View Full Version : Breaking out of 40k?

11-05-2013, 04:34 PM
No doubt if you're anything like myself I'm always looking to the future and my next project in the hobby even though I've barley started the construction of my current Grey Knights force my eyes are being drawn on where to pay my hobbying way. In the best of intentions I plan on either constructing my own gaming table, scenery and all or maybe trying another platform such as fantasy as Orcs and Goblins have always appealed to me. Yet today against my better judgment I found myself buying the Dark Elder Codex as I've always thought that when I inevitably do start another 40k force It would be these space faring pirates leading the way.

Does anyone else seem to share this problem, is your love of 40k holding you back in ventures into other areas of the hobby? I'm not even talking about diffeenrt gaming systems (cause to be honest skirmish games aint really my style, I like big guns and lot o' dice), I wanted my own gaming board and yet I can see a Dark Elder force on the horizon!

11-05-2013, 05:31 PM
It happens quite frequently. There are other games out there that look interesting, but I never delve into, because the cash to get started in a new game could also be used to build up my guard, grey knights, etc. Not even talking about other games, I am constantly trying to gain momentum on half a dozen 40k projects, filling out my guard regiment, my grey knights, starting a ravenwing, etc. Then I will find myself putting them all on a back burner in my attempts to create an ultimate Apoc table kit. In fact, I have gone months at a time without playing a game because I am spending all of my hobby time working on another building for a city board I have been working on for two years.

11-05-2013, 05:55 PM
Honestly? No.

40k is a great game. I love it dearly, and I always come back to it. But as far as models go? There are more beautiful models out there. Check out Infinity. Rules? There are better games out there from a rules perspective. Try Firestorm Armada. Try WarmaHordes. Try Warhammer Fantasy.

40k always pulls me back, but it's not my favorite game.

11-05-2013, 06:12 PM
I took a deliberate decision some 7-8 years back, not to diversify. The reason being that having gone to the second wargames club in a couple of moves (military) and each one had its own thing, but always 40K in a greater or lesser role. So with a couple of half started bits and bobs, and probably thousands worth of unpainted plastic crack from GW, I said I would weather their storms and build on what I had.

The only things that have me tempted to stray recently are wings of war and then X-Wing - pre-paints, all included so not to bad if I do.

Asymmetrical Xeno
11-05-2013, 06:31 PM
40k and most other games just became boring to me, there are no wargames that have what i am looking for exactly so I am making one myself from scratch.

11-05-2013, 06:45 PM
Hobby butterfly syndrome.

The terrain thing is a problem because models that have a point value and can be used in game are much better to buy than terrain, right?

Either budget appropriately, and make sure you spend some money on terrain as well as the DE, or learn to make terrain.

11-06-2013, 02:13 PM
I have gaming ADHD, though I have recently managed to at least stop adding new systems to my collection. Still have way too many to focus on though (40K, WFB, all the specialist games, Warmachine, Flames of War, Bolt Action, Naval Thunder, Dropzone Commander, Dystopian Wars, Napoleon at War, Waterloo, Force on Force, Magic, board games and some others)...

Sigh... I just need to win the lottery :)

Mr Mystery
11-06-2013, 02:38 PM
I do 40k and Warhammer.

Tried Warmachine near its beginning, but found it not to my tastes.

Outside of tabletop games, I also play Magic The Gathering, various pen and paper roleplay games, and I also LARP.

I've also previously played nearly every GW game.

It's worth saying that by playing a variety of games, you'll find various new tactics. For instance, Warhammer requires a more strategic deployment than 40k, due the stricter movement rules. If you're experienced at Warhammer, this can give you an edge in 40k when replicated. For instance, the refused flank is a good counter to horde armies, as you concentrate your forces whilst diluting the amount of incoming enemies.

11-07-2013, 12:57 AM
For me 40k lets me delve into the background and setting in a way that virtually no other game does. Not saying that other games systems don't have their own compelling settings but the depth and richness of 40k really is unmatched. Another factor for me is that while my interests do fluctuate a LOT, most of them can be encompassed by parallels in the 40k setting. If I'm really into high fantasy stuff then the Astartes and the Eldar feature broadly similar themes. Norse mythology? The Space Wolves. Mecha or cyberpunk anime? Tau. Historical military fiction/documentaries? Guard. Naval combat? Battlefleet Gothic. I'm on a Lovecraft kick? Chaos, Tyranids, Necrons...

I could go on but you get the idea. Wherever my other interests take me at any given time I can find an aspect of the 40k universe that's in tune with it so I always stay interested in the hobby.

As for scenery vs modeling? There I really feel your pain. I have all kinds of great ideas for terrain and I've always harbored ambitions of a detailed game table but somehow I never get to it. I have a small pile of foam, tin cans, PVC tubing, weird fish tank plants, fake moss, etc. all impulse bought from hardwear and craft stores, or just found laying around because in my mind I saw in them great ideas for scenery. Part of my excuse is that I don't really have anywhere to put the terrain I'd like to build (let alone a game table), but the real reason is I always get distracted by one model project or another. I still harbor hopes that someday I will have the room and a group of friends to collaborate with on a really cool game table...

Arkhan Land
11-07-2013, 09:43 AM
My love of 40k is driven by the availability of used miniatures at such a low price, there's just more stuff available at get it out of my house prices, to be able to play warmachines/hordes/historicals, on the same level would require me to be able to find this stuff for that cheap and buy it. The sad truth is not as many people are selling 28mm US Paratroopers on craigslist, but there are tons of people trying to ditch a box of "40k stuff"
aside from the fact that its also one of best conglomeration of the science fiction ideas of others I still want to add that for myself, Chess is still the best tabletop game.