View Full Version : Scratchbuilt Tyranid Capillary Towers.

11-07-2013, 03:39 PM
With my mojo back on track the next thing on my tyranid terrain list is some Capillary Towers. Having made my Bastion, a stretch from my straightforward defence line I'm now going to refine those skills with some Capillary Towers. Having already utilised them in the 'compass points' of the Bastion I thought I'd just get six done as I'd speculated they were easy to make from the foamboard templates I'd already made.

So first up was cutting a bunch of chitin plates from the bottom of pop bottles:


Then some foamboard spines to fit them to:


Then attach the spines to plywood discs and add the chitin plates using pins


More progress soon, but here's more info and pics: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/nids-part-106-scratchbuilt-tyranid.html

11-07-2013, 04:58 PM
Which way around are the chitin plates attached? It's hard to tell on the photos because they're transparent. Are they stuck ends down on the long outer side of the spine?

11-08-2013, 12:44 AM
Which way around are the chitin plates attached? It's hard to tell on the photos because they're transparent. Are they stuck ends down on the long outer side of the spine?

Yes, just imagine the brown ones in the first picture running up the left hand side of the spines in the second picture with the bulby bits pointing up.

11-12-2013, 05:08 PM
Started padding out the interior of the Chitin plates


Added on some curtain hooks for spikey bits.


Progress is happening on these quite quickly, I've already managed to prep them ready for sculpting but in the mean time some more info and pics here:


11-14-2013, 05:34 PM
Started 'icing my cakes'. It seems these are looking extremely phallic, G.O.D. help us when I start doing the Chitin plates!


After coating them with a rough layer of adhesive tile grout I then needed to sand them back. The grout makes the plastic and PVA'd tissue paper more rigid and gives the next layer of DAS air drying clay something to stick to.



More pics and info should you need it: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/nids-part-108-scratchbuilt-tyranid.html

11-21-2013, 05:03 PM
Pretty much all the tiers of Chitinous Plates have been done now, here's the progress:


All 6 are starting to look like the ones that formed the compass points in my bastion


And I've even started work on the fleshy musculature that forms the inside of the capillary tower


Next step is to cap all the curtain hooks into spikes. My bastion used spinefists to give it that Tyranid feel, this time I'll be sculpting them all on. Not quite sure what I'm going to do but we'll see soon it enough. More pictures and details are here:




and here:


11-22-2013, 01:10 AM
Looks great. :D

11-28-2013, 08:37 AM
The next update brings more fleshy musculature to the inside of the Capillary Tower, but first i capped all the curtain hook spines. The weren't quite as lethal as the 'scything talons' I'd envisaged but the sculpting turned out OK and they will bprobably be less prone to break given their bulkiness


I'd planned on using Milliput for the fleshy bits but decide to just continue using DAS air drying clay. Even though I'd bought 5 packs of Milliput I'm glad I continued on with my cheaper/quicker options. There is still a question mark over durability. The clay can be carved with ease once dry but I think even if these were to chip or break I could just repaint them as ddamged towers.


The additional concern is just how stuck to the core the clay is. You wet it and press it on but it's not like Milliput which has real adhesive qualities, once again we'll just have to see in the end.


That's the first 2 'fleshed out' just the remianing 4 and to do their bases, add some fleshy sacs to the 'female' towers, and some vine tendrils and they're done, probably no more than a weeks worth of modelling left!

Point your cogitators here for more pics and info: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/nids-part-112-scratchbuilt-tyranid.html

12-06-2013, 04:19 AM
based all the towers now:


And added some fleshy sacs to the 'female' towers



Next up some tendril vines and then I can think about painting

For more info on construction and pics point your cogitators here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/nids-part-114-scratchbuilt-tyranid.html

12-28-2013, 12:34 PM
Turns out I had bigger things on my mind with my Capillary Towers afterall - they in fact form part of my modular Tyranid Skyshield Landing Pad


Fingers crossed the other days rumour that the new Codex will deny Tyranids access to Fortifications was a load of old guff



For more info on construction and pics point your cogitators here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/nids-part-117-project-y-scratchbuilt.html

01-12-2014, 06:39 AM
In an age where the Great Devourer has become more like a mawkish teenage anorexic self harmer at least there's one thing you can rely on, until the FAQ it to death - my Tyranid Capillary Towers. Here's what a little paint can do as most of the base coats and washes go on:


And the really big ones:


And a close up of the gestation sacs in the female towers [hey if they can ret-con that they don't have DNA I can ret-con my own fluff that there are sometimes gender specific bio-forms]


For more pictures and details point your cogitators here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/nids-part-118-scratchbuilt-tyranid.html

Bunny of Doom
01-13-2014, 02:58 PM
Most excellent.

