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View Full Version : Which Chaos Legion Most Deserves the Next Supplemental Codex?

11-14-2013, 03:44 PM
With Black Legion out there's only 8 choices...

Emperor's Children
Night Lords
Iron Warriors
World Eaters
Alpha Legion
Word Bearers
Thousand Sons
Death Guard

Pick your poison ladies and gentlemen - and tell us WHY!

It could be awesome fluff, it could be potential rules, maybe appearance...

11-14-2013, 04:00 PM
I went with the Iron Warriors. Personally I would like to see all of them get their own books. But if the rumours of supplements specific to each of the chaos gods is true then that could cover many of the legions. Alpha Legion, Nightlords both aren't loyal to anyone god but for me I would like to see Iron Warriors. I would give them a buffed Tech Marine HQ and what every Chaos marine player should have. Hammernators. Basilisks would be a given too.
Deathguard would be my second choice and after a really well written piece in a recent thread about Angron I now have more of an interest in the Worldeaters. But 1st choice is Iron Warriors.

11-14-2013, 04:03 PM
Alpha Legion.

I want extra-sneaky CSM with lots of options for non-marine Operatives. I appreciate the return of Cultists in the current 'dex, but want more options for them.

I was pretty disappointed to see the Alpha Legion "showcased" in the current 'dex as an entirely generic CSM force. It was almost as bad as the way they were represented in Dawn of War.

11-14-2013, 04:10 PM
Correction: there are only eight choices, if you assume the next Chaos Marine Supplement will be a Legion one. It could be Red Corsairs...

But, anyway. I would very much like to see Iron Warriors get theirs. Especially if the Warsmith model could become legal again. Come on, servo-arms!

11-14-2013, 04:47 PM
Next one won't be a legion but the Red Corsairs.

11-14-2013, 04:51 PM
Going blood for the blood god on this one :) like seriously they are a legion with alot of background to be filled in it would be a suppliment i would pay for. and honestly as faras power level goes for csm they suck my poor berserkers just don't stack up anymore i mean seriously when people go berseker light and its actually better thats appaling.

11-14-2013, 04:52 PM
A hard one. I went with Alpha Legion, as I could only pick one, but Night Lords would be my second. They really don't have a lot of flavor in the current CSM book, and could use some help.

11-14-2013, 04:56 PM
my thing is give them all suppliments.... instead we get suppliment black legion... i thought that was the last 2 effing books.... not to mention corsairs are covered by the current book..... seriously they both already had 2 effing boooks do they or did they really need suppliments....

11-14-2013, 05:09 PM
I would like thousand sons that have 2 wounds again. Anyway Iron Warriors should be done so I stop hearing CSM players cry about it. When it comes out and you don't have 6 heavy support units I will laugh myself to sleep.

11-14-2013, 05:11 PM
Utter selfishly. Death guard. Of course I will still be surprised if we even get a new supplement

11-14-2013, 05:43 PM
I think the four non-aligned legions should be the most obvious choices, as the cult legions have cult troops and marks to use with them. Of the four cult legions who deserve it would be 1000 sons. Of the non-aligned I'd say Alpha

11-14-2013, 06:00 PM
I wish people would stop trying to use yhe cult troops as justification for the cult legions being alright.

You cannot even try to build a cult lwgion with the codex it is far better at creating a non aligned legion who at least get all their support options consistent than it is a cult legion that effwctively has a single unit in thw book. And when you consider that the only cult hqs arw special characters it geta wven worse.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-14-2013, 06:41 PM
I wish people would stop trying to use yhe cult troops as justification for the cult legions being alright.Agreed, the decision after 'dex 3.5 to make Chaos Marks do something besides give full cult-troop benefits really hurt the 'dex. Having a Nurgle Chaos Lord be less blessed than a Plague Marine is exceedingly bad design.

11-14-2013, 06:52 PM
I gotta go with the Alpha Legion. Love those sneaky *******s.

P.S. you've got to be kidding me with that censor. That word is so tame it's been on network TV for at least the past 30 years.

11-15-2013, 02:32 AM
Deserve them? None on a 'moral' basis. On a basis of 'deserve' as a reward fro fighting the long war effectively, either Death Guard or World Eaters. No that pedantry over the wording of the topic is out of the way, which legion could do with a codex the most because it can't represent itself with allies or existing choices?

I'd say Iron Warriors are easy (Warp Smith, IG allies) although could do with more HS choices.
Word Bearers - pretty generic, dameon allies, dark apostle.
Death Guard - Lots of options.
World Eaters - massed zerks - although I would like to see them in Slaves to Darkness status.

