View Full Version : Your least favourite loyalist primarch?

11-10-2013, 10:01 AM
For completions sake.

Russ. Never liked doggies. Never liked russ.
Loved when angron kicked his backside, shame he didnt wax him.

Whoops poll title should be "loyalist" curses foiled by android.

11-10-2013, 11:22 AM
Can't stand leman Russ.

He is the Marine equivelant of this:

Or worse, this:

I mean, if you like him, fair enough, but for me, Leman Russ is the Astartes equivelant of a T-shirt that tells the world "I've just given up, to be honest with you."

11-10-2013, 12:14 PM
Lol York :D.
Those wolf print fleeces are hideous. The sort of thing you see grannies wearing at outdoor markets with their polyester trousers.

11-10-2013, 12:23 PM
I actually voted for the Khan as my least favorite . . . although possibly a better way to put it would be "most apathetic"; I just don't really know anything about him, so he's at the bottom. Space Wolves are my least favorite of the original Loyalist Legions, mainly for their hypocrisies ("Kill all the psykers!" shouts the Rune Priest) but I rather like the Wolf King himself.

11-10-2013, 12:27 PM
It is impossible to make an item of clothing that has a wolf on it that does not suck. I'm sure there are scientific studies we could do, but really, wolf-based clothing is humanity's great cultural nadir. It is physically impossible to look good in any wolf-based clothing. Such items may draw less cultural attention than mullets, but they are easily as shameful.

I find it notable that Space Wolves rock both the wolf-based clothing AND the mullet. There are two very good reason I do not have a Wolf Wolves army (nor any of their Wolfy Wolves, Wolf Wolf Wolves, or Wolfish Wolf Wolving Wolves), and these are both of them.

You know, going on past precedent, where every Space Wolves codex has approximately 70% more Wolf than the last, how long until we see them fielding a gun that shoots wolf teeth at the enemy?

Or a chainsword with wolves instead of teeth? Held by a Wulfen. Wearing a wolfskin. And carrying wolf-tail trophies. On wolfback. Only the wolf he's riding is a tank. Made of wolves. That shoots actual, live wolves out of its guns. Which are also made of wolves.


I've just typed wolves so many times, the word has lost all meaning. It's just a sound to me now. A meaningless, nonsense sound.

11-10-2013, 12:43 PM
A meaningless, nonsense sound.

just like your post...

nah I'm just kidding off course, and I do mostly agree on the shirts
On the Space Puppies themselves, I don't pay much attention to the Wolf aspect, and I find the Viking theme way too cool to be put off by it, hence I proudly own my little force of Space Wolves without giving much care aboout the whole canine thing... they are not one-dimensional you know...

Back on topic, my vote goes to the Khan as well, for the same reason as DWest - up until now he's largely featureless to me, while the others all have one cool thing about them or another... so I don't dislike him, I just tend to forget about him...

11-10-2013, 02:17 PM
It is physically impossible to look good in any wolf-based clothing.


11-10-2013, 02:54 PM

That sound?

That's the noise of me resting my case.

Even the wolf looks embarrassed to be a part of this ensemble.

11-10-2013, 03:21 PM
That sound?

That's the noise of me resting my case.

Even the wolf looks embarrassed to be a part of this ensemble.

See to me he looks very surprised to have a man shoved up his arse

11-10-2013, 03:42 PM
Literally blew tea out of my nose laughing.

Thank you very much, Deadlift.

11-10-2013, 04:31 PM
You shouldn't wear wolves.

Anyway least favourite is Guilliman.

11-10-2013, 06:01 PM
See to me he looks very surprised to have a man shoved up his arse

Yup, to me the look on that face is the same as the dog in the Eddie Murphy Dr. Doolittle film when he's saying "wait what are you going to do with that thermometer? Wait no don't shove that up.... helloooooo". LOL

Back on topic I voted for Johnson as I just don't like him. Something about him just rankles me.

Archon Charybdis
11-10-2013, 08:00 PM
So when I first looked at this poll a few hours ago Russ was already up at the 9 votes he's currently sitting at, Guilliman had 3, and I think there was one for Ferrus. Now Russ is still at 9 and Johnson is up to 8. I think the space puppy fans have made their way to the thread...

Aspire to Glory
11-10-2013, 11:44 PM
All of the Guilliman haters probably think they're the first ones to dislike him.

LEAST liked??? Really? He was one of the least dishonest, egotistical or whiny primarchs.

Russ was a bully, a hypocrite and thought that the rules don't apply to him. IMO he deserves the title.

11-11-2013, 12:45 AM
Russ was a bully, a hypocrite and thought that the rules don't apply to him. IMO he deserves the title.

Thing is, the rules really didn't apply to him - that's precisely the whole point of the Wolves of Fenris, to police the Police so to speak... same with the Bully, that's also exactly the point... whether that makes him any more or less likable is up to you ofc :)

11-11-2013, 03:02 AM
All of the Guilliman haters probably think they're the first ones to dislike him.

LEAST liked??? Really? He was one of the least dishonest, egotistical or whiny primarchs.

