View Full Version : Weapons Options in the Chaos Knights Kit

11-12-2013, 01:27 AM
Quick question:

What weapons options are included in the chaos knights kit?

I've decided not to spend $100 per five minis to add blood knights to my Vampire Counts armies, so I'm looking into conversion possibilities. One part is easy: a shield swap using the Von Carstein upgrade pack. However, I need to decide which cavalry unit to make the base.

The chaos knights have the appropriate degree of spikeyness, with with less chaosy shields and a less chaosy banner, they might do very well as blood knights. However, the only problem is that blood knights always come with lances. Do the chaos knights have lances?

Because if they don't, it'll probably be more cost-effective and less headache-inducing to buy some Brettonion knights and vamp them up... I don't even know where I'd get lances to sub in...

So, help me out - do chaos knights get lances? Will I find lances in their box?

Thanks in advance.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
11-12-2013, 01:49 AM
I dunno about the Chaos Knights, but maybe use the new Dark Elf Black Rider kit (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?prodId=prod2250072a)? Comes with 4 spears and a banner-spear thing. Aesthetic's reasonably close to vamps. Maybe looking a bit lightly armoured, though.

11-12-2013, 06:34 AM
You might be tempted to try the High elf dragon princes, a little bit of work to remove gemstones and change the shields like you suggested would give a nice Blood Dragon look. At least, that's what I was thinking of doing when I (eventually) get round to vampire counts.

11-12-2013, 08:10 AM
You might be tempted to try the High elf dragon princes, a little bit of work to remove gemstones and change the shields like you suggested would give a nice Blood Dragon look. At least, that's what I was thinking of doing when I (eventually) get round to vampire counts.

That's a good one.

Swap out the shields, generally bang the models up a bit (I'm seriously considering just putting them in a sack with some pennies and shaking it for a while) and swap the shields, and you've got a pretty good approximation. They've already got lances.

This seems a superior choice to chaos knights because the dragon princes have a more regimented look to them. Of course, the shield swap and weathering process will spoil a little of that symmetry, but that's ok. The blood knights are a bit less regimented than the dragon princes anyway. They are, however, much more consistent than the chaos knights (their weapons, for example, are identical) which using the dragon princes as a base reflects.

11-12-2013, 09:10 AM
I can't take too much credit, I'm sure I read about dragon princes as blood knights on this forum somewhere.

I should take this opportunity to say I've been enjoying your WFB threads these last few weeks, after Mr Mystery's thread defending 8th edition I've dived back in to painting an Orc and Goblin army (and was tempted to do VC alongside them as well) and reading about your Lizardmen and VCs has really helped keep my enthusiasm up.

Keep up the good work, and hope to see some more pictures of the armies soon.

11-12-2013, 01:23 PM
in response to the original question, yes there are lances in the chaos knights box. you could insider the nice big armoured chaos steeds with some different riders too, such as cold one knights, then dragon prince heads.

I would also recommend the Mournful Knight models. no cheaper than blood knights, but far superior models


11-15-2013, 04:55 PM
I have to second the dragon Princess. They got the size and appearance of vampire Knights. Chaos knights are to big and bulky. The lances are however awesome from chaos knights.