View Full Version : Inquisition rule confusion

11-16-2013, 11:01 PM
ok lets say I am running Space marines as the primary detachment. I than have Tau allies as well as the new =I= (allowed in the rules)

now =I= and Tau are desperate allies.

so can the inquisitor join a SM unit and a tau commander join the same unit

or what happens if the tau player joins a sm unit and than the inquisitor wants to cast forewarning on the unit. would hte tau player gain the benefit? or just the SM or can he not cast on them?

11-17-2013, 12:53 AM
You can't have more than one allied detachment, so such a situation should never arise.

11-17-2013, 01:19 AM
You can't have more than one allied detachment, so such a situation should never arise.

sigh, inqisitors are the exception. they don't eat your allies slot.

11-17-2013, 03:53 AM
sigh, inqisitors are the exception. they don't eat your allies slot.

Good to know that the Allies matrix can become even more broken. Didn't know that. (<-- does not own the new Inquisition eBook)

11-17-2013, 03:55 AM
also, as far as I can remember double ForceOrg gives you another Allied Detachment, does it not?

11-17-2013, 04:48 AM
also, as far as I can remember double ForceOrg gives you another Allied Detachment, does it not?

No. It just doubles the FoC of the Allied Detachment. So regular FoC for Allied Detachment is 1 HQ and 1 Troop, with double FoC you get 2 HQ and 2 Troops.

11-17-2013, 05:59 AM
The "Inquisitor Detachment" can be taken in addition to an "Allied Detachment". So you can have a "Primary Detachment", an "Allied Detachment" and an "Inquisitor Detachment" all in the same force. I guess Inquisitors are just more detached than other people.

I think one can expect a lot some of these rules questions as this extra brick is thrown through the plate glass window of 40k.

11-17-2013, 06:09 AM
unless you play chaos, in which case **** you and no you cannot have cool options that exist in the background represented properly ingame.

11-17-2013, 06:54 AM
*pats daboarder on the back*

It's OK buddy, we know that CSM didn't get what they should have. But, it was the first new codex of 6th Ed -- not that a supplement would fix it (and I don't count the Black Legion eBook as a real addition, it sucks too much.)

The Sovereign
11-17-2013, 09:43 AM
I have this question too. What if I ally my Inquisition with a primary Guard army that has Chaos Marine allies? Or a primary Dark Eldar army with Daemon allies?

11-17-2013, 10:21 AM
I have this question too. What if I ally my Inquisition with a primary Guard army that has Chaos Marine allies? Or a primary Dark Eldar army with Daemon allies?

It seems to me you cannot do either of those combinations.

The Come the Apocalypse rule on page 112 of the BRB says, "this kind of alliance cannot occur."

C:I says, "Inquisitors may be taken. . . .as a special form of allied detachment known as an Inquisitorial detachment."

C:I also says, "the Inquisitorial detachment may have a different relationship to the models from an army's primary detachment, and the models that make up that army's "regular" allied detachment (assuming there are any)."

A C:I detachment is listed as Come the Apocalypse for Chaos Marines, Chaos Daemons, Necrons, Orks, and Tyranids.

Basically, even though an Inquisitorial detachment is special, and can be taken in addition to a normal allied detachment, it is still an allied detachment. It would still be blocked from joining an army that includes Chaos Marines.

11-17-2013, 12:13 PM
Good to know that the Allies matrix can become even more broken. Didn't know that. (<-- does not own the new Inquisition eBook)

Yup, Inquisitors basically aren't allies, they're an extra HQ/Elite choice available to all Imperial armies. With the lack of Deathwatch, Assassins, etc, this is basically just Codex: bonus Divination/Grenade caddy Inquisitor.

11-17-2013, 01:10 PM
"Behold the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!"

11-17-2013, 04:14 PM
It seems to me you cannot do either of those combinations.

The Come the Apocalypse rule on page 112 of the BRB says, "this kind of alliance cannot occur."

C:I says, "Inquisitors may be taken. . . .as a special form of allied detachment known as an Inquisitorial detachment."

C:I also says, "the Inquisitorial detachment may have a different relationship to the models from an army's primary detachment, and the models that make up that army's "regular" allied detachment (assuming there are any)."

A C:I detachment is listed as Come the Apocalypse for Chaos Marines, Chaos Daemons, Necrons, Orks, and Tyranids.

Basically, even though an Inquisitorial detachment is special, and can be taken in addition to a normal allied detachment, it is still an allied detachment. It would still be blocked from joining an army that includes Chaos Marines.