Russ was a bully, a hypocrite and thought that the rules don't apply to him. IMO he deserves the title.

I think the thing with Guilliman is that while he may be one of the better loyalist primarchs he is also quite bland. Or at least comes of that way, the others have some personality traits that make it easier to like, after all we all loved a flawed hero.

11-11-2013, 06:45 AM
Guilliman and Russ are both Marty Stus of the worst kind. They're basically the same character, only (to put it in Mass Effect terms) Guilliman's player went with the Paragon options, and Russ' went with the Renegade ones.

Seriously, read the Marty Stu traits and compare to both Russ and Gulliman. They're both the same flat, boring character; Russ just gets a free pass because he channels the 90's antihero more effectively.


11-11-2013, 08:34 AM
I find Jonsons paronoia to be...annoying

11-11-2013, 08:39 AM
Guilliman and Russ are both Marty Stus of the worst kind. They're basically the same character, only (to put it in Mass Effect terms) Guilliman's player went with the Paragon options, and Russ' went with the Renegade ones.

Seriously, read the Marty Stu traits and compare to both Russ and Gulliman. They're both the same flat, boring character; Russ just gets a free pass because he channels the 90's antihero more effectively.


Yes! Yes! Finally, yes! I always knew that they were too similiar but this is it. Perfect.

11-11-2013, 08:46 AM
Lion'el Jonson.

He was dick of the highest order. He didn't care who won, he just wanted to be on the side of the winner, and screwed over the ones who are now The Fallen.

Sure Guilliman and Russ aren't particularly interesting, but when it comes to the least likable it's got to be Johnson. Russ screwed about a lot, but he would never have plotted to side with the winner and framed part of his own legion as a scapegoat like Jonson did.

11-11-2013, 10:38 AM
Jonson, mostly because of Gav Thorpe's short story about him. I probably shouldn't let one crappy piece of fiction determine my choice, but good lord it was terrible...

11-11-2013, 10:40 AM
Russ, because he's the biggest douchebag of the douchebags. Gulliman is a starch arse because he's too much by the book but Russ is just a jerk because he can be. I'll echo what Magnus said, "There are no wolves on Russ." and add "Just *******s"

Grey Mage
11-11-2013, 10:45 AM
So it used to be Guilleman... then I read the heresy books... and Lion El Johnson turned out to be a whiny prick.

Nope. No thanks. Last place goes to you brother.

11-11-2013, 10:50 AM
For me it's Robert Girlyman. I just don't like Ultramarines basically. I'm sure he's a great guy really

11-11-2013, 10:56 AM
Hate to break it to you, but All the Primarchs fit the Marty sue stereotype. Traitor and loyalist.

I think a lot of people forget that in war, it's the staunch adherence to rules or the bullies that often do the best. Discipline or brutality are generally both very effective.

And when you come down to the cultural beliefs of course Russ saw things differently. Every Primarch thought their Legion was best. His people of course are not psykers. They are shaman. Hell in those days most people didn't even know about the warp/ demons. So of course they thought they were different.

11-11-2013, 11:04 AM
For me it's Robert Girlyman. I just don't like Ultramarines basically. I'm sure he's a great guy really


11-11-2013, 11:18 AM
I always found Corax irritating. :p

11-11-2013, 11:30 AM
I was a difficult one, as someone else has said prior to the Heresy books my answer would have probably been very different. They have helped to make a lot of the more boring Primarch's interesting. For instance I love that Guilliman is not as by the book as the Ultramarine chapter are and that before he dies Ferrus is not as all about the mechanical upgrades as the Iron Hands become.

Anyway I voted for The Lion because he was a bit or a paranoid whiner, also I felt I couldn't vote for some of the other Primarch's just because I havent read as much about them as others (Vulkan & the Khan).

I'm also amazed that Vulkan does not have a single vote out of the 90 or so votes so far

11-11-2013, 11:42 AM
Hate to break it to you, but All the Primarchs fit the Marty sue stereotype. Traitor and loyalist.

Well duh.

It's just that Russ and Guilliman are the most glaring examples of it. Neither has any personality beyond "I fight for humanity/glory/honour." For me, Russ takes home the prize, because, lest it need stating further:








So yeah, Russ wins 'most rubbish Primarch' for numerous reasons.

11-11-2013, 12:25 PM
I have to say that Corax is probably my least favourite. He doesn't really have any qualities which I find particularly interesting and he's very broody. The other primarchs, even with their faults (sometimes because of them), make much more compelling characters.

11-11-2013, 12:30 PM
I have to go with Guilliman. "By the book" wouldn't be terrible (beyond the standard cliche) if he weren't so desperate to take over. The Astronomicon goes black, and the first thing he wants to do is set up a new empire based out of Ultramar. The Emperor and Sanguinius (the obvious/best choice) die, and he puts himself in charge and writes the Codex Astartes; breaking the legions apart and putting humanity on the defensive for the next ten millennium. Sheesh, if humanity is going on defense you should at least put Dorn in charge. Dorn is at least good on "D" (ha HA, puns...). The fact that Russ spit in his face and refused to go along with it gives him points over Jonson, who was only loyal to himself. Guilliman just wanted to be in charge and assumed he was the best for the job. He wasn't.

