View Full Version : Imperial guard as allies tech priest for allied hq?

11-14-2013, 09:45 PM
The faq states that the tech priest cannot be the warlord in the primary detatchment but it is not stated that he can be the allied commander? am i reading this correctly or am i just hoping that thats how things go?

11-14-2013, 11:06 PM
The faq states that the tech priest cannot be the warlord in the primary detatchment but it is not stated that he can be the allied commander? am i reading this correctly or am i just hoping that thats how things go?

The wording is a bit odd, but the way it reads, you cannot. The question is "Can a [Techpriest or Priest] be taken as the mandatore HQ choice? A: No. You will need to take another model to be your warlord."
You cannot take a Techpriest or Priest as a Mandatory HQ. The part about the warlord is just expanding on that. Allied detachments don't have warlords, so you just ignore that part- Priests and Techpriests cannot be take as mandatory HQs, and the Allied Detachment has a mandatory HQ and Mandatory Troops slot.

You should still be able to take them in an allied detachment though, as they do not take up a HQ slot.

11-14-2013, 11:17 PM
thanks wes only problem with that is it sucks :( stupid GW i am trying to keep some mechanicus feel to this damn army i am working on and lets face it human commanders do not do any army any justice :/... *******s maybe we will all get lucky and the next codex will include a 2 wound commander tech priest :)

11-15-2013, 10:43 AM
Try running the Psyker HQ for your allied leader, as some sort of electromechanical conjurer? He's cheap, useful, and opens up lots of conversion opportunities. Maybe his spells are generated by different Dark Age relics, and Perils of the Warp comes from flipping the wrong switch?

11-15-2013, 10:53 AM
human commanders do not do any army any justice

A counts-as Straken could make an interesting Mechanicus HQ. His stats would be appropriate for a heavily augmented individual.

Hopefully an Adeptus Mechanicus codex or supplement comes out eventually.

11-15-2013, 04:05 PM
problem with straken is you still have human advisors and human troops in your command squad. atleast with the tech priest enginseer you had an actual character that is mechanicus as opposed to a counts as with limited justifications. i'd have an easier time using a heresy era tech priest. :(