So I reckon actually Nightlords probably need an ability to change from vanilla CSM codex to represent - you need drop troops as a troops choice.
Then maybe Alpha Legion?

11-15-2013, 02:46 AM
none of those that got the Horus Heresy treatment - I'll go with Thousand Sons since that leaves a lot of possibility for a unique army, with Iron Warriors a close second for much the same reason

11-15-2013, 07:02 AM
I think that the answer really needs to be Thousand Sons, largely because trying to make them using the current books leaves them as the weakest (with World Eaters also being able to argue for being the weakest). Death Guard and Emperor's Children can be made competitively with what we have, Iron Warriors can be done with a CSM/Black Legion allied list to get 4 Heavies, and Word Bearers are just CSM with some Cultists and a good amount of allied Daemons.

The Sovereign
11-15-2013, 07:29 AM
Yup, Thousand Sons. They need help badly, and there are a lot of easy, no brainer additions they could use. Really, just give chosen, terminators, and rhinos inferno bolts for their combibolters and add a 3-5 man aspiring sorcerer coven entourage option for HQs and I'd be a happy man. Throw in a few fancy wargear options and I just wrote the TS codex supplement.

Of course, I'd eventually like to see all of the major Chaos legions get some supplement love.

11-15-2013, 08:29 AM
I would really like to see a death guard supplement, that could make chaos a bit more competetive with some luck

11-15-2013, 08:48 AM
I have to go Night Lords just because I'm a NL collector and massive fan, yet I know that I'm urinating into the wind with this! Just the whole fluff side and there are characters they can bring into a supplement!

It has to be Iron Warriors or Thousand Sons, they deserve one the most I think!

11-15-2013, 11:11 AM
I picked the World Eaters. Why? 'cause I play them. Wants new fluff/pictures/ and maybe some rules.

11-15-2013, 11:12 AM
Iron warriors. If only to see all those basilisks that are rotting on shelves since 3rd edition get some games again.
Very sad.

11-15-2013, 11:57 AM
World Eaters because they need to be better in combat than they are and because Khorne is awesome. BFTBG

11-15-2013, 12:03 PM
Night Lords because NIGHT LORDS.

11-15-2013, 12:11 PM
World Eaters because http://www.freewebs.com/grandmasterwade/MarkGibbonsWE.jpg

11-15-2013, 12:11 PM
I've got to stick to my guns and go Death Guard. The chances for cult terminators, god specific vehicle upgrades, etc is a dream I hope becomes reality.

11-15-2013, 12:20 PM
thousand sons, clearly. Would love to be able to field Rubric Terminators and get some additional sorcerer powers beyond standard chaos psykers and the mark of tzeentch. I think all chaos legions deserve their own though; with the current dex its "easy" to run 1k sons as allies, but a pure 1k sons army is difficult to do both from a tactical and fluff standpoint.

11-15-2013, 12:20 PM
Alpha legion, though if I really wanted to play alpha legion, I would probably use the loyalist dex

11-15-2013, 12:28 PM
Why do we have to be locked into bloody legions? Why can't they just make god-specific books that would allow us to create OUR OWN warlords. You know, actually customize our army and make it different from others.

CSM book = You wanna run a custom Chaos Lord? Sure, but it's gonna be really lackluster and uninteresting compared to Abaddon, Typhus and Kharn. Also, you don't get any cool special rules. Gotta respect the canon fluff, mate.

11-15-2013, 12:49 PM
Why do we have to be locked into bloody legions? Why can't they just make god-specific books.

This has been rumoured for awhile, 1 book / supplement for each of the four gods of chaos. Where both daemons and marines can be mixed into one army without using the allies rule. Book of Nurgle, Book of Khone etc etc.

11-15-2013, 01:23 PM
Night Lords need a book especially bad. They don't have anything that really represents their fluff in the current book except maybe spamming Raptors... but who is really going to do that?

It would be nice to be able to take Raptors as troops, or something so they don't compete with the other awesome FA choices.

brother captain berk
11-15-2013, 02:06 PM
Word bearers. They are with out a doubt the largerst traitor legion next to black legion, they started the whole heresy and they could benefit most from the supplement

11-15-2013, 02:12 PM
I wish people would stop trying to use yhe cult troops as justification for the cult legions being alright.

You cannot even try to build a cult lwgion with the codex it is far better at creating a non aligned legion who at least get all their support options consistent than it is a cult legion that effwctively has a single unit in thw book. And when you consider that the only cult hqs arw special characters it geta wven worse.