You do know that wording specifically allows such an army. It says that the inquisitor detatchment can be takeb even if the other allies arent the same.

11-17-2013, 09:59 PM
I don't see any wording that would allow Inquisitorial detachments to be in the same army as any detachment that is "Come the Apocalypse" with them on the allies chart.

The wording does specifically allow them to join with two different detachments that could be rated differently on the allies chart.

But it does not say anything that would let an Inquisitorial detachment be in the same army as Chaos Space Marines, regardless of whether or not the CSM were primary or secondary, and regardless of which other allied detachments were involved.

Lord Krungharr
11-17-2013, 10:18 PM
No. It just doubles the FoC of the Allied Detachment. So regular FoC for Allied Detachment is 1 HQ and 1 Troop, with double FoC you get 2 HQ and 2 Troops.

Actually it says you get an additional Allied Detachment for an additional Primary Detachment, though it must be from the same Codex as the 1st Allied detachment.

So if there's a unit that says 0-1 per detachment for example (not sure if there is) you could potentially field 2 in a 2000 point game. More to the subject however, if you ran 2 Allied Imperial detachments, then if the Codex: Inquisition says you can tack on an Inquisitor per detachment, then you could get 2 of those. But I don't own that book either.

11-17-2013, 10:20 PM
I don't see any wording that would allow Inquisitorial detachments to be in the same army as any detachment that is "Come the Apocalypse" with them on the allies chart.

The wording does specifically allow them to join with two different detachments that could be rated differently on the allies chart.

But it does not say anything that would let an Inquisitorial detachment be in the same army as Chaos Space Marines, regardless of whether or not the CSM were primary or secondary, and regardless of which other allied detachments were involved.

It doesn't need to!!

it is only the primary detachment that is a determining factor. In this case IG then you get another completely INDEPEDENT ally as per the allied chart in the BRB.

Inquisitors may be taken. . . .as a special form of allied detachment known as an Inquisitorial detachment.

the Inquisitorial detachment may have a different relationship to the models from an army's primary detachment, and the models that make up that army's "regular" allied detachment (assuming there are any).

could you point to me the part where it specifies that your primary detachment must adhere to the IQ ally chart when choosing its other allies? The only rule you've quoted expressly tells me that they may have different relationships. and considering that come the apocalypse is one of those relationships......

11-17-2013, 11:11 PM
Would you be able to take a Tau, Eldar, Inquisition force. That would be an interesting looking army.

11-17-2013, 11:13 PM
yes, but the inquisition are only convenience allies with both of those so theres not much point competitively.

11-18-2013, 12:10 AM
yes, but the inquisition are only convenience allies with both of those so theres not much point competitively.

Well they all can still score though.

11-18-2013, 12:11 AM
fair enough

11-18-2013, 12:58 AM
The only rule you've quoted expressly tells me that they may have different relationships. and considering that come the apocalypse is one of those relationships......

Yes, Come the Apocalypse is one of those relationships. But the rule for that relationship is "Simply put, this kind of alliance cannot occur."

11-18-2013, 01:09 AM
And that would be a problem. If the csm were allied to the IQ.

They arent they are allied to IG who are themselves independently allied to the IQ

11-18-2013, 09:33 AM
Can you point out the rules and page numbers you are using to support your argument?

Where does it say "it is only the primary detachment that is a determining factor"?

Just for the sake of argument-- lets say you have an Imperial Guard primary detachment, a Chaos Space Marines allied detachment, and an Inquisitorial detachment. What is the affect of a C:CSM model on a C:I model from the same army in the game? Can they join each other's squads? Benefit from each other's warlord traits? What about the One Eye Open rule?

There are no rules for this. The only rule for how C:CSM interacts with C:I is "this kind of alliance cannot occur."

Now compare an army that contains a C:IG primary, Codex Dark Eldar allied, and Inquisitorial detachment. The C:I units have two different relationships to the two different detachments. They are Battle Brothers with the C:IG, and Desperate Allies with the C: DE. Models from C:I can join units from C:IG, but not units from C: DE. Models from C:I are subject to the One Eye Open rule when near models from the C: DE detachment, but not when near models from the C:IG detachment.

There are rules for how a model from C:I interacts with an allied model from Codex Dark Eldar. There are no rules for how a model from C:I interacts with an allied model from C:CSM other than the rule that says, "Simply put, this kind of alliance cannot occur."

I would like to be proven wrong because I have an C:IG + C:CSM army that I would love to add an Inquisitor to.