View Full Version : 2v2 Tournament

Tyraels Wrath
11-14-2013, 10:18 AM
So i am part of a pretty big gaming group (which is a bunch of our friends) and we decided to host a 2v2 tournament at our local gaming store.

I have played Eldar for a long time now, well 3 years is a long time to me. But I recently started playing Chaos Daemons mono Khorne. And I think for this event I am going to play my daemons even though I've only played them a handful of times. But I am really liking their play style and what I can bring to the table.

So my partner is Tau and I know that Eldar would complement them better with being able to get better psy powers. But screw it.
The FOC is a bit weird. Its 1hq, 2troop, 0-1 Elite, 0-1 Fast Attack, 0-1 Heavy. Then there is an additional pool of an extra Elite, Fast Attack, Heavy, or Fortification. But if your only allowed to take one per team. So if my partner takes the extra elite slot I then only have available an extra Heavy, Fast Attack, or Fortification.

My partner is running. (using extra Elite)

Buff commander suit (for riptide)
2 ion riptides (the usual)
9 fw
9 fw
3 missile sides (24 TL shots)

and as Daemons I will be running (extra FA)

Bloodthrister - 300pts
2x Greater Reward
1x Lesser Reward

Bloodletters x10 - 100pts
Bloodletters x10 - 100pts

Fast Attack
Flesh Hounds x8 - 128pts
Fleah Hounds x7 - 112pts

Heavy Support
Daemon Prince - 260pts
2x Greater Reward
Warp forged armor

For a total of 1000pts

Pretty much the goal for me is to get the FMC into CC with units I can wipe out quickly or go for core parts of the army to stop they quickly. The flesh hounds are being used for stopping the enemies getting to close to the Tau gun line. OR stopping an advancing unit in mid field. I hold my bloodletters in reserve for deep striking becasue otherwise they normally die pretty quick. And once they deep strike if its an objective game I just move them towards it. Has worked pretty good for me so far. Ive noticed the hounds are great for holding up squads for turns upon turns. Either the hounds finally kill the unit or they die but by then The tau and my FMC should have taken out another good chunk of the opposing armies. Also what is nice is that the Warp Storm table has a few slight chances to hurt Khorne but will always also hurt the opponents units. (unless of course its like reducing all daemons inv save and ect.) We have play tested a few times and I just slowly make my way from one side of the table to the other just wiping out my opposition while the tau just shot everything to death. Since I can only hold up a few units at best it makes for a great board controller.

So what do you guys think?