BS. You can better represent a cult legion better then Night Lords or Alpha Legion Word Bearers are pretty easy to do with current dex, but Alpha Legion? They don't have an HQ for them generic or special, or any other unit geared towards them. Night Lords have Raptors only. Iron Warriors have vindicators, defilers, and warpsmiths I guess but still not the variety the cults get

If a cult is going to get one I'd like it to be Thousand Sons, who are very underpowered in this Codex with the worst mark and cult troops

11-15-2013, 03:18 PM
I have choosen the Emperors Children. I play EC & IW and so this is the main reason of course. You could represent all the four cult-legions. But you need a few extra rules, if you´ll see the forgotten precious glory of the noise-champs. What sweet music would they play to the enemy if they only could use their blastmasters in havoc squads or mount it on predators and dreadnoughts.

The EC are good source for exquisite artworks and fulminant storys, togehter with some cute littel rules for noiseworks they will make a delicious supplement:cool:

I play IW too, but I could only click one option, but IW are very present-able in the actual codex. Here we miss things like siege specialist or tank hunters (hateful sideglance to the guys in yellow), but all in all we have plenty of units that will fit IW. The deamon-engines, the warpsmith, the obliterators. Mix that with some solid csm blocks with melta & plasma-weaponary, throw in the havocs and top it with IG-allies to field the artillery - say hello again to the basilisk.

I went with the Iron Warriors. Personally I would like to see all of them get their own books. But if the rumours of supplements specific to each of the chaos gods is true then that could cover many of the legions. Alpha Legion, Nightlords both aren't loyal to anyone god but for me I would like to see Iron Warriors. I would give them a buffed Tech Marine HQ and what every Chaos marine player should have. Hammernators. Basilisks would be a given too.
Deathguard would be my second choice and after a really well written piece in a recent thread about Angron I now have more of an interest in the Worldeaters. But 1st choice is Iron Warriors.

Iron warriors. If only to see all those basilisks that are rotting on shelves since 3rd edition get some games again.
Very sad.

You can play the basi: Simply include a IG-allie supplement. I´ve used this:

primaris psyker

pcs with two troop units of 10 with flamers

the basilisik

you can easily expand that with mortar-teams (light artillery) or replace the basi with the manti

give it a try

11-15-2013, 05:29 PM
Im not a fan of the allies matrix in 40k. However the FW tyrants legion is probably the nearest to iron warriors that is available at this point so im happy. In my opinion the allies matrix should be far more restrictive than it is. But most xenos players would cry foul so that aint gonna happen, so really it should br scrapped entirely.

11-15-2013, 06:16 PM
I chose Iron Warriors for two reason, one I have played them since early 2nd edition :P and two, I think of the remaining legions only they and the Night Lords really deviate in the way they are played. Iron Warriors are all about heavy equipment and armor (give them termies as troops and call it Ironwing) and Night Lords should have bikers/raptors as troops. All the others mostly have troops choices to play them as is (cultists for AL, the cults for the 4 gods, and WB can ally with demons to make a very fluffy/playable list). So either IW or NL for me, and I choose IW.

11-15-2013, 06:30 PM
I voted Thousand Sons primarily out of selfishness as I have a Thousand Sons force.

I suspect, though, that the Alpha Legion would be winning in the poll except they've told their players to vote for other legions as part of some master plan...

11-16-2013, 12:16 PM
Emperors children.

Put it simply I want my cocaine fueled biker lord back

11-16-2013, 12:17 PM
I play Death Guard, but would love to see a Thousand Sons book.

11-16-2013, 12:41 PM
Night Lords.

Just as deserving would be either Alpha Legion or Iron Warriors, but I play Night Lords.

The current 'dex caters for the four powers, Black Legion and Word Bearers. I sympathise completely with players of those legions who argue the codex doesn't represent them enough or properly (cult Termis, legion traits, etc) but at least the codex goes some way to represent them. NL, IW and AL get nothing in this current fraud of a book, where you can't do traitor legions, only spiky mental kaos mareenz!!!

Night Lord Legion Traits: Night Vision; Stealth; Infiltrate or Scout D3 units (unsure which would be fluffier without going overpowered). Raptors as troops, whilst restrictions on Armour units?

Ah screw it, it's all wishlisting!

11-16-2013, 12:48 PM
Little love for my boys Bearing the Word

I think it makes most sense for it to be Death Guard, 1K Sons or Emperors Kids.

They already have the unique cult troops and wouldn't need a lot of changes, just some unique wargear for lords and Sorcerors. The same could be said for World Eaters, but not sure how well Berserkers only works.

