View Full Version : The Emperor's Musketeers 5th Company 1st Tactical Squad, "The Rhinos"

Matt Byron
11-04-2013, 06:10 PM
Here is my recently finished Space Marines squad, as detailed in the Header they are the 1st Tactical Squad of the 5th Company from The Emperor's Musketeers. Affectionately named, "The Rhinos" after a rather fun game I played with them!


11-05-2013, 03:54 AM
looks great but i'd suggest a wash a few layers down

11-05-2013, 08:50 AM
Hey, you've tapped my favourite colour combo of blue/white, so you've got that going for you. Couple things, you might want to switch primers as the results are making your large flat surfaces really grainy. (If you're using already well established primers like GW and Army Painter, will someone please explain to me why he's getting that result?) Next up, do what phil035 said and drop down a wash of blue and black ink on the blue and white respectively, then clean up the results with a couple layer paints.

Finally, and this is interesting actually, if you're going for a comic book effect by highlighting all those edges and recesses black, the you're doing a good job on an interesting effect that I've never seen before. So that's really cool! Only thing I'd say them, is to really get your hand steady when painting in those lines.

If you aren't going for that look, I'd suggest grabbing a few of the layer paints that GW makes and using those to make successive highlights that build upon each other.

Otherwise, they look solid as is, and I wouldn't be upset if I ended up playing against these. Far superior to a grey plastic army. Keep painting!

Matt Byron
11-11-2013, 02:37 PM
Thanks guys! I'll definitely be taking your tips to heart, I'll keep trying as I slowly paint through the whole army. I'm definitely going for the hard black lines, I actually base coat and then wash dark, I paint my surfaces then come in with a black art pen. Then slowly paint in around the really hard black. I haven't been able to get my whites perfect yet though. I'm just fighting to get clean lines, and I'm struggling for shades. On a side note, I didn't really notice the grainy legs and stuff til after, I think I simply spray primed with my army painter from a bit too far away. That causes the paint to partially dry in air and thus throws little dots. I'm starting to file my surfaces smooth on the next batch, hoping that helps.