View Full Version : What happens to the passangers if they're transport is destroyed in CC

11-28-2009, 05:02 PM

First post and i am not a native english speaker so please excuse me if i make gramatical or meaning errors. Also i tried finding a answer to my question but either my google fu is weak, am not looking the rulebook right or there is no answer within easy reach :)

Okay, so during a very recent battle me an my buddy came to a standstill about a situation that came up:

I had 1 x 5 man Tac squad assaulting my buddy's piranha.
Hitting on 4's i managed to wreck it and his drones took off. I thought i remembered a rule (but obviously couldn't find it anywhere) that the occupants of the vehicle destroyed in assault will automatically come under assault by the unit that destroyed it in assault.
In my example after the Piranha was destroyed, the drones should have come under assault by the tac squad and would have fought the assault during his next assault phase (since we couldn't find anywhere the rule for this we rolled off and the drones flew to safety). Is this correct? Is there a rule that can confirm or infirm this?

Also what happens (i don't think it is different than the example above but for my ease of mind i have to ask :) ) if the situation occurs like this:

A unit of, let's say, berzerkers (could be any other unit really) assault and wreck a real transport (not a piranha), let's say, a rhino with a Tactical squad inside.
The tactical squad would have to disembark and take a pinning test (?).
Now would the Tactical squad have to be automatically in CC with the berzerkers?
Or assuming they pass the pinning test they would act normally in they're own turn?

The reason i am asking (besides remembering the rule that allows it, although could be just my imagination :) ) is that, for the life of me i can't imagine the assaulters just ignoring the occupants while these get outside all well, run to a safe distance and then blasting the crap out of the ones that just destroyed they're transport.

Now i know that real world scenarios and 40k don't always mix but could it be that i am right? Also could there be a rule that will blow away our doubts about what really happens in this situation?

Many thanks to all those that can answer my questions and that managed to read through all my post

11-28-2009, 05:15 PM
You treat it exactly as if the vehicle was destroyed by shooting. There absolutely no difference.

And no, you don't automatically get to assault the unit that disembarked. That isn't a rule now, nor was it in 4th ed. You might be thinking of a different rule: if a unit SHOOTS a vehicle and destroys it, they may then attempt to assault the passengers.

Now, of course, because the assaulting unit is packed around the vehicle it is more likely that the passengers will have limited room to disembark, but the unit disembarks just like it would if the vehicle was destroyed during shooting.

So, no, the drones would not be in CC with your Marines.

11-29-2009, 06:45 AM
Also if the passengers can't disembark, due to enemy models being within 1" then they count as destroyed, but not in CC

Mycroft Holmes
12-02-2009, 10:09 AM
Also if the passengers can't disembark, due to enemy models being within 1" then they count as destroyed, but not in CC

Not quite.
The section on Emergency Disembark covers what happens when you don't have enough room.