11-11-2013, 12:46 PM
I understand the Rowboat Girlyman hate and can agree with it to a certain extent but my vote is for Jonson. Can't stand how he handled his legion during the heresy or how he handled them in general and I can't stand his petty squabble with Russ. At least Russ saw how foolish it was. All in all Jonson comes off like a prick more than everyone else.

11-11-2013, 12:50 PM
My vote has to go to Guilliman. He just decided to take over and write the index astartes and think he could force everyone else into submission and play by his rules. I've also never been a big fan of Russ but the smurf leader has to take the cake on this one.

11-11-2013, 12:52 PM
Honestly I'm not the biggest fan of any of the Loyalist Primarchs. With a few exceptions, they are a pretty bland bunch. Maybe it's the whole "archetype" template for all of them. I'd probably go with Guilliman, as he seems the most generic "awesome guy" template of the bunch.

11-11-2013, 12:55 PM
It's gotta be Jonson, he stole my primarch's kill and then punched him after he tried to stop the fight!

11-11-2013, 01:20 PM
Personally, I actually like Guilliman, for some of the same reasons that have been put down here as a negative. For me, he's got the most relatable ahcievements; the others are all described in terms of epics, legends, and inflicting a god-like awe upon those around them, meanwhile Guilliman has:
-written a book filled with such intricate perceptions that it can be used to outthink an opponent on the battlefield without even needing to understand them;
-managed to walk home without a pressure suit after being blown out the bridge windows of his ship;
-and he put his *fist* through a suit of Terminator armor and pulled the wearer's heart out (granted the guy inside wasn't fully "up to spec", but still).

These feats help explain just how far removed the Primarchs are from humanity, because Guilliman isn't the best of them, he's merely middle-of-the-road.

Rob Haskin
11-11-2013, 03:08 PM
Like others have said all have their strengths and weaknesses and hell johnson hid a lot of stuff but at least his marines didnt look like smurfs corax was pretty much an emo

11-11-2013, 04:50 PM
Though he is not my favorite, I'd have to disagree with the dislike for Russ. Russ was your true soldier and it made sense that his was a chapter of Wolves/dogs. Completely loyal to the Emperor and the protection of mankind.
Guilliman wasn't bland, IMO. He served mankind. Attempts to improve everything. There was little room for him their was always work to be done. Always pragmatic which made it easy to dislike him for anything anyone felt strongly about.
Jonson get's a bad rap because of his flaws. Loyal to both his 'fathers' and suffering from extreme 'flaws' like his fallen brothers. Yet he was able to fight against the pull of chaos that glorified his sins. Fighting against himself.
My least favorite would have to be the Khan.
I will admit this is likely due to the lack of material but even in his basic story he is just a bland raider IMO

11-12-2013, 02:13 AM
For me, Corax evolves around in my head in a love-hate relationship due to his circumstances. On the one hand, he is a BAMF primarch that has the power to make himself imperceptible to others and created a device that allows IoM ships to go into a cloak mode that actually made some sense (so long as you allow yourself to not try understanding the warp); but on the other hand, he is an emo Primarch who let a little dabbling of Alpharius and Omegon affect his psyche to the extent that he went into self-imposed exile, when he could have just sucked it up and kept on keeping on.

11-12-2013, 05:45 AM
I think that in all of these discussions about favourite/least favourite loyalist/traitor Primarchs there are two factors to take into account.

1. The characters themselves.
2. The writers assigned to that character.

For example, I think ADB did a superb job of writing Lorgar in The First Heretic. Love him or hate him, I think you are judging the character. By contrast I dislike the Lion but I think that the short stories in the anthologies are my main source of that and I think that they just weren't written as well as some of the other pieces.

11-12-2013, 07:03 AM
Russ because dared to lay a finger on Magnus.

11-12-2013, 10:05 AM
I have to go with Guilliman. "By the book" wouldn't be terrible (beyond the standard cliche) if he weren't so desperate to take over. The Astronomicon goes black, and the first thing he wants to do is set up a new empire based out of Ultramar. The Emperor and Sanguinius (the obvious/best choice) die, and he puts himself in charge and writes the Codex Astartes; breaking the legions apart and putting humanity on the defensive for the next ten millennium. Sheesh, if humanity is going on defense you should at least put Dorn in charge. Dorn is at least good on "D" (ha HA, puns...). The fact that Russ spit in his face and refused to go along with it gives him points over Jonson, who was only loyal to himself. Guilliman just wanted to be in charge and assumed he was the best for the job. He wasn't.

This is much of mine. But I would have to say that Ward is the primary reason for my distaste of him. Though, Cruddace started to get my goat for other reasons.

11-12-2013, 08:05 PM
i am fully behind that :) I know my own marines have been declared traitors because i basically continue to push that gurlyman refused to return to Terra as he was ordered to and instead tried to establish himself as the new emperor. their fluff has them far exceeding the codex 1000 marine mark as well as the naval break down for fleets screw that i wanted my marines to fight like the great crusade so they do :)