytches and harlequins. They do well against orcs, it really depends who assaults who, and really good against nids.

Heck this army would mow down nids like grass. Rending and High Int wins out. They are equal to genestealers, but cheaper, not concidering the fact they can have gear that drops genestealers ws and the troops all have banners.

Facing IG gunlines it would depend on if they can take out a bunch of chariots and grinders in their face. I have used a similar tactic with hounds. The issue is do you kill the vehicles first or the daemonettes. I tend to roll well on 5 plus invulnerable saves though, while I roll bad with models with two or three plus saves. Anyway the grinders can kill hordes as well do to flame love.

I don't think it would do well against crons, but this army can shoot down a few flyers.

11-24-2013, 05:39 PM
I would suggest taking at least 1 Exalted Reward for the Book. Drop it on the unit that you expect to make the most damage.

11-28-2013, 06:09 PM
You could say, "How will you fair against gunline lists or other mob lists?", but finding the antithesis to every list doesn't help. I say keep the grinders. You need the strength in your list. One grinder has always been good to me, but more is always better. I think the 60 daemonettes will do fine, but I do agree that an exalted gift for a portal might be good for more backup troops. Mine do die pretty quickly when caught with too much gun fire. I like the current list. Have you played with it much?

11-28-2013, 10:56 PM
@yeahbuddy i asked him that because most players when they make a list and do not specify who they are playing leads most posters to treat the list as a general all comers list. which is why i asked him how he would handle different types of lists. He has to have answer's for a group of opponents unless he states he is playing against x or y or if he knows his friends are playing a, b, and c this month.

This is how i build my lists i know if i am going up to my buddies for a day of gaming with are core group of friends that i will be facing 1-3 players and typically know which army they are playing for that month. for instance right now i know my cousin casey has been playing his vostroyans chris has been playing his dark eldar mainly but there is a chance his bad moons may make an apperance and i know jason has been working on his tau since the new dex came out. so that tells me any list i need to make needs to be able to fight tau eldar and imperial guard. each of those armies fights very differently this effects my list combinations as well as the general units selected.

11-28-2013, 11:47 PM
Fair enough.

11-29-2013, 03:54 PM
I think it all comes down to what you need the army for. Is it for a tournament? is it an all comers list? is it to bet a specific opponent or a specific list? i know it differs in my store. some guys bring in a tournament styled list to practice for a tournament or they will run with 2-3 lists in their bag depending on who they play. or you could be like my buddy who makes a list and never changes it or like our other friend who changes his list based up on who he is playing... dirty dirty tau.

11-30-2013, 07:56 AM
I wouldn't say this is a tournament list. It is what I say is a dream list which only vassal can awaken that dream.

Only army I can think off that would be really hard to deal with is Tau and Vulcan Space Marines with a bunch of melta and flamers. I would say guard too, but it is rather hard to say since it depends how much flamers and templates with anti tank is being pumped out. I have faced guard with similar list and have done well though.

I done portal, but it is not a game changer. It does help with objectives in the back. Although riftbringer would be awesome.

Thinking about it some more dropping a chariot for a greater daemon may not be a bad ideal. If I do that I would have to drop unit upgrades. However I like the non mc creature aspect of the list.

I can I guess drop a few chariots and upgrades for more nettes. 120 nettes cost around 1080 points which isn't bad in unit cost. That would leave me around 1500 points if I added in grinders and throwing in my hq with chariots I can get 3 of them. I like the original list though. I can see possibly switching out chariots for fiends, but the fact chariots are immune to strength 4 gunfire make them rather good.

11-30-2013, 01:03 PM
Two points that stand out for me then.
#1 In my opinion dream lists are not subject to other lists. You love the models and the force they create. You will face anyone and everyone in them. A dream list, to me, says "I'm going to have fun no matter what."
#2 Play-test-proxy! Set up situations that are "not" optimal for your forces. Run a squad of 20 daemonettes at a flamer unit. See how well your heralds can maneuver together, how much punishment they can take, and how much they dish out.
The great thing about Play-Test-Proxy is that you could use a shoebox for a couple hellflayers up against 12 salt shakers for all yu care. Get on a flat surface and roll some dice and take the above recommendations from the other members into consideration.

11-30-2013, 01:20 PM
Two points that stand out for me then.
#1 In my opinion dream lists are not subject to other lists. You love the models and the force they create. You will face anyone and everyone in them. A dream list, to me, says "I'm going to have fun no matter what."
#2 Play-test-proxy! Set up situations that are "not" optimal for your forces. Run a squad of 20 daemonettes at a flamer unit. See how well your heralds can maneuver together, how much punishment they can take, and how much they dish out.
The great thing about Play-Test-Proxy is that you could use a shoebox for a couple hellflayers up against 12 salt shakers for all yu care. Get on a flat surface and roll some dice and take the above recommendations from the other members into consideration.

Don't have to play test that. Faced burnas in wagons and figured out from that flamers is a bad thing. However due to the mass of vehicles I can reduce the chances of getting flamed unless it is a torrent flame weapon. I get the play testing, but it only really works with army vs army. However in play testing like you said it does help you to figure out what units to stay away from or which units to grin and bear it. Daemons don't like making a ton of saves in general.

12-01-2013, 12:02 PM
i know what i tend to do is when i make changes i try to limit my changes to less then 3 units usually 1-2. i notice that these slight tweaks as i refer to them usually help me get a better idea of what my list is doing well and where it is struggling. I'm not one of those people who goes all crazy and says spam spam spam but i do try and go with the idea of redundancy. it can be in 2 of the same unit or it can be replaced with a different slot that does a similar role. An example of this is using drop pod sternguard to pop a tank the turn they land and then from there on out they will focus on taking down infantry. This for me is the same reason why when i take a predator i only use the AC/LC for me its very flexible and does what i need them to do.

12-05-2013, 06:00 PM
With Mono Daemons it is a bit hard to avoid spam due to limited options.