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11-28-2009, 02:18 PM
right as i was reading white dawft this week i notice the crimson fist accessor backs so i think about making an army of them execpte i what to know the fluff been hide the army so what happen

11-28-2009, 03:00 PM
right as i was reading white dawft this week i notice the crimson fist accessor backs so i think about making an army of them execpte i what to know the fluff been hide the army so what happen

First off; I mean no offense, but try to check your spelling and grammar when you post, this was kind of hard to read. If English isn't your first language, then that's one thing, but otherwise there really isn't any excuse for bad spelling on a computer.

As for the Crimson Fists, here is the short version (most of which is contained in the Space Marine Codex). The CFs are a second founding chapter of the Imperial Fists; while the most passionate and zealous members of the Legion formed the Black Templars and the most seasoned veterans remained as the Imperial Fists, the youngest and least traditional founded the Crimson Fists. For over 9,000 years they served as a space borne chapter like their fellow Fists and Templars. After they liberated a sector from Ork raiders and would-be empires they were granted Rynn's World as a permanent home. In late M41 Rynn's World came under attack from a massive WAAAGH lead by the Arch Arsonist of Charadon (a title that seems to be "inherited" by each ruler of that Ork empire). The CFs gave a very good account of themselves and butchered the WAAAGH greatly until a tragic freak accident detonated the Fortress Monastery's armory. Over half of the Chapter and most of their relics were instantly annihilated in the resulting explosion. Pedro Kantor, Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists, rallied his remaining forces at New Rynn's City and they prepared for what they believed would be their last stand. However, despite all of the odds the badly outnumbered CFs managed to hold and defeat the WAAAGH. Today they are a proud but greatly reduced chapter that must pick and choose its engagements with care while they undertake the slow process to rebuild their former strength.

Hope that helps :D.

11-28-2009, 03:16 PM
first off i sorry for my gammar and spelling, english is my first langue but i struggle with them not even spell cheaker(see) has the ablity to change my spelling i will try harder
next thanks i am on my way to nick brothers copy of the space marine codex thanks for the info:D

Herald of Nurgle
11-28-2009, 04:09 PM
As for the Crimson Fists, here is the short version (most of which is contained in the Space Marine Codex). The CFs are a second founding chapter of the Imperial Fists; while the most passionate and zealous members of the Legion formed the Black Templars and the most seasoned veterans remained as the Imperial Fists, the youngest and least traditional founded the Crimson Fists. For over 9,000 years they served as a space borne chapter like their fellow Fists and Templars. After they liberated a sector from Ork raiders and would-be empires they were granted Rynn's World as a permanent home. In late M41 Rynn's World came under attack from a massive WAAAGH lead by the Arch Arsonist of Charadon (a title that seems to be "inherited" by each ruler of that Ork empire). The CFs gave a very good account of themselves and butchered the WAAAGH greatly until a tragic freak accident detonated the Fortress Monastery's armory. Over half of the Chapter and most of their relics were instantly annihilated in the resulting explosion. Pedro Kantor, Chapter Master of the Crimson Fists, rallied his remaining forces at New Rynn's City and they prepared for what they believed would be their last stand. However, despite all of the odds the badly outnumbered CFs managed to hold and defeat the WAAAGH. Today they are a proud but greatly reduced chapter that must pick and choose its engagements with care while they undertake the slow process to rebuild their former strength.

Wasn't it WAAAGH! Snagrod? Regardless - pretty accurate.

The Battle for Rynns World can also be found on the GW Website, for a bit of a campaign map - either in WD Archive or in the SM Articles.

11-28-2009, 04:34 PM
Wasn't it WAAAGH! Snagrod? Regardless - pretty accurate.

Yes it was, Snagrod was the Arch-Arsonist of Charadon at the time. And thanks, I try ;).

Ragnar Blackmane
11-28-2009, 07:56 PM
I hate this plot device. They are Imperial Fist Successors, they do not make mistakes when building a fortress monastery- especially not when the mistake is part of the Armoury!

But yes, pretty accurate, and yes it was Waagh!Snagrod, not the AA.

I just wished they could have made a better story for their survivalist chapter...

11-28-2009, 09:42 PM
I hate this plot device. They are Imperial Fist Successors, they do not make mistakes when building a fortress monastery- especially not when the mistake is part of the Armoury!

As a Fist-fan myself I tend to agree. However, everything I have read says that it was truly a freak accident, something no-one could have possibly anticipated. So in that sense I am willing to accept the event because I am pretty sure that Murphy's Law is still in effect in the 41st millenium ;).

