View Full Version : [Rate] Space Wolves - 1,750 pts

11-07-2013, 04:53 AM
How would you guys rate this list on a scale of 1 to 10.
1 = Non-competitive play, ****s and giggles
10 = Tournament winning, game breaking

Note: Not interested in list editing/suggestions. Just reviews and rating on strengths and weaknesses

1750 Pts - Space Wolves Roster - The Great Wolf

1 Rune Priest in Terminator Armour, 135 pts (Chooser of the Slain; Melta Bombs)

1 Wolf Lord in Terminator Armour, 200 pts (Wolf Tail Talisman; Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer; Warlord; Saga of Majesty)

1 Wolf Lord in Terminator Armour, 200 pts (Wolftooth Necklace; Storm Shield; Thunder Hammer; Saga of the Beastslayer)

1 Wolf Guard Pack, 265 pts
5 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Melta Bombs; Wolf Claw; Wolf Claw)

1 Wolf Guard Pack, 159 pts
3 Wolf Guard in Terminator Armour (Melta Bombs; Power Fist; Wolf Claw)

10 Grey Hunters Pack, 170 pts (Meltagun; Power Axe; Meltagun)

10 Grey Hunters Pack, 170 pts (Meltagun; Power Axe; Meltagun)

10 Grey Hunters Pack, 170 pts (Meltagun; Power Sword; Meltagun)

Heavy Support:
5 Long Fangs Pack, 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

5 Long Fangs Pack, 140 pts (Missile Launcher x5)
1 Squad Leader (Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon)

Total Roster Cost: 1749

11-08-2013, 07:31 AM
I give the list a 3/10. I find that mobility will win games. I am looking at two units of terminators with large HQ'S attached to them, they drop in or walk, and then have no way of going anywhere fast, shooting, or really being anymore then a squad to keep away from. With tau being so good at shooting people who are coming in from reserves and the fact many take two riptides to this job right. I feel you will see no more then one combat per game for each unit if you are lucky. As for your troops, they are walking……. why? they also need mobility to survive and do their jobs with their melta weapons. Now if you are simply just having fun, then none of our opinions will change your list, however, if your going to a tournament then i suggest some changes.

1) you need rhinos or drop pods for troops

2) get rid of one of the lords and squad and add in some more fire power. 3 HQ's at 1750 at the points you are spending, will not work

3) how are you gonna stop flyers?

4) ut wolf banners on each troop squad( they are amazing)