View Full Version : Firestorm redoubt

11-08-2013, 05:11 AM
Hi all, im curious about the rules and points cost for the aforementioned firestorm redoubt.
Now i know posting the points for it would be a no go, so a unit in the maureen codex that is the same points (with or without upgrades) would be preferable so i can deem its worth.
If any one can post the other forts values in comparison to maureen units then id be grateful.

Cheers, pops.

11-08-2013, 05:24 AM
I don't think I am breaking any rules as I am quoting BigRed

This one has been running under the radar, but it may have a big impact on the game.

The New Fortifications
The new fortifications (Firestorm Redoubt, etc...) sets come with thier rules in the box!
This is a BIG DEAL, as like Privateer Press and others do - it allows the immediate insertion of a new product into the gamesystem without a new book required. It's practically revolutionary for GW.

40k vs Apoc Rulesets
The Firestorm and the Vengeance are standard fortifications and use the standard 'fortification icon' to mark their rules. So it looks like they are now in the mix for the game, alongside all the other items such as the Aegis, Bastion, Skyshield.


Firestorm Redoubt
Classification: Medium bunker [STANDARD FORTIFICATION]
Cost: 2x Thunderfire Cannons
AV: 14
Access Points: As modeled (3)
Fire Points: 1
Rules: Medium sized Bunker, and two quad lascanons. The quad lascanons are 2 shot linked Icarus lascanons. They are able to independently fire and are not target-able separate from the redoubt, however they are always fired automatically, (BS:2 CANNOT be manned) however they automatically fire at the closest flying monstrous creature or flier if one is available.

The costing may have changed as this is based on the previous C:SM.

11-08-2013, 06:21 AM
Thanks wolfy.
Any idea on the vengeance rules/points?

11-08-2013, 06:32 AM
Same post ;)

This one has been running under the radar, but it may have a big impact on the game.

Aquilla Strongpoint
Classification: Massive fortifications (Medium building w/battlements + Large building w/battlements) [APOCALYPSE UNIT]
Cost: 2 Land Raiders & a Rhino
Access Points: Per model
Fire Points: Per model
Rules: Macro Cannon, or Vortex Missile Battery
Macro cannon:
-Macro Shell: 72" S: D AP:1 Primary weapon 2, Large Blast
-Quake Shell: 180" S: 10/7/5 AP:1/4/6 Primary weapon 1, Apocalypse Mega-blast, Sonic-boom
Sonic boom: (simplified: draw a line from the cannon to the center of the template, any flyers, flying monstrous creatures, gargantuan flying gargantuans on the line roll a d6, crash and burn on a 1)
Vortex Missile Battery:
-Vortex Missile: Infinite range, S: D AP:1 Ordinance 1, Large blast, Vortex


Vengeance Weapons Battery
Classification: Impassable Building [STANDARD FORTIFICATION]
Cost: 1 Space Marine Scout Squad
AV: 14
Access Points: 0
Fire Points: 0
Weapon: Punisher Gatling Cannon (24" S5 Ap- Heavy 20)
Rules: Automated Fire without being occupied.
-Add another Battery for same cost as first
-Upgrade Gatling Cannon to Battle Cannon for cost of 1 Ratling sniper

Hop to it folks! Let's start to analyze those new units to see if they are worth it compared to the older ones, especially in standard games.

Again, old codex points.

11-08-2013, 06:48 AM
Cheers again bud.
Now how many points were 5 scouts in the previous codex?
It cant break any rules to know that, can it?

11-08-2013, 07:19 AM
75? I think. I don't recall just pasting another person's posts.