11-16-2013, 01:01 PM
I like my Emperor's Children and my Iron Warriors, but I think the Night Lords need some lovin'. As it stands, the only thing they have going is the Raptor unit and Konrad Cruze being in the new HH book.

My idea to make the NLs stand out is working with stealth & Night Fighting effects. Maybe have their Raptors & Warp Talons have stealth added into the units rules and have other units perhaps pay for it like they do VotLW. With the effects of Night Fighting, maybe let their units have night vision, gain a shrouded bonus. Maybe for the Warp Talons, increase the range of their Warpflame Strike to 12 inches during Night Fighing.

11-16-2013, 02:27 PM
I voted Emperor's Children and then promptly changed my mind to Thousand Sons. My own armies are Alpha Legion and Plague Marines but I think the supplements should make as many armies playable as possible.

Iron Warriors - CSM + Allied Imperial Guard
Word Bearers - CSM + Allied Daemons
Alpha Legion - CSM or SM + Allied Guard
Night Lords - CSM, admittedly they're limited.

Thousand Sons are barely playable and Emperor's Children could have a lot more craziness.

11-16-2013, 03:34 PM
None, that would be my vote. As I see it, the legions seem to be broken and scattered in the current realm of 40k, Black legion is for all intents and purposes, Chaos marines. Your leaders have particular leanings, heck, they can even be former NL or WB, but they're legion is gone, unless you've somehow managed to capture a world.

But that's only my opinion.

11-16-2013, 06:39 PM
I wish people would stop saying that, hell in the background even the world eaters have been rebuilt since skalathrax, the primarchs raid the imperium reasonably frequently and there has never been any reason for why all chaos warbands would NOT opperate like they have for 10,000 years.

But of course it makes sense that the 3rd company IF's are more divergent from their parent chapter than a world eaters warband is from a deathguard one because **** chaos is GW's Motto.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-16-2013, 06:44 PM
None, that would be my vote. As I see it, the legions seem to be broken and scattered in the current realm of 40k,Remember, they're broken and scattered from the starting point of thousands of marines. Those fragments are still large enough to hold onto the identity of their "parent" legion - it's pretty comparable to the loyal legions splitting into chapters.

Edit: It's also worth considering that likeminded warbands often combine into one. For instance, in the Vraks FW books, Zhufor drew several Khornate bands into his own army through dueling their commanders (Khornate Lords being obliged to accept challenges). Also, Ahriman's been known to absorb other Tzeentchian warbands/cults into his own.

Travis Joshua Wells
11-16-2013, 07:09 PM
I went with Thousand Sons because I believe they are both underpowered and undeveloped. And currently in my local community I am the only one to try and build a Tzeentch army.

11-16-2013, 07:42 PM
My vote is for Thousand sons, and I don't even play them, but dear god do they need help. I think they deserve a psychic power table to rival the eldar. Throw in some cool wargear and tweek a unit simular to black legion terminators and I think they would be good to go.

11-16-2013, 07:55 PM
I hate people that keep auto-including allies into armies. We need to be reminded that armies are suppose to be able to stand on their own, the Allies part is just a nice feature. So the idea that the Iron Warriors would have auto-include Allies with IG is just ridiculous (but plausible from a rule writers perspective).

It's already in the fluff that the Iron Warriors rely on every piece of artillery imaginable and have large cohorts of mortal soldiers that fight under them. If you're going to make an Iron Warriors supplement, then it should include things like this:

Corrupted Guardsmen - models that are slightly better than Cultists, better arms and armor
Access to all artillery in the game - Basilisk, Medusa, etc
Special Fortifications specific to the Iron Warriors, maybe trench networks that give 3+ saves and Always give a cover save, even if a weapon would normally ignore a cover save.

Those are the type of things I want to see in a Legion supplement for the Iron Warriors.

11-17-2013, 01:55 AM
Id say world eaters personally. Id love to see Zerks on Juggernauts or zerker terminators. Just feel like you could do alot with them really. really any of them just make cult termis and different elite choices.

11-17-2013, 03:08 AM
Id say world eaters personally. Id love to see Zerks on Juggernauts or zerker terminators. Just feel like you could do alot with them really. really any of them just make cult termis and different elite choices.

Well I voted Iron Warriors, but answers like this that really are making me think World Eaters could be really good too.

11-17-2013, 03:41 AM
I don't play Chaos (in 40k, I play Warriors in Fantasy) of any flavour, so this is from a non-biased viewpoint.

