View Full Version : Never spammed, but should i? Eldar 2000p...

Lost Vyper
11-09-2013, 02:26 PM
People (those who donīt play Eldar) hate the Wave Serpents...should i try to make people cry in my FLGC? :p

In this list is all of my Wave Serpents, plus Striking Scorpions just for giggles...


Farseer (SS)

Dire Avengers x 7 + Exarch (PS+SS) + Wave Serpent (Holo,tlBL)
Dire Avengers x 7 + Exarch (PS+SS) + Wave Serpent (Holo,tlBL)
Dire Avengers x 5 + Wave Serpent (Holo,tlBL)
Guardian Defenders x 10 + Wave Serpent (Holo,tlBL)

Striking Scorpions x 9 + Exarch (Stalker,SC)

Swooping Hawks x 5 + Exarch
Warp Spiders x 5 + Exarch (SR, FS)

Wraithlord (2xFlamer,BL,GC)
War Walkers x 3 (Scatter Laser + BL)

I know, that the Scorpions are taking A LOT of points, but i havenīt played with any CC units (except Wraithknight) since the summer, so SURPRISE! :eek: I hope to go second and Infiltrate them closer and go at the opponent in (MY) the first turn. Wraithlord secures the flank, Hawks are for the LB and Haywire attacking, Spiders for the Rhinos and everything below AV13. Farseer (with SS) goes with the first set of 7 DA and the other with the next 7. All of my troops who can take WS are in this list. Iīm 80% sure, that the opponent (who ever in our FLGC) will take Aegis with Quad, so no flier in this. Also, they will be expecting Walkers, so iīm bringing one set (we shouldnīt disappoint people :) ). If iīm facing the Space Wolves, iīm dropping at least the other Farseer and going for Autarch, cos the 4+ bubble to cancel your powers is annoying...or, drop both and get Karandras for the Scorpions as Warlord...As fanatic War Walker -player, iīm still thinking about MORE OF THEM...DAMN...maybe switch the Scorpions? (oh there we go again... :D )

11-10-2013, 02:20 AM
Spamming depends on context. Club nights depends on what game you have arranged. Tournaments we you expect competive player so more acceptable. Also context

Take 3 rhinos = not spam. 3 serpents = spam

Your list is short on troops, key to using serpents is knowing when to shoot the shield or not.

Far seers in the transport won't contribute the eldar and div primaries powers are not needed by serpent which can do this it self. How about put 1 on a bike. Also if one is unlikely to achieve much why take2?

Dave l

Lost Vyper
11-10-2013, 02:56 AM
Yep, Farseers in a ride are kept in wraps. Putting another on a bike is always good, but really donīt have the points. I think 4 troops is enough, i usually run just 3 or 4. If i drop the SSīs, then itīs just a basic Lost Vyper-list, just with more WSīs. In the beginning of the 6th ed. Eldar, i just to shoot the shield a lot, but now days, iīm more careful. That has saved my a** LOADS of times...

11-10-2013, 08:36 AM
I think you have way too many twin-linked bright lances you certainly dont need so many. The serpents are at max efficiency with scatter lasers