View Full Version : Imperial Fists Vanguard Kill Team Help

11-13-2013, 01:10 AM
Hey gang!

Having a bit of trouble kitting out my Vanguard Vets for a 200pt Kill Team game... I am just getting into WH40k and don't know what really works well in the game.

So far I have 5 Vets with jet packs at 110pts

90pts left to upgrade. What would you recommend?


11-13-2013, 11:48 AM
I'm not too familiar with the Kill Team rules. Are 5 Vanguard Vets your only models, and if not is there a maximum model count that you can field? At low-point games like this having more bodies will always be better than taking expensive wargear.

I do know that 2+ saves are not allowed in Kill Team, so if you only have access to those 5 models then I would recommend taking a good amount of AP3 weaponry (Power Swords/Lances & Lightning Claws). IIRC there are also extra skills (specific to kill Team) that you can take... If so, I would take anything that improves your toughness or makes you more difficult to kill.

Hope that helps!

11-13-2013, 02:15 PM
Thanks Chexmix282!

The 5 Vanguard will be my only models. The basic limitations to Kill teams are:
0-1 Elite
0-2 Troops
0-1 Fast attack

200 points maximum, minimum of 3 models, No more than 3 wounds on a single figure, and no 2+ saves. Figures act as individuals and essentially become one man/woman squads. The whole idea is to have a themed force, I am going with a veteran fast attack group from the Imperial fists (Reroll them bolter 1s!.. Which, no matter the game, I am good at...)

As for your advice, Thanks again! I am thinking of going with 4 vets armed with a lightning claw and boltpistol (60pts) and the Sergeant armed with a power weapon and plasma pistol (30pts) for a grand total of 200pts.

Now to pick skills for 3 of my troops... Tack on Shrouded or It will not die?

The pdf can be found here: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m3460063a_Kill_Team_Rules_Pack_2013.4.pdf

11-13-2013, 02:30 PM
Fleshbane is nice in killteam, Feel no pain and shrouded are good too. It will not die isn't worth taking on a 1 wound model.
Prefered enemy is nice too.

11-13-2013, 02:35 PM
I would go with Power Swords or Power Lances over Lightning Claws on most of your models. More attacks is better than a re-roll to wound, imo. I would give a single model a pair of lightning claws and the rest Sword/Lance + Pistol. But honestly you have a pretty good setup already, and I just like to maximize attacks.

To my knowledge It Will Not Die only benefits multiwound models. Also it mentions in the PDF that all specialists must pick a different rule. Personally I would go with Rage, Furious Charge, and Hatred. You have a close combat oriented force so close combat special rules make the most sense.

11-13-2013, 02:56 PM
Thanks folks!

I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to go with now. Time to get building!

11-14-2013, 11:43 AM
Not to derail your thread, but after further review I realized just how broken those Kill Team rules are with particular armies. I can't believe that there is no model cap.

With Imperial Guard, for example, I can take everything below as a single Troops choice...

1 Platoon Commander with Laspistol/CCW
4 Guardsmen with Flamers
2 Autocannon Teams
2 Guardsmen with Plasmaguns
14 Guardsmen with Lasguns

This is 25 models at 200 points. Armies like Orks and Tyranids can take even more models. Just wanted to give you a heads up, as I would expect to see a few armies like this.

11-16-2013, 06:02 PM
To further the derailing: Those swarm armies can get torn apart by SM veterans. I used Sternguard, but Vangaurd could do work for Similar reasons. The IG is arguably one of the best lists, for sure. But Tyranids and Orks get torn apart in my experience (although those guys were not hyper-competitive, they had lists made by hyper-competitive players).