View Full Version : Rules most people commonly miss.

11-07-2013, 04:06 PM
Last night at the gaming club I frequent, I overheard a conversation.
It would appear that at last weekend's tournament, when it came to disembarking from Skimmers, players were moving and then turning their vehicles so the rear doors were facing their enemy for disembarkation and then taking Rear Armour shots that were wiping them out en masse.

There were over thirty players who did that, all weekend, in a tournament of 120 players.

I was horrified that so many people were unaware that a Transport on a Flying Base considers the Base is also an Access Point.
That means you can deploy within 6" of the Flying Base and that puts you in the front arc of Wave Serpents and Falcons for a start.
(Rulebook P.78, Right Hand Column, "Access Points")

Whilst not strictly game winning, it is certainly game changing.
Who wouldn't want an extra two points of Armour to counter incoming shots?

Anyway, do you see any other Rules that people commonly seem to miss?

11-07-2013, 05:12 PM
Skimmers do have flying bases, technically. However, looking under the skimmer rules reveals that the normal flying base rules don't apply. You only measure to the base for assault purposes.

But speaking of assault, most people don't understand how they work. At all.

11-07-2013, 05:48 PM
Uh, I thought that "Flying Base" means the oval bases with raised stands such as a Vendetta or Valkyrie has, not the clear smaller round bases that non-Flyer Skimmers have. The rule seems meant to allow the Flyers that have a Skimmer mode to have a way to embark/disembark models even when the access points may be too elevated to make it possible or reasonable to get within 6" (or 3" for some Disembark situations) of them, not a way to expand the disembark area for Falcons/Wave Serpents. Before Flyers existed, certainly those skimmer bases were called "flying base", but I think that now that they have bases specifically for Flyers, it seems that those are what would be meant by rules that specify "Flying Base".

11-07-2013, 06:03 PM
The rulebook still refers to skimmer bases as flying bases. However, it also says that, in the case of skimmers, you basically ignore the base.

11-08-2013, 10:39 AM
do you see any other Rules that people commonly seem to miss?

All of them.

In my FLGS I am constantly getting asked questions on what a rule does and such because I actually read the BRB and remember it. And then if I'm observing and I see something done wrong it all but kills me not to say something though I do try and be friendly about it.

11-08-2013, 12:49 PM
But speaking of assault, most people don't understand how they work. At all.

This. Since the end of 5th I played Tau and assumed my opponent understood the assault rules better (only taking a glance at the rules). I have switched over to 'Nids recently and there are a lot of nuances that people just don't play with when it comes to assaulting.

11-08-2013, 01:38 PM
Most people don't understand how badly assault was nerfed. They think 'assault must be better because you can charge an extra inch on average', without realizing how important the massive nerfs to multicharges, no longer being able to avoid terrain, overwatch, wound allocation, and the like add up.

11-08-2013, 01:43 PM
You might want to reread the section titled "Skimmers and Measuring" on pg 83. Sounds to me like you were the one that missed the rule here.