View Full Version : First try at a 1850 counts as word bearers competative list

Dan Robert Geiman
11-11-2013, 04:56 PM
This is my first try at a counts as list for a word bearers army using the new marine dex cause im not a huge fan of having my troops die in a sweeping advance lol.
let me know what you think i wanna have fun with this but still do well in tourneys.

HQ: chaplain with primarchs wraith and melta bombs

elite ; Legion of the damn squad ( the gal vorbak) with a plasma gun and plasma cannon


2x crusader squad 8 initiates and 8 neophytes with sword brother with lightning claw and grav pistol one initiate with a power weapon and a neophytes all with cc weapons was thinkin of seeing if i can use bloodletter models for the neophytes to go with the theme and a land raider crusader transport.

2x crusader squad 5 initiates and 5 neophytes drop pod grav gun

fast attack

2x storm talon with skyhammer

put it together real quick so feel free to tear it apart