View Full Version : Recommend To Me A Necromancer Head

11-07-2013, 05:09 PM
As you may have noted, I've decided to transform the models from my abortive introduction to Dark Elves into models for my growing Vampire Counts army. My newest induction is my Dark Elf sorceress on a horse. I'd like to replace her head with one more fitting a (scantily clad, apparently) necromancer on horseback. Her skull-headed wand is fine, and I've converted the hand that used to be holding a repeating crossbow so that now it's holding a tome of blasphemous knowledge.

But the head still eludes me.

I'm looking for hair that's streaming out behind her, if possible, since the horse is modeled as leaping forward. Creepily bald would also work. Otherwise weird could be nice... for example, I'm kind of down with the strange juxtaposition of sexy, scantily clad Dark Elf body with a fleshless skull head or something. Or she could have horns - she may be a necromancer, but the winds of magic are Chaos and weird stuff is bound to happen sometimes...

Anyway, any recommendations? Pics to support your advice would be particularly nifty.

11-07-2013, 08:47 PM
The daemonettes of slaanesh all have either bald heads or flowing hair and their expressions are either an aristrocratic sneer or a snarl. If you paint them palid colours I've found they can work quite well for beastial looking Dark Eldar so I'm guessing they'd work fine for necromancers or even the base of a vampire head too. If you've got a demons player in your area you could probably do a bits swap for a single head.

Daemonettes image from GW site (http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m3350063a_99129915002_40kDaemonettes01_873x627.jpg )
Photo of my DE beastmaster conversion using a daemonette head (http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/1/22/78028_md-Beastmaster%2C%20Dark%20Eldar%2C%20Kabal%20Of%20Ve nomed%20Dreams.JPG)