View Full Version : Expression through the Hobby!

11-16-2013, 03:41 PM
Hey guy's I'm back yet again stringing physopical yarns across the forum once again!

So today no doubt many of us know that GW had a reem of some pretty cool new gifts for X-mas, I myself jumped on the opportunity to grab a set of those lovely lime green nurgle die before they were all gone! Many of the're other packages are also pretty appealing, that Chaos Collection continuing those crazy production values you only get from GW in my opinion,

I got me thinking though about my eagerness to get those die because of my particular affiliation toward the Nurgle lore and aesthetics. Which says some what about my tastes and character doesn't it? SO how do what do you think your hobby says about you? your paint schemes, your faction decisions how do such choices reflect on our characters and tastes? OR am I simply waffling away now in my eagerness to create a good discussion! Who Know's but please answer away!


11-16-2013, 07:41 PM
I don't really know what my choices say about me other than that I might be a bit implusive with purchases, since I've sold of armies here and there after only a minimum amount of playing them.

As for style, I've tried a lot of different stuff I guess. Right now I'm having an Ork force, a Tau force and both a Daemon and Chaos marine force. And interestingly enough, while I don't own any Nurgle models right now, those aesthetics appeal to me... but so does the "weird" you only get from Tzeentch (I do have a fair few of those models; Pink horrors are straight up my alley; though I prefered the old sculpts).

I'm strangly torn between lawful evil and chaotic evil type of armies... at least, that's what they are in my opinion (I'm not so sure if there's anything neutral or "good" in the 40k-verse even). I enjoy Chaos in all its forms, but I've been running inquisitorial forces as well, perhaps because it screams "extreme fundamentalism", and not neccesarily because I feel they are "the good guys".

My orks might be the closest to an inclination to Nurgle with all the rust I tend to put in there.

Whereas Tau kinda show how I like robots (and I've been toying with the idea of a Iron hands dreadnaught list; as well as a Eldar Wraith construct list. So there's potential impulsiveness looming). Perhaps robots are also reflected in having some of the daemonforge units for my Chaos marines force. And they were clearly present with the Dreadknights I ran in my Grey knights army.

For a while I thought my "thing" was being "safe" in the sense that I ran both a Deathwing list as well as a Draigowing list. Right now I'm having pretty much none of that.

Beyond 40k I tend to have a love for retrofuturistic "imperial" designs I guess. I found the Empire of the blazing sun most appealing of all fleets in Dystopian wars (though; the Prussian Empire looks interesting in design as well), and I prefer Khador in my Warmachine (though Cygnar follows up with the more militaristic stuff with their Trenchers and the like). The inquisitorial/fundamentalist theme would however state I should look into Menoth more. And actually, outside of wargaming, I always had a thing for biomechanical stuff, so I should be more of a Cryx person. But hey... an Ork Mekboy has wheels instead of legs; and I guess Nurgle makes up that fascination for biomechanical things.

What the hobby also says about me is that, while I might prefer high quality, golden daemon paint jobs, I tend to aim for a less realistic, but still gritty look, that probably looks lazy to the trained eye, but looks like a lot of effort to the untrained eye/outsider.

Lastly, what my hobby says about me; I try to do it on a somewhat tight budget. I don't have lots and lots to spend, thus, aside from my Orks, I have some low model count armies around. And this sometimes weighs in before starting a new army (or selling of old ones). Perhaps, if given an infinite budget, I might've played totally different armies... *looks at any horde armies*.