I would say Thousand Sons. The Rubric makes them completely different to other Chaos Marines, and right now they're easily the worst cult troops. You're paying out of the nose for a 4++ that isn't going to help much because people are just going to use weight of wounds to kill them anyway. Nice against Imperial Guard because they typically use pie-plates and plasma to deal with Marines, but then you're against Guard... so your AP3 Bolters are wasted.

It would be good to see the Rubric applied to the entire force. No mutation, walking legion of dust, anyone who isn't dust is a psyker to some degree, so anything not-dust would have Brotherhood of Psykers.

Other than the Thousand Sons, there's no reason (rules-wise) for the supplements to be legion-specific, just god-specific. That said, the only reason the Imperial Fist and Iron Hands ones were focussed on the third companies was for the sake of having something to focus on for fluff purposes, they're obviously intended to be used by any company, so a legion supplement would obviously be intended for use by any warband dedicated to that god, but with the fluff focussing on that legion.

That's why Thousand Sons would be the best candidates for their own supplement. Unlike the other legions, they're completely different to other warbands who worship the same god. Emperor's Children aren't the only Noise Marines, World Eaters aren't the only Berserkers, Death Guard aren't the only Plague Marines and so on. No other Tzeentchian warband had the rubric cast upon them, only the Thousand Sons. We know that the Thousand Sons are generally joined onto other warbands for some kind of payment because the Sorcerers leading them like books and other shiny things, but when it comes to an entire warband of them they would benefit the most from a supplement.

You could still give non-Thousand Sons Tzeentchian warbands access to the artefacts though, because why not, other Tzeentchians can still have shiny magic things.

11-17-2013, 05:32 AM
It would be good to see the Rubric applied to the entire force. No mutation, walking legion of dust, anyone who isn't dust is a psyker to some degree, so anything not-dust would have Brotherhood of Psykers.

Pretty much every cult legion needs this, slaanesh is the only one that can sorta if you squint and cheat make a kinda cult list.

None of the others can even run cult HQ choices without taking a special character.

11-17-2013, 09:36 AM
World Eaters because i own a lot of khorne stuff

11-17-2013, 09:54 AM
I went with World Eaters too, I think there's a lot more to the legion than just waggghhhh blood for the blood god. I think they are deserving more of a fleshed out back story. FW and BL have done a great job of showing us the beginnings of what the legions now become. I would like to see more about them that isn't just Berserkers.

11-17-2013, 10:30 AM
As long as the Supplemental codex is done with interest and intent of making a "real" legion out of it anyone, though Id prefer Emperors Children.

All of the 8 CSM legions needs quite a bit to get their character back. That is not terribly hard to manage (see 3,5 codex), but apparently awfully boring/low prio for the design studio. I dont know if its the fact that they are going to be forced to move backwards a few steps thats the issue here or what it is, but there almost seems as if there is some prestige in not taking inspiration from Andy Hoares 3,5 CSM codex, which apart from 1 cheesebuild was solid.

It plain out sucks that CSM have gotten 2 bland books in a row now, all armies deserve better then that.

11-17-2013, 03:46 PM
I voted Emperor's Children and then promptly changed my mind to Thousand Sons. My own armies are Alpha Legion and Plague Marines but I think the supplements should make as many armies playable as possible.

Iron Warriors - CSM + Allied Imperial Guard
Word Bearers - CSM + Allied Daemons
Alpha Legion - CSM or SM + Allied Guard
Night Lords - CSM, admittedly they're limited.

Thousand Sons are barely playable and Emperor's Children could have a lot more craziness.

I hate people that keep auto-including allies into armies. We need to be reminded that armies are suppose to be able to stand on their own, the Allies part is just a nice feature. So the idea that the Iron Warriors would have auto-include Allies with IG is just ridiculous (but plausible from a rule writers perspective).

It's already in the fluff that the Iron Warriors rely on every piece of artillery imaginable and have large cohorts of mortal soldiers that fight under them. If you're going to make an Iron Warriors supplement, then it should include things like this:

Corrupted Guardsmen - models that are slightly better than Cultists, better arms and armor
Access to all artillery in the game - Basilisk, Medusa, etc
Special Fortifications specific to the Iron Warriors, maybe trench networks that give 3+ saves and Always give a cover save, even if a weapon would normally ignore a cover save.

Those are the type of things I want to see in a Legion supplement for the Iron Warriors.

For allies, it could be done with altering the status, for example:

Iron Warriors - tread IG Allies as "battle brothers" (fluff restriction: only IW ICs may join IG) - so taada here are the better cultists and ari-pieces
AL - the enemy has to tread his allies a level worser, so bb´s are convenience & convenience is desperate