View Full Version : New to Grey Knights

Ian Koratsky
11-11-2013, 01:46 PM
Hey guys, i'm a new player.

I love grey knights so far, but a lot of people at the gaming store have been bringing dark eldar, tau, and orcs.

SO far i have 2x dreadnoughts (one can count as karamozov, i chopped it up into a new dread so i could switch back and forth), 10 paladin models (two are distinctive, so i can count them as hq's in power armour), corteaz, a rhino, 5 gkss, an ageis with quad gun, 8 psykers, and a tech marine

We usually play under 2000 at the store, mostly 1500's

I love how paladins just don't die, so far i've had 2 10 man squads wiped out, and one 5 man squad die in around 10 games, but i feel like i'm using them way wrong

Usually i've been taking draigo to make them troops and sticking him with a 10 man squad, then taking a libby, 2 psydreads, and a 5 man of paladins (proxing bunches of termies atm)

I can post a battle report from later tonight, but i'm unsure how to write a good list

I've tried corteaz/draigo with a squad of corteaz and 3 plasma cannons, a rhino of psykers, and a paladin squad with draigo, along with 2x psydreads

i'm unsure how to make it work, i won a game last night against demons (by the skin of my teeth, derp derp derp), but i can't seem to win against de orcs or tau

paladins are the wrong thing to take against them, i'm sure, but i don't have much else, help?

11-11-2013, 03:59 PM
Hello and welcome aboard!

After 5 posts you can get enhanced privileges so you can start to do sightly more!

With regard to good lists, during each game consider what works well what doesn't and then change the list slightly to improve the weaknesses in the list, be they the actual list or specific wargear not being useful or a general tactic.

The people here will always be willing to help, we don't bite too hard.