View Full Version : Favorite/Most Used Phoenix Lord in your games?

Lost Vyper
11-15-2013, 06:09 AM

Itīs friday, and i have the weekend off, so hurray! Oh, yeah, the topic... :)

Which PL you like the best and do you use him/her often?

I prefer Maugan Ra or Jain Zar mostly. I only have the model for Jain Zar (i have proxied Maugan once and he kicked butt!) and i like what she brings in to the game. I had her rolling with Wraithguard (D-Scythes) and a Spiritseer and (altough expensive) they rolled in a Wave Serpent and wrecked havoc! Eternal Warrior is awesome and i usually let her gather the Meltashots and roll the bolters on the WG...
I used Baharroth in the 5th ed. couple of times and he was ok. I wonder, does he pack more punch in the 6th?

Whatīs your flavor? Mine is beer tomorrow :D

- Lost Vyper

11-15-2013, 09:55 AM
Gotta go with Karandras

He is so expensive but the last 2 games I've used him, he single handedly slaughtered my opponent's backfield consisting of LR tanks, hvy weap teams, and a command squad

I ran him and Mephiston around together one time too and it was just unfair

Lost Vyper
11-15-2013, 10:14 AM
I ran him and Mephiston around together one time too and it was just unfair Yep, include Wraithknight and some Wave Serpents and you can see the river forming from the opponents eyes :)

knas ser
11-15-2013, 12:13 PM
My favourite just for style is Jain Zar. I just love the idea of psychotic screaming ballet dancers generally, so the embodiment of the Howling Banshees just has to be my prime pick. :D

Though as others will no doubt say, Karrandras is just amazing in the right hands. I also like Maugan Ra. I think he is overlooked by some because he's not some super-battle-winning-monster, but then he's also a lot cheaper than the others. Used for what he is, I think he's a great buy.

11-16-2013, 08:21 AM
the main reason I have for not fielding Phoenix Lords all that often is the fact that they are a HQ choice, and we Eldar just have soooo many great HQs...
Farseer? no need to say anything really...
Autarch? Asuryan knows how I love my Solitarch...
Spiritseer? great when I do want to play Wraithfantry from time to time
Avatar? beatstick par excellence, will murder pretty much anything in a challenge due to Disarming Strike
PLs? yeah nice and powerful as well, some more than others as has been mentioned, if only the models were any better... as it stands I find myself sometimes fielding Illyrith and that's more or less it sadly, due to lack of HQ slots

11-17-2013, 06:25 AM
I am a fan of Asurmen, because I love my Dire Avengers and he just wrecks stuff. Because of Disarming strike he can just laugh at most non MC characters and with this sword and a little luck wipe out hq's even with EW, and while the warlord tree is not the best getting multiple (hopefully) one will at least give you the chance to get a good one.

11-17-2013, 07:58 AM
Asurmen and Karandras have really wrecked face for me over the years. I have a soft spot for 10 DAs, Exarch w/SS, Farseer w/fortune, and Asurmen in a Serpent charging straight at my opponent.

Last time I used Karandras he got assaulted by 10 Blood Angel Assault marines and killed them all instantly while taking zero wounds.

11-17-2013, 04:55 PM
I use Fuegan all the time he's pretty nasty, Strength 5 AP 1 Axe, Feel No Pain, Double tap Fire Pike (mean at BS 7), plus the ability to gain a point of strength and an attack when he loses a wound is great fun in a challenge.

I usually run him with an avatar with fast shot, great for killing high AV tanks or tough infantry

12-02-2013, 02:47 PM
I use Fuegan all the time he's pretty nasty, Strength 5 AP 1 Axe, Feel No Pain, Double tap Fire Pike (mean at BS 7), plus the ability to gain a point of strength and an attack when he loses a wound is great fun in a challenge.

I usually run him with an avatar with fast shot, great for killing high AV tanks or tough infantry

I was thinking of running him with 5 wraithguard and a seer inside a wave serpent. His split fire along with them and spirit mark could be quite hilarious.

Yes it's more expensive, but guard are troops and that unit could blast away anything that came near it.

12-02-2013, 03:12 PM
I prefer Maugan Ra, but then I am a big fan of Dark Reapers.

12-02-2013, 03:24 PM
I've been running with Asurmen and Karandras... never at the same time...

I usually run Asurmen when I take 40 dire avengers. Its pretty fluffy I think and its a pretty fun and challenging list to play.

12-02-2013, 05:37 PM
I only have jain zar and mungan ra. If I was to play eldar in 6th I would go with the bird guy since he blinds a lot and have much better stats than he used to have. Plus he has an invulnerable save next to Asuramen.

The Scorpion one in some proxy matches have killed models I wouldn't think it would kill. The lords are the strongest HQ choices than what most armies have. Throw in the Avatar and other options I would dare say the Eldar have close to the most powerful HQ choices in the game, Daemons win out though.