View Full Version : Show me the Minis!!

11-07-2013, 02:05 PM
Hey fellow BoLS goers,

So in my experience, there is a two-part group of people who love 40k. There are a host of different gamers, ranging from casual to uber-competitive. They love (or love to hate) the game, and all the rules and scenarios that go with it.

And then there are guys more like me, who love the hobby aspect of 40k! I absolutely love painting, love building up my pretty armies, and maybe I'll throw down for a casual game here or there. But Im truly a collector at heart.

Now, I know that I am probably in the minority in this regard. But ultimately, here's my one gripe....

Supplements get released with increasing frequency, and yet there are no models along with them! Like this most recent Inquisitor supplement... I got so stoked by the beautiful artwork, the imposing cover, even that Eisenhorn entry.

So where are the new Inquisitor models!?! Really? Not even ONE new model for the ancient Daemonhunters range of times past??

Im not trying to whine, I just, you know, would've LOVED to have a shiny new Inquisitor. And since I don't play the game as much, I can't say I'm excited when these new supplements come out anymore.

Am I the only one?


11-07-2013, 02:54 PM
It seems unlikely there is one person on here who wouldn't want more new shiny models buddy :)

I want to believe we will get some in the future but can GW keep up with the crazy pace of new releases it's set itself to get a couple of cheeky Inquisitors in?

I'm just wish listing a Genestealer cult with new Hybrid models and a limo!

11-07-2013, 04:34 PM
It's actually an interesting observation as I've been under the suspicion (and I think GW probably stated this many times themselves) that GW is a miniature company and just has a gamesystem to push miniature sales more.

In a way, this new Inquisitor codex is a way to push more sales as well (since, who is buying inquistor models nowadays?). But on the other hand, as a miniature company, you would expect them to get out new models with every release. This, to me, contradicts them being a miniature company in some way. It's just more of the way to push sales by other means than letting figures speak for themselves (proverbially speaking).

11-08-2013, 05:14 AM
Since the codex is digital only doesn't that mean they can release updates for it at any time? I know the iPad ones automatically correct themselves for new errata and FAQs, I'm not sure if the epub ones do too. If they do then they can slot in a new unit any time they have a completed model ready for release rather than having to save them all up for a single large wave. If it is a 'minor' codex like Inquisition or an expansion like the supplements that could be more cost effective for them.

Arkhan Land
11-08-2013, 12:30 PM
Rumors in the IG thread about multipart stormtroopers (your acolytes) and even the mention of an inquisitorial looking model.
Still having every other unit in the army cost 8 to 12 bucks for a single model abliet in long lasting metal... they better get a move on. Truth be told In my most recent Inquisitorial force I subbed reaper bones spirits/banshees for Daemonhosts and I dont not love them, Kinda cool having plastic semi-translucent minis. Still If GW had affordable units for them ide buy em

11-09-2013, 02:30 PM
Well, if we get some new Inquisition-ish stuff with Guard, I reckon I can't complain as much.

But there is some beautiful artwork in that Inquisition supplement: The models just aren't keeping up.