View Full Version : Battle Brothers

11-08-2013, 12:03 PM
So I'm off to Battle Brothers at the world next weekend. Just thought I'd see if any other BoLSsters are going as well, be nice to say hi to folks in person.

11-08-2013, 01:01 PM
Wrong country for me...

Nonetheless, I wish you good luck, sir! What are you bringing/participating in?

11-15-2013, 04:10 AM
Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to attend as a cheerleader for you Wildeybeast - I've been asked to go and report on an MMA event in Leicester for a UK MMA site!

11-16-2013, 04:21 PM
Sorry, chrono, didn't spot you had replied. We are taking Bret's and wood elves and our team is called 'new books please'. Currently we are 2-1 down. I'll give a fuller up date on anything interesting from the weekend tomorrow.

11-17-2013, 02:15 PM
Well, 25th out of 50 was a pretty respectable placing for our first effort, especially with wood elves and brets. More importantly, everyone was very friendly and all all bar one of our games were pretty tight. I'm just glad we didn't play the skaven list with two furnaces, four warp lightning cannons and about 200 slaves.

Not much to report on the meta, there was a good mixture of races and army builds. The only stand out was that there wasn't a single beastmen army. Plenty of high elves, lizards and empire. Rumours were pretty much everything that was already out there, though there were reports floating around that the new boxed set will have beastmen and either Bret's or wood elves. The quiz had a possible hint that wood elves will get asf, in case people hadn't already guessed that.

11-17-2013, 03:07 PM
Well, 25th out of 50 was a pretty respectable placing for our first effort, especially with wood elves and brets. More importantly, everyone was very friendly and all all bar one of our games were pretty tight. I'm just glad we didn't play the skaven list with two furnaces, four warp lightning cannons and about 200 slaves.

Not much to report on the meta, there was a good mixture of races and army builds. The only stand out was that there wasn't a single beastmen army. Plenty of high elves, lizards and empire. Rumours were pretty much everything that was already out there, though there were reports floating around that the new boxed set will have beastmen and either Bret's or wood elves. The quiz had a possible hint that wood elves will get asf, in case people hadn't already guessed that.

I'd love a new box with Brets/Wood Elves versus Beastmen. That would get me back into both armies as all three are on my list of favored armies I'd like to start in the future. I actually used to run beasts not that long ago but sold most of my army when the new book came out as it was too much of a change in playstyle for me and I was trying to get a friend into Fantasy and he was looking at Beastmen.

It's also noteworthy that at Adepticon back in April, of 156 players there was only a single beastmen player that I saw. By comparison there were at least 2 Wood Elves players and roughly 8ish Bret players (my first opponent was a bretonnian player). Sadly, I won't be attending Atepticon this year. Hard to justify the cost when my wife and I could take our daughter on a nice vacation for the same price.

11-17-2013, 04:59 PM
I counted two other wood elf players. Bret's were a bit more popular, maybe half a dozen of them. Not many dark elves which was surprising. I guess people may have struggled to get new armies together in time.