View Full Version : My GK conversions

11-18-2013, 07:09 AM
Hello all!

I'm new to BoLS and recently (June) got back into the hobby after a 10 year absence.

I'm collecting a GK army as I like the fluff and wanted to share some of my work and conversions I have been doing as I go along.

I will try to get good pictures but I don't have a particularly good lighting set up

First Up is my GK Librarian Conversion:

And my current project is a set of Purifiers, I have a lot of Strike Squads and was bored of the silver painting so I used the DA Veteran Sprue to introduce robes to make them look different and more elite:

Next up I'm converting a BA Librarian Dreadnought to GK (I like psychic hood), wondered if people had other GK conversions to share or have cool links to other GK conversions for inspiration.

Good to be here!


11-18-2013, 10:51 AM
Looks cool!

11-18-2013, 10:55 AM
Looking forward to more. I have a thread on my GK. I have a converted Mordak, A Techmarine with a Conversion Beamer, and a Dread conversion with the much maligned TL Autocannons.

11-18-2013, 11:36 AM
A Mod should move this to the right thread.

11-18-2013, 11:59 AM
wondered if people had other GK conversions to share or have cool links to other GK conversions for inspiration.

I have a few...

Grey Knight Librarian
Grey Knight Techmarine with Conversion Beamer
Grey Knight Brotherhood Champion
Grey Knight Grenade Distribution Poin... sorry, Techmarine (still not finished).

11-18-2013, 12:02 PM
Converted Coteaz (I hate his stupid bird).
Culexus Assassin
Old-Skool, 1st Edition Space Hulk Plastic Librarian converted into an Inquisitor.

11-18-2013, 01:29 PM
Apologise for creating this in the wrong place. After more exploration I found the right area, if a mod could move it, that would be appreciated.

@YorkNecromancer: very nice work! Great conversions and painting I'm still improving on the painting front. Techmarine is something else I'm wanting to do, this great inspiration.

The henchmen really intrigue me, what are they? Chaos warriors, with GK heads and falchions? I don't recognise the shields though where did they come from? These would make great crusaders as well.

I dug more pictures, these are my henchmen, one is a converted cultist and the other kit bashed from guard bits. I wanted my inquisitorial henchmen to look piece meal like the inquisitor had amassed them over many campaigns.


11-18-2013, 01:29 PM
Loving the theme you've got going on! Keep up the awesome work!

11-18-2013, 01:50 PM
Fantastic work!

I'm getting this moved over to 40K Painting and Miniatures

Please carry on folks.

11-18-2013, 02:26 PM

Here's some paladins I did a few years ago. Went for a black scheme I saw years ago.

11-18-2013, 02:37 PM

And some more from years ago, the last fellow was kit batched from all sorts of spares and was my temporary stand in for Crowe, hench the "daemon blade"

11-18-2013, 03:42 PM
@Chanderzz: the henchmen are WHFB Chaos Warriors with Forge World GK vehicle driver helmets and leftover Nemesis Falchions. The shield comes from one of the Master of the Chapter models. I thought they looked rather good.

@Deadlift: those black Paladins look so ****ing sweet I don't quite have the words. That is a badass colour scheme. Also, just a suggestion (which you probably already know): try doing writing on scrolls/purity seals in dark brown rather than black - it lends the scroll a nicely faded look and isn't stark.

11-18-2013, 04:33 PM
@deadlift great stuff! I really like the shine on the head in the Dreadnought. I might be tempted to steal that look for my justicar for the purifiers. If I remember rightly they are suppose to have white helmets. The daemon blade is also a cool touch, something to look into.

@YorkNecromancer thanks for pointing that out I will be looking into this for some crusaders.

There are some alienated individuals about for sure!

11-27-2013, 01:26 PM
*reposting this from the other thread to keep all of my stuff in one place*

WIP GK Dreadnought Conversion
Hello everyone, I'm making a Psyfleman Dreadnought for my Grey Knight army and I'm converting it to make it look more Grey Knight like. So I thought I would lost progress as I go, so here it is my first update:

I started with the Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought kit as I wanted to use the Librarian chassis to give it a psychic hood much like all the other knights.


The other bits are a mismatched pair of Forgeworld Autocanons and bits from the Grey Knights box and Grey Knight Terminators.

First I wanted to talk about the base, for my Grey Knight army they are all stood on mud with Vampire Count skeleton pieces embedded. I took inspiration from the first novel where they are on an un developed world where it is still medieval times.

The bases in the Dreadnought kits all come with the texture of concrete and bullet holes in so I wanted to fix that. For my basing I use tile grout (adhesive), it dries water proof and while still wet can be cleaned of models with water and a brush. It also give just some differences in height to the base.

If you leave it white, it could even make a good snow, I don't know I've never tried it. Anyway the base is below.


I meant to take more pictures as I was constructing the actual model but you know how it is you get into the groove and before you know it you're almost done.


Of particular note I chopped the librarian face out and replaced it with a Grey Knight head and I made 2 sets of arms, one is the Forgeworld Autocannons and the others using the halberd and storm Bolger for a thematic model as the other Grey Knights have force weapons and storm bolters.

I'm priming and painting separately so will post photos as it progresses.

Thanks for reading,

11-27-2013, 03:17 PM
Small and totally un interesting update...

Everything is primed, the legs feet and base are glued together and I'm all ready to paint.


It's been a slow hobby week with work and 2 large games, I'll make sure the next update is more interesting folks.

11-27-2013, 04:01 PM
great detail on the dreadnought, the bits fit really well, nicely done.

11-28-2013, 05:53 PM
Some actual interesting visual progress!

Legs are done!