01-18-2014, 10:13 AM
The next part of the Skyshield is coming along, behold my sphincter


And then I had to go to bizarre lengths to try and keep the pad flat when I filled in the rest of the pad


Some abortive attempts at making some transparent walls using clingfilm


or tissue paper and PVA


For a few more pics and information point your cogitators here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/nids-part-121-project-y-scratchbuilt.html

01-25-2014, 07:19 AM
And the Capillary Towers are pretty much complete now


They turned out a lot better than I'd hoped and with a few more coats of gloss varnish in the 'male' towers reclamation pools they'll be done


It's been quite and adventure along the way, not least making sure they would fit with 'project y' - the Skyshield Landing pad addition


The pad will be the next part to share with you all, the detachable walls are a lower priority as I can potentially play with it without the walls


But I'll be getting the pad done asap

In the mean time for more information and loads more pics, as usual, point your cogitators here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/nids-part-122-scratchbuilt-tyranid.html

01-26-2014, 07:05 AM
And the Skyshield progresses also, first up the pad in situ, now the clay is all dry:


Some interesting ideas playing around with my Aegis Defence Line in front of the Skyshield:


Next I added some support strands, leading from the Capillary Towers to the central sphincter:


And a close up of the texture:


More information and pics, as usual, point your cogitators here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/nids-part-123-project-y-scratchbuilt.html

01-30-2014, 07:00 AM
The Landing Pad is super quick to paint, given it's just an oversized version of my Red Planet Basing (http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/red-planet-basing.html) with just a few changes to the solours involved and afew extra washes applied the whole thing is so easy thaks to using big decorating brushes.


Following the initial coats for the flesh bits I decided to add a ring of Bonewhite for central support to the Sphincter entrance:



Work on the detachable walls continues as well, but as a lower priority. The Landing Pad can function without the walls, I can jsut make a marker saying whether it's sheilded or not. In the mean time I have to paint at least another 20 Termagants for March, so they will take priority.


Anyway, more pictures and in depth explanations are on the blog so point your cogitators there should you feel inclined: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/nids-part-124-project-y-scratchbuilt.html

01-30-2014, 05:41 PM
Aweome project dwez, those towers are stunning. Looking forward to see the pad addition when it's all finished.

02-03-2014, 06:53 AM
It was Hallowe'en when I first started in earnest creating my scratchbuilt Capillary Towers and 3 months on they have their modular Landing Pad complete too. I've mentioned before the walls are less of a concern as I can create a simple counter that will say shielded/unfurled. I've a lot of Termagants [and perhaps a Tervigon] to paint before Throne of Skulls in March so the walls are a lower priority although I will progress with them when I can.


One interesting development that's happened since I've been working on it is an interpretation of it's rules - a friend of mine vame up against someone running a Skyshield with his nids. He also had a Venomthrope in there and was taking a 2+ cover save. I was adamant this wasn't possible as the Skyshield offers a 4+ invulnerable and that wouldn't stack with the Venomthopes Shrouded rule. However, in the discussion I kind of realised that with the walls/shields up you probably are entitled to a cover save. Now you'd probably have it as 4+, because it's pretty much like an Aegis but technically Fortifications offer a 3+ cover save [BRB pg18] so you could claim a 1+ [although it would essentially be a 2+ given you always fail on a 1] cover save. So, having been convinced he'd been swindled I kind of reversed my way of thinking, what do others think?


Of course I don't have walls so that makes the debate less of an issue, maybe if GW hadn't made them look like the Defence Line it wouldn't be open to interpretation...


There's something really quite cute about this particular tower, in a 'covered with alien gore and filth' kind of cute


More pictures and information on the blog, should you be a glutton for punishment, so point your cogitators here: http://40kaddict.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/nids-part-125-project-y-scratchbuilt.html