View Full Version : Why do you play?

11-08-2013, 02:40 PM
Recently since joining this fantastic and incredibly active forum I've posted more than my fair share of threads gaging peoples general opinion on this world of War Gaming in particular?

Simply here I'm asking what gets you to cast those dice for 40k? Is it the models, the rule set, the back ground lore or quite simply a fantastic combination of all three?

Personally It's the lore of 40k I find draws it me to it above all other gaming systems, my battles are simply that much more enjoyable due to the setting in which they take place. I know many people on this forum are mutli-platfrom gamers, but I don't simply have the time for such feats and thus an forced to limit myself to one system,,,, hence 40K

If you're anything like myself? What Is it that draws you to 40k above all else? As we all know they are by no means perfect and there are plenty of us who have man a complaint to make! Yet I find my devotion to this game unwavering!

11-08-2013, 02:49 PM
I just love converting and painting models so much it's shameful. So I have approximately eleventy billion of the things, and it'd just be a waste if they never got the chance to come out and play.

I will admit the actual game is the least compelling part of the hobby for me. Mostly I just like making shiny new toys that are as completely unique as I can get them while still being obviously 40K, and usable in a conventional army without the need for fruity home-brew nonsense.

And I say this as a man who has almost a year's worth of fruity home-brew nonsense on his *shameless plug* blog. The one you should all go look at. By clicking on the blue number under 'Join Date' and 'Posts' to the left of this post. And you should do this now. Right now. Because it is completely and utterly not a waste of your time.

11-08-2013, 03:44 PM
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

11-08-2013, 03:53 PM
LMAO Wolf, I was just looking for this to answer:


11-08-2013, 06:55 PM
I don't play anymore. I use to play because of the minis and fluff. I stopped playing because of the poor rules in 5th. Bought 6th but haven't gamed yet. Just seems more of the same of what I didn't like about 5th, but more jubbled up with more complex rules.

11-09-2013, 12:29 AM
I play because i love the minis and the fluff. Its a great hobby. We play 4th ed currently because GW employed an idiot to write the 6th ed ruleset.

Lost Vyper
11-09-2013, 02:22 AM
The fluff and the gaming mechanics. I started in the 5th edition and MOSTLY (IMHO) the rules got better in the 6th, which got us more players in our FLGC. I´m also constricted by Father Time, so 40K is the only game for me. Used to play D&D also, but that used to take a whole day, so, no more that...

11-09-2013, 02:40 AM
I play because i love the minis and the fluff. Its a great hobby. We play 4th ed currently because GW employed an idiot to write the 6th ed ruleset.

No they didn't, its a much better rules system now, but if you're enjoying 4th, then good for you.

11-09-2013, 02:43 AM
I was hooked on the imagery of Epic, 2nd Edition Warhammer 40,00 and Adeptus Titanicus when i was 12, took time off for girls, drinking and socialising between 16-25 and now I'm back, because I'm bored of the other stuff

11-09-2013, 03:42 AM
I love the fluff, I love the models and I love to paint. I guess playing the game is just an extension of that really.

11-09-2013, 05:48 AM
I love the fluff and painting. The rules are sadly a neccessary evil which i must suffer from edition to edition.
Sure some rules get better, however gw always screw the pooch with some utter clangers in each incarnation.
Proof of this need only be seen in the fortification placement rules. There are others but thats in other threads.

Ps. Deadlift, why are your posts so huge on the threads when they are only a single line?

11-09-2013, 06:12 AM
I play 40k to meet chicks :cool:

Possibly explains why I'm single :/

11-09-2013, 08:28 AM
I know if I want the mrs to ignore me and leave me alone, the barest hint of me turning the conversation around to 40k is guarenteed to make her eyes glaze over and for her to bugger off and leave me alone :D

11-11-2013, 01:13 PM
To get away from the grind and also my 11 year old son likes to play so I get to spend time with him.


11-11-2013, 01:52 PM
I play 40k to meet chicks :cool:

Possibly explains why I'm single :/

Toplel. I play because its what my friends do (well at least the one group of friends I hang out with most frequently).

That and the fluff is awesome.

11-11-2013, 02:05 PM
I got started in this hobby 13 years ago and I have not looked back a single moment. I love the fluff, in fact I have now run three successful Dark Heresy campaigns, and I love the minis and rules. Warhammer is what brought me out of my social shell as a kid and was instrumental in how I've developed into a sociable person. But the main reason I play is because I love spending an evening with friends and having an absolute bloodbath where out of the dozens or hundreds of models we placed on the field there remained only 5 or 10 guys on the field.

11-11-2013, 02:40 PM
All of the above. There's the modeling (painting, conversions, etc), fluff (codex, novels, etc) and strategy (list building, podcasts, videos, batreps) to occupy my personal time and then the gaming with others when I want to socialize. I don't get to do nearly as much as I want to in the hobby and on top of that the genre is always expanding and evolving. I general, I just love me some 40k. :)