But yes, pretty accurate, and yes it was Waagh!Snagrod, not the AA.

I am 99.99% sure they are one and the same being, Snagrod was the Arch-Arsonist at the time of the Rynn's World disaster. The title and persona is passed on to each successive Warboss ruling over the Ork empire of the Charadon sector (Dread Pirate Roberts anyone?).

11-28-2009, 10:20 PM
CF are a fleet based chapter because they blew up their "home" planet with a missile that was launched, went up, then promptly fell back to the planet destroying the fortress/monistary it was launched from. this of course, crippled the the chapter.

Rynns world is/was a fubar situation. Lots of orks, and not enough CFs to finish them off. Kantor decided it would be wiser to consolidate his forces than track down the ork's leader. Pretty brutal combat...I'd highly recommend getting a copy of the space marine codex and reading up on the rest of the story!

11-28-2009, 10:38 PM
Dread Pirate Roberts anyone?
Princess Bride? Nice.

I kinda wished the Crimson Fists went out in a blaze of glory instead of slowly rebuilding. The marine stories where chapters lose their last man are always so interesting (Celestial Lions).

11-29-2009, 01:22 AM
I still prefer the Rogue Trader take. Pretty much the same story, except that the reason dropping a missile on their Fortress was that Cantor was a bit of an arrogant tit:

it couldn't happen here

no stinking little Ork warlord was going to mess with the Crimson Fists
despite the constant warnings of an invasion. Needless to say, all this not paying attention gets them the smack down from the orks.

I'm impressed they've kept most this story so intact for over twenty years, even if the arrogance bit becomes lack of upkeep (at least in WD339, don't know about the novel). I like the idea of fallibility - it makes my excuses much easier. But I don't think I could maintain the levels of irony needed to play Crimson Fists with the original story so it is probably best left papered over.

11-29-2009, 04:00 AM
I always liked the idea that the missile was helped there by the inquisition who had doubts about the chapter and wanted the orks out of the way for a bit at the same time. I can't remember where I heard / read that so there's probably nothing supporting it

11-29-2009, 06:24 AM
Thanks for all the feed back guys , as i have an ork army all ready i may do them as waaagh! that killl the fist so may ideas are poping in to my head now:p

11-29-2009, 09:40 AM
Somebody set them up the bomb.

11-29-2009, 01:16 PM
Yeah, I never got how someone could be stupid enough to put an entire armory filled with enough explosives to destroy the entire fortress somewhere where some random missile could blow it up. It makes absolutely no sense.

11-30-2009, 02:52 AM
Somebody set them up the bomb.

I'm amazed it took this many posts for an "all your base" quote :p

12-04-2009, 05:00 PM
i just read thats theres a book on it coming out and also theres a bit in the planet stirke book

12-04-2009, 05:25 PM
Yeah, I never got how someone could be stupid enough to put an entire armory filled with enough explosives to destroy the entire fortress somewhere where some random missile could blow it up. It makes absolutely no sense.

From a missile designed to penetrate starship hulls. So when it penetrates something it's designed to penetrate your surprised? It went 'through' the whole monastery down to the armory.

12-04-2009, 09:09 PM
Not to mention that being filled with massive amounts of high explosives is kind of the definition of an armory... So no surprise there... :D

12-08-2009, 10:05 AM
From a missile designed to penetrate starship hulls. So when it penetrates something it's designed to penetrate your surprised? It went 'through' the whole monastery down to the armory.

Aww, beat me too it.

Yeah, it was an anti-orbital missile; made to cripple warships. It would have been huge in size, with a fision or melta warhead.

12-08-2009, 06:42 PM
I'm amazed it took this many posts for an "all your base" quote :p


What remains of your base are belong to us :)

12-10-2009, 06:52 PM
I vaguely remember reading somewhere that the armoury 'fubar' was a plasma missile that 'came home' after launch due to a seriously malfunctioning machine spirit, which then detonated inside the armoury, I cant for the life of me remember where I read that though... Could have been an ancient WD... also during the reclamation of Rynns world the wasn't the crimson fists 3rd company wiped out to a man on Jadeberry hill? (rogue trader cover art)

12-11-2009, 06:34 PM
Yes it was, Snagrod was the Arch-Arsonist of Charadon at the time. And thanks, I try ;).

Aren't Snagrod and the Arch-Arsonist of Charadon the same ork?